Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Valinda and Barb's Fuschia QP
8 x 8 inches 300 dpi png file


Valinda designed this amazing QP for you as well, created from my Junkyard Garden No.2 kit. Be ready this next week for a cool Junkyard Friendly alpha coming to the shop! You should also visit Valinda, as she ALWAYS has something good for you to download, always FREE! Just click HERE.

Junkyard Garden No.2 kit, available HERE.

Layout by LouCee (Louise)


Junkyard Garden No. 2 Kit by Olivia Dorazio (me)
Tattered and Torn edge by Bannerwoman

This soothing morning layout was created by blog reader Louise (LouCee) Gee - we all have these alter identities LOL. Thank you for sharing your creation Louise, you made my kit look amazing. Louise also has a couple of pretty FREE downloads for you too, just visit her by clicking HERE.

If you have a layout or project you've created using my items, and would like to share them here, just send a 600 x 600 px snap to my email along with credits. lalalime{at}hotmail{dot}com

Sorry if you visited and found my blog home empty and forlorn, for we were away to the coast. It is our parent’s birthdays both in this month and we managed to round up the entire family at one time – no small feat in these busy days.

The Random Yardsale Gals

We drove down on Thursday, it was HOT and got hotter as we neared our destination as its much more humid there. Our days went quickly, lots of catching up to do. Of course I got my yard saling ‘fix’ in – I’ll blog on that next entry. These are three random gals at one of the yard sale.

The start of a Beautiful Friendship

I promised to give my pie recipe if it turned out alright – and it did, but the recipe will have to wait for another entry too as I have to design my bumm off today or I shall fall seriously behind (pun intended) We enjoyed the pie with our new friends before we left, a lovely and special visit it was! Our guests left behind this beautiful pottery piece which shall become a centerpiece of our home and our friendship is sure to prove to be a long and lasting one!

Will she get...
"Too big for my Cart" Bumm?

And we wonder why our groceries cost more? LOL – this girl’s Mum should have told her where NOT to park her bumm. Spied in the parking lot at our local Buy Low, me waiting with camera in purse while Miles did all the shopping. Actually, Miles does 90% of our grocery shopping, it works out much cheaper and faster this way – what about YOU, do you do most of yours, or your husband?


  1. Hi there.

    Been missing you :(

    I have scheduled a blog post for tomorrow - check it out!

  2. Val J and you did an awesome job on the QP...can't wait for the recipe. Can't beleive she is in the ..i will have to check out LouCee..thanks

  3. Val J and you did an awesome job on the QP...can't wait for the recipe. Can't beleive she is in the ..i will have to check out LouCee..thanks

  4. D and I shop together ... I am more frugal than he is.

    Glad you had a good time with family even if times were "hot".

  5. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 21 Aug [LA 03:40am, NY 05:40am, UK 10:40am, OZ 08:40pm] ).

  6. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!
    TY both so very much!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Good Morning Barb:)
    Soo good to see you back blogging again.:)I started wondering if there really were aliens taking people off of the planet.LOL
    It sounds like you had a fantastic time with all the relatives..etc that came to the birthday get together.We have four bdays in January and we decided a few years back to get together and celebrate them all at once.It's sooo much easier.:)
    Can't wait to see what you got at the yard sale.It reminds me of that show where they take an item out onto the street and ask people what they think it is.hehe You always come away with cool stuff.:)
    Thank you for being so kind about my new glasses too.:)I am still trying to get use to them.I keep treating them like my reading glasses and put them on my head when I don't need them for closeups.LOL
    I love your little bowl and what a sweet reminder of your visit with your friends.:)
    Okay..they are sure big kids in that cart.I knew they were bigger these days..but I guess I haven't been out in a while.LOL Jim still hops on the back of the cart and rides it to the car when he is feeling good.LOL He use to be a manager of Ingle's grocery store and have to collect carts.No wonder it took him so long to get them.LOL JK.:)OH..about your depends on where we go shopping.If we go to Walmart..Jim hits the electronics section and I don't see the whites of his eyes until it's time to leave.hehe.If we go to the smaller (strictly grocery) store..he does the shopping with me.:)
    Well..I have about four days of cleaning to make up for..with everyone having consecutive days off and wanting my attention.:)

    Have a marvelous day catching up on things! Love your Junkyard Garden kits.:)


  8. Hello Barb, would I let DH do the grocery shopping, mmmmmmmmmmmm let me think. No!!!
    Going back 18 years now, when I had given birth to our beautiful baby boy (a ceaser). On coming home and not able to do much as this is classed as major surgery, I sent DH out to town to buy food to last a few days but all he came back with was a chicken! Oh yes I musn't forget the most important thing, a photo album for our baby photo's!
    Since then, I do all the shopping.

    They say you learn something new everyday, and I've learn't how
    to copy and paste a link and make it live! Haahaahaa, Thanks for that one Barb, here's me waving hands in the air back at ya lol!

    Looking forward to that apple pie recipe, our young apple tree has it's first major amount of fruit on it, we've even had to put a prop under one of it's branches.

    have a fabulous day now

  9. OOh now you see Wayne does do some of the groceries- but man he usually comes home with all the *extra things* like choc's and cakes and all that very tempting stuff I would usually try bypass- LOL. But he does do a good shop and we take turns- lol, whoever has the time free for that moment in time.
    LOVE the bowl! And know it will be a treasure to you.
    Ok-I'm tired and need to hit the hay- lol, will chat soon and don't work that butt off tooo hard now!
    sending huge hugs


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