A pair of Squash Birds, Keremeos BC
My friend Janice sent me the following information, which I think is GOOD to know!
Using Credit/Debit cards at the pump
Using Credit/Debit cards at the pump
In BC, we are now required to prepay gas..so if you are using your plastic, please pay attention to this following story:
She used her credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump (like most of us do). She received her receipt like normal. However, when she checked her statement, there were 2x $50 charges added in addition to her purchase. Upon investigation, she found out that because she did not press the 'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use her card to purchase his/her own gas!
To keep this from happening, after you get your receipt, you must press the 'CLEAR' button or your information will be stored until the next customer inserts their card. Be sure to tell all your friends/family so that this doesn't happen to them!
I had never noticed the clear button but I got gas the other day and sure enough it is there. I will be using it from now on....)
I just received an email from Valinda, who, bless her heart, was sensitive to want to email me this info rather than comment it {I love my readers to keep me accountable!} The previous story is an urban myth. This is not to say that the subject matter is not worthy of us paying more attention to any matters of credit/debit cards and our bank accounts {if we have any left with the economy melting down} Valinda checked the story on snopes - a GOOD place to verify these stories we recieve in our email inboxes from well intentioned freinds. This story is covered in detail at snopes and you can read it for yourself by clicking HERE
Thanks Valinda! Valinda still has a pretty, vintage doll 8 x 8 inch quickpage for grabs on her blog - just click HERE
She used her credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump (like most of us do). She received her receipt like normal. However, when she checked her statement, there were 2x $50 charges added in addition to her purchase. Upon investigation, she found out that because she did not press the 'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use her card to purchase his/her own gas!
To keep this from happening, after you get your receipt, you must press the 'CLEAR' button or your information will be stored until the next customer inserts their card. Be sure to tell all your friends/family so that this doesn't happen to them!
I had never noticed the clear button but I got gas the other day and sure enough it is there. I will be using it from now on....)
I just received an email from Valinda, who, bless her heart, was sensitive to want to email me this info rather than comment it {I love my readers to keep me accountable!} The previous story is an urban myth. This is not to say that the subject matter is not worthy of us paying more attention to any matters of credit/debit cards and our bank accounts {if we have any left with the economy melting down} Valinda checked the story on snopes - a GOOD place to verify these stories we recieve in our email inboxes from well intentioned freinds. This story is covered in detail at snopes and you can read it for yourself by clicking HERE
Thanks Valinda! Valinda still has a pretty, vintage doll 8 x 8 inch quickpage for grabs on her blog - just click HERE
There’s a definite nip in the air nowadays. If one forgets to put dress properly, nature reminds you in a hurry as soon as you’re a step out of the door. The vineyards across the lake are morphing from brilliant green to a soft gold. Different sections leach green from the leaves creating a green and gold mosaic, which looks so picturesque, reflected in the glassy lake surface.
The birdscape has changed considerably too. Hardier breeds are dominating the landscape – time to consider re-establishing the birdfeeder for the quail.
The sky has a special blueness in fall – you notice too? Perhaps the cold does something to the air quality, or it could simply be more people being indoors and not a lot of orchard burning and campfires being lit.
The birdscape has changed considerably too. Hardier breeds are dominating the landscape – time to consider re-establishing the birdfeeder for the quail.
The sky has a special blueness in fall – you notice too? Perhaps the cold does something to the air quality, or it could simply be more people being indoors and not a lot of orchard burning and campfires being lit.
What happens to Canadian Turkeys after Thanksgiving.
And so I feel the tug to cozy up indoors too and pursue craft and art projects, redecorating, organizing of the house, baking etc. I’ve also been cleaning up and organizing my computer data – seeing how KimB and Linda have had recent losses {so sorry Gals!} The next few days are all about backing up – both to cd and ehd.

(click to view bigger)
Carrie Stephens - Spontaneous Delight Kit
Amy W's - Barb Birthday Cupcake (yay!)
Maggie and Bill {brother and sister in law} recently sent these sweet pictures of their granddaughter Sienna and Bill baking it up in the kitchen, so Judy (Sister in Law too) and I decided to turn some of these snaps into layouts for them. Hope you like them! (ohhhh Sienna, did you save ME one? And did Papa do the dishes, or not?)
Don't forget to check out Judy's take on this fun time by visiting her blog - just click HERE.
Don't forget to check out Judy's take on this fun time by visiting her blog - just click HERE.
In the way of my pondering brain and spirit, I was ruminating over the past days on the thought that our lives are so ironic! We are born – babes, unable to do the simplest of tasks for ourselves. Our very life depends on someone taking care of us. We own nothing.
Depending on someone is simply our way of existing, it comes so naturally. We don’t think twice about being ‘beholden’ to others, its accepted we NEED one another.
As we begin to grow up, we spend a great deal of time becoming independent and self sufficient. By the time we hit adulthood we pride ourselves on being self-governing, though by choice we hopefully invite God to be truly in control. But at some level, there’s this thing we call pride which can turn into something else.
We gather STUFF to ourselves, even our homes, money, toys etc – giving our families comfort... but if we are not careful, at some point all this stuff begins to own us a bit.
And then, comes a day when our bodies and mind start to fail and we have to start depending on others and considering that all that STUFF now will belong to someone else. So, if we’ve not made a choice to still depend on others – work side by side, connect, share – willingly, its going to be a big shocker when it happens without a conscious choice on our part. We can’t pretend things will remain the same forever.
I struggle a bit with the STUFF thing. I’ve discovered there are some things I’m not willing to share. Its sort of surprised me how passionately this wells up in me. These things are along the lines of my computer and my camera. Both items are high quality. We saved up long and hard to buy them, and we decided to get the best as this is where we spend the majority of our time. I’ve tried to imagine feeling free to lend these items out, trying to examine my motives from every perspective. I DO like these THINGS very much, but I honestly think its more than this. I know if I leant these items out, if the borrowers damaged them, neither they nor I could replace them in most cases. But its even deeper than this, IF something happened either they or me would feel so awkward about it.
We have a dear friend who has lent money out to various friends over the years. She worked VERY hard for every cent, but she is so generous. She’s been burned so many times its amazing. From friends. But, the thing that really hurts her, and this is the thing that I worry about, is that of the people who are unable to pay her back, or choose not to, they then AVOID her – so she says she loses TWICE, once with the money, but worst of all, she loses their friendship because they avoid her, because they feel uncomfortable, guilty.
Honestly, I struggle when I say NO to a friend. Even when I have great reasons, I still get a lump, a funny feeling. I never want to love my STUFF more than my friends. I hope I always discern properly when to make an exception. I hope my STUFF never owns me.
And I hope that I learn to share and lean on others now, so that in the future it won’t come as a shock to have to let go and have others look after my aging and frail body. ( a few years from now – LOL!) I hope I’ve chosen well to share my STUFF with others, after I’m gone. I think that if we don’t learn to depend on others, then when we HAVE to be looked after then thats when we get bitter old people who resent those who look after them.
I’d love to know your thoughts about this!
Upon seeking scripture I think the following chapter of Ecclesiastes is dead on:
Depending on someone is simply our way of existing, it comes so naturally. We don’t think twice about being ‘beholden’ to others, its accepted we NEED one another.
As we begin to grow up, we spend a great deal of time becoming independent and self sufficient. By the time we hit adulthood we pride ourselves on being self-governing, though by choice we hopefully invite God to be truly in control. But at some level, there’s this thing we call pride which can turn into something else.
We gather STUFF to ourselves, even our homes, money, toys etc – giving our families comfort... but if we are not careful, at some point all this stuff begins to own us a bit.
And then, comes a day when our bodies and mind start to fail and we have to start depending on others and considering that all that STUFF now will belong to someone else. So, if we’ve not made a choice to still depend on others – work side by side, connect, share – willingly, its going to be a big shocker when it happens without a conscious choice on our part. We can’t pretend things will remain the same forever.
I struggle a bit with the STUFF thing. I’ve discovered there are some things I’m not willing to share. Its sort of surprised me how passionately this wells up in me. These things are along the lines of my computer and my camera. Both items are high quality. We saved up long and hard to buy them, and we decided to get the best as this is where we spend the majority of our time. I’ve tried to imagine feeling free to lend these items out, trying to examine my motives from every perspective. I DO like these THINGS very much, but I honestly think its more than this. I know if I leant these items out, if the borrowers damaged them, neither they nor I could replace them in most cases. But its even deeper than this, IF something happened either they or me would feel so awkward about it.
We have a dear friend who has lent money out to various friends over the years. She worked VERY hard for every cent, but she is so generous. She’s been burned so many times its amazing. From friends. But, the thing that really hurts her, and this is the thing that I worry about, is that of the people who are unable to pay her back, or choose not to, they then AVOID her – so she says she loses TWICE, once with the money, but worst of all, she loses their friendship because they avoid her, because they feel uncomfortable, guilty.
Honestly, I struggle when I say NO to a friend. Even when I have great reasons, I still get a lump, a funny feeling. I never want to love my STUFF more than my friends. I hope I always discern properly when to make an exception. I hope my STUFF never owns me.
And I hope that I learn to share and lean on others now, so that in the future it won’t come as a shock to have to let go and have others look after my aging and frail body. ( a few years from now – LOL!) I hope I’ve chosen well to share my STUFF with others, after I’m gone. I think that if we don’t learn to depend on others, then when we HAVE to be looked after then thats when we get bitter old people who resent those who look after them.
I’d love to know your thoughts about this!
Upon seeking scripture I think the following chapter of Ecclesiastes is dead on:
Riches Are Meaningless
8 If you see the poor oppressed in a district,
and justice and rights denied,
do not be surprised at such things;
for one official is eyed by a higher one,
and over them both are others higher still.
9 The increase from the land is taken by all;
the king himself profits from the fields.
10 Whoever loves money never has money enough;
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.
This too is meaningless.
11 As goods increase,
so do those who consume them.
And what benefit are they to the owner
except to feast his eyes on them?
12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet,
whether he eats little or much,
but the abundance of a rich man
permits him no sleep.
13 I have seen a grievous evil under the sun:
wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner,
14 or wealth lost through some misfortune,
so that when he has a son
there is nothing left for him.
15 Naked a man comes from his mother's womb,
and as he comes, so he departs.
He takes nothing from his labor
that he can carry in his hand.
16 This too is a grievous evil:
As a man comes, so he departs,
and what does he gain,
since he toils for the wind?
17 All his days he eats in darkness,
with great frustration, affliction and anger.
18 Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink,
and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun
during the few days of life God has given him—for this is his lot.
19 Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions,
and enables him to enjoy them,
to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.
20 He seldom reflects on the days of his life,
because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.
and justice and rights denied,
do not be surprised at such things;
for one official is eyed by a higher one,
and over them both are others higher still.
9 The increase from the land is taken by all;
the king himself profits from the fields.
10 Whoever loves money never has money enough;
whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income.
This too is meaningless.
11 As goods increase,
so do those who consume them.
And what benefit are they to the owner
except to feast his eyes on them?
12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet,
whether he eats little or much,
but the abundance of a rich man
permits him no sleep.
13 I have seen a grievous evil under the sun:
wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner,
14 or wealth lost through some misfortune,
so that when he has a son
there is nothing left for him.
15 Naked a man comes from his mother's womb,
and as he comes, so he departs.
He takes nothing from his labor
that he can carry in his hand.
16 This too is a grievous evil:
As a man comes, so he departs,
and what does he gain,
since he toils for the wind?
17 All his days he eats in darkness,
with great frustration, affliction and anger.
18 Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink,
and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun
during the few days of life God has given him—for this is his lot.
19 Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions,
and enables him to enjoy them,
to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.
20 He seldom reflects on the days of his life,
because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.
Last, but not least - Happy Birthday to Bunny! I always have a chuckle at Bunny’s blog, she has such a gift for journaling as if we were all right along with her buying her scrapping goodies and making cards. I've followed KimB's example and cooked up a giveaway to celebrate, but don’t comment ME, please, go leave some good wishes for Bunny by clicking HERE
wow Barb ..I love the White Squash Birds ...they are so cute and do look like birds ...awesome layout girl. It is true we can sometimes put more value in things then those around us ..like family or friends ...love the verses you found in the Bible. Yes looks like Bill(papa) and Sienna had fun..hope they saved us all one ...love ya sis
Fantastic post, I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteGood morning my friend, and boy you sure want me to fill up this box again HUH??- lol
ReplyDeleteI find it HARD to say NO to friends- or anyone for that matter- I always have- but I've learnt as I have got older that saying NO sometimes is better for the relationship as well as my saving my *time* for those that are dear to me. WE have friends who would always ask to lend my camara ( now don't get me wrong here)- they could afford to BUY 6 of them- yet still *bummed* off friends. I found that eventually hard to swallow as my stuff would come back scratched or dirty ( and well not loved like I would *love it*-KWIM?)
I eventually started saying NO ( by excuse of course- lol) and they went out and bought their own- but why not do that in the beginning??
But being a FRIEND, you should know that asking for certain things is a no no anyway- I would never DREAM of asking one of my friends to borrow their prized possessions- goodness it just doesn't seem RIGHT! And as a GOOD friend I would KNOW that ;-)
Ok, you got me started again- so finishing off NOW- hahahahaha
Thanks for the thought provoking coffee this morning-
Luvs ya and hope you are enjoying YOUR time GF!
Wow - that's one long blog post!!! Thanks for the reminder to back up my files!!! I'm so bad about that! I enjoyed browsing through your blog!!! TFS!!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about lending and people owing and avoiding. It's a harsh truth and one that I am familiar with as I have been a lender and a lendee.
ReplyDeleteMy mom gave me some useful advice awhile ago on this subject. She told me to never give away something and expect it back. Not saying I should give everything away but to make sure that if I lend it that it is something I am willing to have lost, broken or forgotten about. If you give away money that you need and your friend has trouble returning it, shame on both since you should not give money you need (not WANT but need ) and you should not expect someone who is borrowing to be able to repay quickly.
It also gives a great sense of peace when you lend something wholeheartedly and don't worry about it. :)
Barb, Thank you so much for "Bunny's" flower & Ribbons. They are so cute! Also, thanks for writing about the credit card for gas. That's a wonderful tip that I shall remember! And finally, thank you for the words about "stuff" in our lives. We've recently been "de-cluttering". It's not always easy to get rid of that "stuff"; but it's so freeing.
ReplyDeleteI think your blog is an inspiration. I always enjoy the mix of info you bring into my life.
Hi Barb,
ReplyDeleteVery thought provoking this morning, aren't we? :o)
You raised a issue that has most likely touched everyone, one way or the other. There was an incident 3 years ago that still bothers me. My sister in law, who I dearly love, wanted to use my camera. We were at a family reunion in North Carolina. We were taking the kids parasailing. My brother had purchased my ticket, to be on the boat as photographer. My other brother (her husband), was to go on a different boat with their daughter. Unfortunately, she was not able to be on the second boat with them, unless I gave up my seat... there was a way they could rearrange some people, and she would be able to go. I told her I could not let her use my cmaera unless she could afford to replace it. I felt SO selfish as the words were leaving my mouth, and I still feel like I should have just given it to her. I guess the part that really tears at me is that I took some wondrous photos that would not exist had I given in. Now is that ego, or what, because she missed a precious moment that she will never get back.
We were just recently offered an addition to our homeowners insurance. We can select certain items, ie computer, camera etc. For $1 per $100 in value (per year) we can have select items that don't need a deductible to be replaced - and don't need an "accident" to be replaced. I loan my camera to a friend. She loses it... they replace it. I can't find it? They replace it. Sounds a little to easy to me...There has to be a catch.
Thank you for the tip, and the lovely photo... and the ribbons.
Heading over to Bunny's place now LOL. Have a great day!
Good morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteYour squash birds are so cute.They do look so real..don't they?:)
Your soup looks delicious.I love the cooler months..not cold..but cooler.:)Soup..chili..stews..etc.mmmm
I can use my oven to bake again with crispy results.(instead of the microwave)hehe.:)I have a small toaster oven I use during the summer months.It doesn't heat the whole house up...but difficult to bake for four adults with.:)
Speaking of organizing...the house..I need to get back to that again.I got stopped when Jim's back went out and haven't started back up again.As for the files in my puter..I have them backed up on CD's but need to put them in my EHD.I still have some from last year and this year that need to be opened and transferred to the EHD.Not my favorite thing to do..so time consuming...and I don't have enough time as it is.:( Wonder how much you would charge to do it for me???) LOL
I love your layout of Sienna and Papa Baking. So fun!:)
I know your struggle with lending your expensive and really hard worked for stuff.Especially if they can afford to purchase one of their own.We save money up to purchase our stuff cause we don't want to use the credit card.It takes a long time to save up enough for computer parts and cameras.You don't want to see someone mistreat it.Jim had a laptop he kept in the living room and someone just layed it down and it got messed up cause the recliner squashed it.Bummers.!It wasn't theirs..so they didn't take great care with it.KWIM?Insurance won't cover that either.LOL If you have someone who forgets to return things..it is even harder to be open to the borrowing idea.You can do like Jim did one time when someone kept borrowing money repeatedly and never returning it like they said they would.He told them he will lend it to them this time ..but if they don't return it..don't ever ask again.They never returned it and haven't asked again.:)This person acted like they were insulted..but they got a job and are working really hard to meet their own needs.:)YAY! Some people just need a push in the right direction.:)Saying no is really hard for us..but sometimes even God says no when he knows it is for our own good.:)
Well..I have kept you and me busy long enough today.LOL I still have to make my bed and it's noon!!!!!!!!!!! Wow..where has this morning gone?LOL
First off, I love the squash ... they made great birds!
ReplyDeleteMy Dad gave us Lilian's Mom's advice ... if you lend, things or money, be prepared to never get it back. He too told us to never lend money or things to friends ... because it will almost inevitably lead to a break in the friendship. I know the people that I will lend to ... that will treat the thing as I would ... but even then ...
I could give many personal examples. It's too bad that it should be so!
But holding "things" loosely is also important. I remember a friend's Mom having a conniption because a bowl got broken. It was only a bowl for Pete sake but you'd have thought the world came to an end! I thought then, no "thing" is worth such a kerfuffle. What does a "thing" matter in the light of eternity? Something to keep in mind when there is a loss.
What a great post today Barb!
ReplyDeleteLove the birds, love the soup, HATE loans, and really LOVE the birthday download!
You are one awesome lady, I sure hope you dont forget that. Its funny how the internet allows you to
"touch" people you normally would never come in to contact with!
{hugs girlie!}
Pretty flowers. Thanks for the visit. I'm not on much except homework as hubby is tinkering with the desktop. (Yes, I have a laptop now but the internet connection is still at the same desk. Sigh.)Okay off to put Emma to bed.