Thursday, October 23, 2008

My friend JanMary has invited and encouraged me several times to join in the Friday Show and Tell and I've always hesitated. Till today. It looks like fun so here is my little addition. Thanks for inviting my JM! (don't forget to check out JM's VERY interesting family history show and tell on her blog by clicking HERE.) If you would like to join in the fun of Show and Tell Fridays, just click HERE sign up at Kelli's blog!

I'm going to share about dolls. These are not ordinary dolls. I know of no store you could ever purchase one of these for they were all handmade by my Grandmother. She and her sister, my Aunt Margret (who was also my Godmother) made these dolls for many years. I really don't know where they came up with the idea for them, or got the pattern from.

credit: Judy Forsyth
(my sister in law - you can visit her blog HERE)

Grandma made two types of dolls. The first ones were these adorable clown dolls. They came in two different sizes. They had vinylette shoes with elastic sewn in so children could slip their feet in them and 'dance' with the doll. The hands had little 'mittens' as well, with a tab of velcro on each, so that the doll could 'hug' or hang on for the dance! I had many happy dances with these dolls!

I think in their lifetime Gramma and Aunt Margaret made several thousand of these dolls, all the money going to charity.

Red Riding Hood Doll

This is MY doll. I had a clown one once upon a time, but lost it somewhere along the way. I love the Red Riding Hood though. Grandma didn't branch off making these till later on. I suppose that after a thousand or so dolls she may have wanted a change.

Turn Riding Hood UPsideDOWN and ...

The sales of these dolls were completely by 'word of mouth' only. Someone would tell someone and then Grandma would recieve a letter and cheque in the mail. The dolls went all over the world, eventually. I remember one time there was one ordered from Japan!

There's GRANDMA!

There were always several bodies in various stages of being completed sitting on her couch when we would come to visit. She always took care to cover them up with a blanket if their bodies did not have 'clothes' yet. Too funny! She would chuckle and ask how we would like it if someone came to visit and WE had no clothes on...

Notice the little wire frame glasses too! The clown dolls all got a touch of real 'blush' on their cheeks too.


I washed wolfie and some of his felt teeth fell off - I must take him to the 'dentist' one day soon.

I shopped with Gramma a lot when she would buy yards of material. I can still see her sitting and trying to decide which color/pattern of material for each doll. There was a tremendous amount of work in each doll too - I'm sure each one took several weeks.

She made black, white and ... well pinkish or tan colored dolls too, something for everyone.

Memories of Grandma

Gramma passed on December 4, 2005. I miss her more than ever. I'm so glad I have one of her dolls as a sweet memory.

Thanks for allowing me to share with you!


I also want to share a ministry I've become involved in. My friend Amalia came to Canada many years ago from Argentina. We became neighbors to her about 10 years ago and became fast friends.

Each year Amalia and her husband travel back to Argentina to visit family. They come from a small villiage in an impovrished area about 16 hours out of Buenes Aires. Each time they travel back they help the people there. They give food, clothing and help. They take people to get medical aid. They help build. They personally see that every penny, every item gets DIRECTLY to the children and families in need. They also have a heart for these people to know Jesus as their Savior - so this is a faith based ministry as well.

They also gather and send many, many items from home here. I've donated some things in the past, but this year I was able to come help package items up, VERY inspiring. I've assembled a slideshow of the process.

From Movies

You will have to hit your BACK button after watching the movie to return here.

If you would be interested in helping this ministry you can contact me for more information.

It was amazing, but after I decided to post about this ministry, for this area, I was thinking of putting some information together about the region - what the culture is like, the plants etc, and lo and behold, I came across a blog that can give you a good overview of what its like. BETTY is a transplanted Canadian who is in ministry in Paraguay - thats the state next to Argentina and its very similar. Betty would love for you to visit and she's invested a good amount of time into putting together a terrific presentation.

It sounds like you are making a difference where you are, Betty - and I will be lifting you and your family in prayer!

You can visit Betty and see her presentation by clicking HERE.

Thanks for stopping by today - I'll be back next Friday, if not before!

If you are looking for some DELICIOUS downloads (free of course - but leave some love) both KimB (click HERE) and LouCee (click HERE) have some lovely things to play with!


  1. Your grandmother sounds like a very special woman indeed. Your doll collection is just lovely.

  2. What a wonderful tribute to gramma, her dolls are amazing and precious treasures.I miss gramma as well, thank you for sharing your wonderful memories. Love the layout as always you did an amazing job.

  3. The dolls your gramma made look amazing. At least you have them to remember her by.
    Thank you so much for the shout out today. I welcome any visitors to my blog, but I want to "correct" something. We are not in ministry. We are Christians living in a country that is like 98% catholic, and we try to spread our "light" through our daily life, but we are just ordinary people, going to ordinary jobs....
    But you are welcome to take a look!

  4. What a lovely doll collection, I was sitting here imagining fantastic night time stories a little child could get with these, 'little red riding hood' would certainly come to life!
    Your Layout of your Grandma, is lovely too, a special tribute to a special lady I'm sure.

  5. Your grandma will be proud of you.

  6. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    I LOVE your dolls.How sweet!I especially love the one that you turn upside down.How clever is that?:)I can also just see you dancing around with that beautiful doll hugging your leg.:)
    What a wonderful idea to have a Friday Share day.So many wonderful things to show and tell us. Thank you so much for sharing.:)
    Your Grandma sounds soo sweet and a lot of fun.:)I bet you never lacked a doll in your life.:)Your dolls will always be loved and cherished ..I am sure.:)


  7. Welcome to Show and Tell :) I always think all your blog posts are Show and Tell!

    Wonderful collection, and how fantastic to have so many, made my your granny and godmother.

  8. What wonderful dolls!!! I love things like that from family :)

  9. The dolls are so cute...and grandma was sooooo special!!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for visiting me, too!!


  10. Hey Chickie-Poo...

    I followed suit and did the S&TF. Thanks for sharing it w/ us!~G

  11. That is a really neat story. How times do change. Thank you also for sharing the information about the charity.

    Visiting from the DST blog train!

  12. I enjoyed reading about your grandmother and aunt. The pretty dolls they made are impressive. I can see why yours still means so much to you.

  13. I love these dolls- the upside-down Red Riding Hood is so clever and cute!
    Thanks for sharing-- and welcome to show and tell!:)
    ~Linda C

  14. p.s. I mostly just dust the brass occasionally. Every once in a blue moon I take the polish cloth to a piece. It all looks pretty good without too much trouble. Thanks for asking. Love, Faith

  15. I totally enjoyed this post. The dolls are all just darling. I can imagine how much you enjoyed visiting your grandmother and seeing the dolls in various stages of being made. My aunt made me a lifesize rag doll when I was about 10 years old. I wish I still had it. The missionary info was interesting too. You might want to consider sharing it with Peggy on Mission 4 Mondays. Here's the link if you're interested.

  16. I'm glad you joined Show and Tell. Wow! Those dolls are adorable. What wonderful treasures they are.

  17. Those dolls are so cute and I can only begin to imagine how special your grandmother must have been. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

  18. Oh, those dollies are such cuties, and so special since your grandma made them! Wonderful memories!

    My mother used to make sock dolls, she made some clowns, and monkeys, etc.

    Do you have her pattern? I'm thinking it could be dressed as a scarecrow too!

    I'm going to look for your email so I can answer the question about the comments box. If I can't find it, please send me an email at

    Yellow Rose Arbor

  19. I just sent you an email about the comments section. Let me know when you receive it.


  20. How clever is that one that you can turn upside down!!! They're all very cute!


  21. Nice tribute post to your grandmother. What adorable faces those dolls have and I really love the 2 dolls in one!

  22. What lovely dolls - I enjoyed reading your story about them.

    Thanks for sharing.

  23. Hi Barb, Your grandma was a special person who made lovely dolls and memories...I had a doll that was two in one when I was a child...I wish that I had kept it.I don't remember what it looked like or what happened to it..thanks for sharing. Baba

  24. I love your dolls. My grandmother used to make dolls - a different type - I might post some photos of that soon. I did have a doll, similar to your clown, that an aunt made for me when I was little. Your photos have brought back several good memories for me. Thanks :) and thanks for your comments on my post (the shadow of the cross).

  25. What happy-looking dolls! Your grandma was very talented. I especially liked the two-in-one dolls. How creative! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Your grandma was a genius ! these dolls are sooo special and have character, it's not one stupid doll, I think she could have made a fortune if the dolls would have been commercialized !!

  27. Those dolls are wonderful! What a special and touching tribute to your Grandma.

  28. I love those dolls. When my children were little there was an old lady that made raggedy ann dolls and I still have two of those. What lovely memories of your grandmother you have.

  29. Your grandma is a gem. She has a wonderful talent that many of us homemakers of today wold love to learn from her.

    I remember being told stories as a little girl while the narrator transformed the dolls from character to character.

    I would watch in amazement. It would be a blessing to obtain one of these dolls as a family heirloom. What a treasure you have.

    Also, I want to thank you for visiting my daughters blog

    I too could never remember verses as well as she can. The ones that I do know have become a part of me through life experiences. She truly has a gift of hiding God's word in her mind. As a mother I just hope that by participating in Bible quiz competitions, that God is planting His word in her heart forever.

    May God Bless You.

    BTW, my blog is

  30. How sweet of your Grandma to make dolls for charity...I know how much you must miss her...It's so good you have the memories...


  31. I use to play with a doll similar to that one. What a treasure you have with the dolls. Thank you for sharing.

  32. What a great story and what a perfect thing to remember your grandmother by.

  33. good job Barb..yes grandma dolls ..I am so glad the girls still had them after all these years ...I also treasure my Little Red hiding Hood I give to the one of our Pastor's at Bible Truth ...Pastor Sue loved the doll ...thanks for sharing and spreading love and helping your friends from Argentina ...God Bless You

  34. Welcome to Show & Tell - your dolls are adorable and your pictorial tribute to your grandmother is beautiful.

  35. How nicee that you have this lovely doll made by your grandmother...I enjoyed your story about her making so many dolls for charity.

  36. Thanks for sharing your memories and dolls! I remember seeing a doll like this when I was a little girl.

  37. OOOH- Barb those dolls are AMAZING!
    WOW- the detail and work - that's really a labour of love-GORGEOUS!
    I never had any like that and was more a tom boy as a kid-lol.
    Thanks for sharing your Grand mother LO with us too.

    Just popped in to do a catch up read- off to eat lunch with the family- YAY.

  38. I used to love those types of reversible dolls when I was young. I think it's the kind of thing they might have here in Germany.

    The connection to your grandma makes yours especially wonderful. You've been so blessed! What a beautiful post--I'm glad you participated in the show and tell.

  39. Welcome to show and tell Friday! The dolls your grandmother made are beautiful and what lovely treasures!

  40. The dolls are so sweet. I so enjoyed reading about your godmother and grandmother.

  41. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Just stopped in again to let you know..what I have been doing.:)Come see my blog when you can ..I tell about it on today's post.:)



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