(actual childhood photo - googly eyes added)
googly eyes - scrappin cop
frame and ribbon - LLW (Linda) Fall Splendor
screw - barb derksen - heart music

barb derksen - heart music kit
(created with a TON of KimB's CU products)

Barb Derksen - Heart Music
You are one of the exceptional examples of chivalry in this age – you're not a chauvenist. You take the lead in our marriage, but you also do it in a serving way.
You open doors.
You pull out chairs.
When we ran road races you always stayed back with me – never mind the timing!
You always give me the 'best' of a meal, insisting I take that little bit of tenderloin.
You took me faithfully to see my Grandma before she passed away.
You encourage me to visit with family.
You buy me cream puffs from the place I like them – the one with the 'real' whip cream
You make emergency Cheezie runs on a Friday night before a movie.
You'll cave to a chick-flick instead of the sci-fi you've been wanting to see.
You take out the trash.
You take care of Sabastian (our van) – keeping her fueled and ready and clean should I need a thrift store run.
You make sure I have cash for the thrift store.
You go to the thrift store with me.
You go yard saling with me on the weekend, even if you have a busy schedule.
You go for a walk with me daily, even if you've been to the gym in the morning and are dog-tired.
You let me chatter on and on and ...
You honour our parents.
You enable me to shop at Claire's – my little addiction.
You teach me computer skills – even after a 12 hour day teaching students.
You use photos of me in your Photography classes.
You bring me up in conversation if an attractive female seems over-friendly at school or elsewhere.
You TELL me if an attractive female finds seems over-friendly.
You invite me to spend time at the school.
You phone and check with me even when there's a meeting you 'have' to attend.
You've never spent a night away from me – NOT ONE.
You bring me coffee in bed – every day.
You shave for ME every day. You ask me if I'd like you to!
You take out the compost regularly.
You cook for me.
You bring me flowers.
You don't swear – you find creative ways to express your frustration.
You're faithful, obedient and encourage me in our Faith.
You take time out of each day to connect with me.
You like me to read to you.
You buy me all the latest 'toys' – when I would go with something simple.
You teach me how to use these toys.
You encourage me in my art.
You warm the van for me on cold days.
You rub my feet when they are cold.
You do 90% of the grocery shopping for me.
You paint my toenails.
You always unlock my door of the van and adjust the cover.
You encourage me to sing – even though I don't have a very great voice.
You believed in my artistic talent and skills before I did.
You phone me on EVERY school break – just to say “I love you”
You let me use your good razor blades for my legs, even though it kills your face if you don't have a new one left.
You drive everywhere for us, unless I want to. Even on holidays when we go thousands of miles.
I get up this morning, all bedraggled and dreading the thought of canning the 55 lb of tomatoes waiting for me in the kitchen. Mr. Miles comes bouncing in to my bedroom, with a fresh, hot, steaming cup of coffee, all shiny clean and dressed ready for school and he asks me if I 'have two minutes' I snuggle up in his arms and he says - "I just want you to know that I went down this morning to get a jar of peaches from the pantry, and when I looked at all the jars of fruit and produce you've put up I was proud. I just want you to know, you're the BEST wife."
*lump in my throat*
Canning was not a problem.
That's my man.
Miles, I love you more than words can say! I thank God that you are the ONE He chose for me!

Barb Derksen's HEART MUSIC - a Happy Birthday kit for Mr. Miles!
(a LOT of this kit was made using KimB's CU products -
which are on SALE BIG TIME, right now - go get!)

Mrs Miles... what a lovely tribute to your man.
ReplyDeleteWe are very blessed ladies aren't we.
I agree tho... why do those guys get so handsome as they get older.. and woman struggle to keep looking good.. do you think it has anything to do with that Eve woman!
I love the layouts you did and thank you so much for the freebie.
Miles... Happy Happy Birthday to you young man!
Good Morning Barb!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister's BDay is tomorrow!!!! LOL
I was born on Oct 1st & her on Oct31st years later!!!!
TY so very much for this MAGNIFICENT kit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This kit is beautiful. Thanks ever so much :-D
ReplyDeleteA very Happy Birthday to Mr. Miles. What a wonderful DH he is. Wish more would take after him.
ReplyDeleteThanks also for the great kit - love kits with music in them
Happy Birthday to Mr Miles.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful list - he's a keeper!
Enjoy the birthday celebrations.
Wow! I'm the first to comment! Barb please tell Miles HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me and wish him the best.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I know you and so richly blessed to have a personal connection with your life. You and Miles are my inspiration, proof that a marriage can work despite how life gets in the way!
I miss you and think of you often!
You are truly a blessed woman - as Mr Miles is truly a blessed man. What a wonderful tribute. And... what a wonderful gift for all of us. As I read, I was only a little envious... No, I was grateful, as I read many of the same qualities that Mr E has. A good marriage is a blessing, as is a good friend.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day Mrs Miles
and a hap hap happy birthday Mr Miles!
giant hugs!
Good Morning Barb!:)
ReplyDeleteYou snuck this one in on me..I could have sworn..well..if I swore..hehe..that you said TODAY was gonna be the day you had a surprise for us.LOL Robby and family came to spend the evening with me last night ..so I didn't get by here then.Bummers! If I had only known.:(
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILES!! I hope you have a fantastic one and get all the pressies you wanted! Especially the canned tomatoes!!LOL
I think Barb is slightly in love with you.LOL You paint her toenails???hehe Just kidding.I think that is soo sweet! She's smart..she isn't gonna let you go!:)My hubby is a lot like you..I wouldn't trade him for anything!!:)
Barb..thank you sooo much for the gorgeous kit!! I LOVE the layouts you did.How cool!!
Great big hugs to both of you!Have fun and enjoy your day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILES! I hope you have a fantastic day with your darling wife, who has my eye's all glistning now ( and NO Barb it's not from the dentist's injections-LOL) - because if I had to do the same list for my man ( besides the canning and being on my own a few nights-that is)- the list would be the same!
ReplyDeleteI know how much she adores you and from the few posts you have put up - just how much you adore her. And it gives me such a WARM FUZZY feeling to know that there are others that have such a wonderful strong bond!
Wishing you many many more and a year filled with all you wish and hope for.
Fabulous Barb, what a wonderful Happy Birthday for Miles.
ReplyDeletePlease give your man a big Birthday hug for me.
Happy Birthday Miles!!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great, fun filled day with your little Sweetie!
D & E
PS ~ So... today IS also the 19th anniversary of Mr Miles 29th Birthday too? LOL
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Miles ..I know you wife will be spoiling you like crazy...we wish you the best ...God Bless you both . Love the new kit Barb thanks for the present.I will have to check out KimB sale....still don't have my computer ...boohooo:(
ReplyDeleteOh, Barb ... what a fabulous tribute to your adorable Mr. Miles for his birthday!! And how thoughtful you are for sharing so generously with us. I agree with your friend, JanMary -- he's a keeper! Enjoy the day together.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
Happy birthday, Mr. Miles. What a great kit, Barb. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteA Happy, Happy Birthday wish to you, Mr. Miles!!!!!
ReplyDeleteand a BIG thank you to you for this wonderful kit, Barb. My honey is also a musician and a pretty wonderful guy (although I swear they broke the mold after Mr. Miles was created!), so I know that I will use this multiple times.
Happy Birthday Miles! I hope the day is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteDid Barb have a huge photo on the garage when you came home? :D
Awww! What a sweet tribute to an amazing husband! You are truly blessed!
ReplyDeleteDid you get him coffee in bed today?
Loved this post!!
Oh, how sweet! Happy Birthday, Mr. Miles! I hope you guys had a great day!
ReplyDeleteMy hubby's birthday today too! Thanks for the great kit.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful kit! Happy Birthday to Mr Miles. Thank you for the beautiful papers and all. They are great.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing this kit. Happy Birthday to hubby too.
ReplyDeleteMorning Mrs. Miles!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I decided to stop by FIRST thing lest I be driven to distraction with MANY things on my "to-do" list and I am SO happy that I did as I am now BEAMING from ear-to-ear!!!
I had FUN pouring through your lists of reasons why you love Miles and what a blessing it is to have someone to LOVE and be LOVED by SO much!!!
You have inspired me to scrap an album dedicated to the INCREDIBLE man that I have been gifted with and the GORGEOUS present you are giving to us shall be a MOST wonderful start as Robert, too, is a musician!!!
You have created some AMAZING masterpieces for your honey and I just KNOW that they shall be forever cherished as are YOU!
May you have a FABULOUS time together over the weekend as you continue to celebrate the birth of your life's partner, Mr. Miles!
Love and hugs,
Linda :)
P.S. Thank you SO much for the LOVELY gift Barb. Today is payday and I've been waiting to go over and put my money down for another of the FABULOUS Kim B's grab bags!!! PURE GOLD! XOXO
Sometimes I skim a long write up, But I read all about your love and life with Mr. Miles. I tried not to cry, for he is wonderful! My hubby does some but not all, but we have been together 31 years and only 12 nights apart, in all those years, and most of those night were when I was ill and had to leave him behind in another state to come home to Doc. I love this post, it makes us all see what a special man we have and I am so glad you have.
ReplyDeleteThank you Barb for the beautiful kit.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this wonderful kit.