Once again its time for Friday Show and Tell - a fun day created and designated by Kelli from her blog "There is no place like home". If you have something you would like to share, just click
HERE and you will be taken to Kelli's blog where you can put your name on the Mr. Linky list too!
I have two things I'd like to share with you today. The first is an apron I have. The past few times I've visited all the participants in the Show and Tell I keep running across someone called "The Apron Queen" - I'm posting this for you, specially as you would appreciate this clever little apron.

This is the full length of it. The first one I saw was made by my friend Marie. If you have been a regular visitor to my blog, you will remember Marie, she's the lady with the Alpacas!
The one Marie showed me was given to her and was hanging off a chair in her kitchen. Hers did not have a 'bib' on it, it was just the jeans and frill part. I was gaga over hers. She saw my admiration and she said "I can do THAT!" And she did, for me. In fact I had her commission one for my sister too.

How COOL is this - repurposed Levi's for the kitchen?
I asked Marie if she might make a bib on my apron because I rarely get messy on the actual apron part - but WATCH OUT on the top! I've been known to have doughballs in my hair at times.

The second thing I'd like to share is this beautiful old chair. Its where I hang my apron, handy for when I need it.
My Grandma had a chair just the same as this, only upholstered in a turquoise blue plastic. Us kids all grew up using that chair. It was a treat to climb up on it and enjoy one of her cookies. We always felt taller. I wonder how many generations sat on her chair.

I found this chair at a yard sale about the summer before last. We had not been in our house for long so were still able to buy some small bits of this and that to outfit it. Oh what fun that was - yard saling with a PURPOSE.
My Mother in Law and Father in Law were visiting and they came out with us. The moment I saw this chair I knew I HAD to have it. My Mother in Law bargained for me (she does guerrilla bartering) and I took it home for a mere $5.
Its always a hit with guests, both big and small.

It comes in so handy for getting things out of high cupboards too - or washing the top of the fridge every so often when the dust bunnies and cobwebs lurk!
Then the little stairs fold neatly underneath. I love my little chair.
layout by blog reader Michele
credits: Worship the King Mini Kit by Barb Derksen
This layout was sent to me by Michele who used a mini kit I'd uploaded last year. I think its perfect the way she framed everyone in here. Thank you so much for sharing, Michele!

Layout by blog reader Judycredits: Paper and Snowflake Overlay by Barb Derksen
And this very elegant and festive layout was created by blog reader Judy. Thanks for sharing as well.
I love to feature reader's layouts - so if you have made something using my kits or elements please send me a small jpg or link (with credits) and I'll blog you!
I have been recieving requests to revive some of my older kits, specifically my Christmas Season ones - so stay posted, I'll be feeling merry and generous one day soon.
And is everyone up for a contest? Alicia is having a celebration of her 100th blog post (woo hoo!) and she is putting a hardbound NIV Women's Devotional Bible and a leatherbound journal up for grabs for some random, lucky (or should I say 'blessed') person. To be eligable just post your favorite holiday, Thanksgiving or Christmas memory and then link back to Alicia's blog post and your name will go into the 'hat'. Just click HERE to go to Alicia's!
My fave holiday memory:
My husband and I usually travel to our parents for Christmas, but this one year found us stranded at home, due to the foul winter weather. At first I was so distressed and upset to not share it with our folks, but once we got used to the idea that there was no way we COULD go, we found ourselves with a VERY RARE time with no plans. No obligations. Nothing, just a few days when we could just be alone together.
I recall we even had snow at the time. So we put up a teensy tree and decorated. Usually if we were going away we would not decorate. My mother in law decorates enough for everyone - LOL.
So, we decided to decorate and created our own festive atmosphere. We were able to take part in our Church activities - that was important to us as well. And we lived across from a hill and we had snow and we were able to buy a crazy carpet and a 'saucer' and we went sliding. And somehow our house key got lost. And we had to call a key guy to break into our place.
And we snuggled, and watched movies and spent some very wonderful time together.
Don't get me wrong, I would not trade being with family for anything, but it was rather nice having my husband all to myself - kind of like the BEST Christmas gift of all.
With no further ado, here is the second ornament I promised - unadorned so you can decorate it to your heart's content. PS - I'd love to see what you do!