Monday, November 17, 2008

Yeah, LET IT!


I counted till they danced so
Their slippers leaped the town,
And then I took a pencil
To note the rebels down.
And then they grew so jolly
I did resign the prig,
And ten of my once stately toes
Are marshalled for a jig!

by Emily Dickenson

REALLY - LET IT FLY... I'm SO ready!

Well, I'm not really, for the driving in it part, the winter clothes part. I guess I'm just tired of the rain lately and am thinking anything would be better.

In case you are wondering why I put up TWO versions of the same graphic, its because I'm showing you the ability of a very cool online graphic tool I came across. Its called SumoPaint, and these are two versions of a simple graphic I created in a short time. I'm VERY impressed with SumoPaint as it has many, MANY features - it supports layers, has filters, blending modes, allows you to save to their gallery and share, or download to your computer. You MUST try this out! Just click HERE to be transported.

I'd love to see what YOU create!

I was helping my husband organize paper at the school recently and I found this under the sink. Ewwww - I have never dreamed of looking under the desks and tables. I remember hiding gum under my desk as a kid, but this is an Adult Learning Center. You suppose it still happens? I daren't look. Anyways, this can looks about 50 yrs old or something.

Yummy Parmesan Breadsticks

Yep, she's on about her bread again. LOL.

These are breadsticks I made using the Peasant Bread dough recipe from the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day cookbook (see link in my links list) - but I added italian spices to the dough, flax and I rolled the sticks in parmesan cheese before baking.

I'm going to make a whole bunch of these this week as I'm doing a demo of the bread on Thursday for the schools pot-luck lunch.

Short and sweet blog entry today. I've decided to make a little personal-use 'something' for you to herald my wanting to bring the festive season on! I'm posting the decorated version today - later in the week I will post an un-decorated version which you can fix up with your own embellishments. This element is BIG - probably hangs to a little over 8 inches!

I'd LOVE to see how you use it - and feature your layouts on my blog! Just send me an 800 x 800 jpg and I will post it here!

Do YOU have snow yet?


  1. Beutiful Ornament! We have snow where I live :)

  2. Oh, I love the snow layouts and the ornament. I guess I will have to figure out what to use it.

    Nope, no snow here. We are lucky if we see any during the winter.. We might get a little winter weather, but not much. I would love to see more. But I do not enjoy the cold weather. So, I will settle for hardly any snow.

    Have a great week, my friend!

  3. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Was just taking a break from house cleaning and thought I'd come see what bread you have made this time.hehe..mmmmm ..they look fantastic!! Wish we had smell-a-bloggin.LOL
    Thank you soo much for sharing your festive ornament with me.:)I will have to put my thinking cap on later and figure out how I want to use it.:)
    Your snowflakes look so soon as I can get a minute..I will have to go look at that site.:)Thanks.!
    Gotta get back to work before I decide to quit.LOL


  4. nope, no snow here for me in germany

  5. We rarely get snow here in central Texas - sigh!
    Thank you for the lovely ornament!

  6. Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog

    The ornament is beautiful

  7. Thanks for the cute ornament!

  8. wow love the ornament...can't wait to use it the snowflakes ..might have to check that site out ...yumm the breadsticks ....


  9. LOL ~ I was just out walking with the dogs. 65 degrees and sunny - and I needed a break from the project I am on. I came across some grizzley scat, and was just thinking to myself... it is time for those big ole boys and mamas to go take a winter nap. They are not going to do that if we don't get some cold and real snow... I am with you, "Let It Snow"!

  10. nope no snow here in texas and if it does ever snow i would be so excited ...gorgeous ornament :)

  11. Thanks for the ornament! love it! Your house must smell so good. Fresh bread every day! Yum!!

  12. Hello Barb, am I ready for snow, mmmm! I'd like to say yes lol! If my larder was full to the brim and I did not need my car for work, then I would say yes! there is nothing more beautiful than crisp untrodden snow glistening over our beautiful dales and being out with my dog and the camera!
    What a beautiful ornament you have given us, thankyou xx

  13. Beautiful ornament, thank you.
    No snow here, but we had enough all the years we lived up north. Now we just enjoy that beauty in pictures.


  14. Thanks for the beautiful ornament! As for snow. Our grandson asked if we have seen Santa yet. We live in Canada and he thinks we are Santa's neighbor . . .I guess we are in a way. Snow is the name of the game here but not at the moment.

  15. thank you for sharing the new graphic tool, looks FUN!! oh and your bread looks YUM YUM YUMMY!! i still havent tried making some yet but it looks soo good i may have to for the holidays that are coming up! thank you, too, for the BEAUTIFUL ornament!! LOVE your designs! :D have a WONDERFUL day! :D

  16. This is very pretty! It snowed here yesterday!

  17. by the way, love the ornament!

    I sent an email, you might want to check it out. LOL


  18. We are supposed to have snow tomorrow. We shall see...

  19. This is beautiful! Thank you so much!


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