Thursday, August 21, 2008

Celebrate with Me!
Olivia Dorazio's (Me) dd Designer Pack



What Mom does not want to celebrate her daughter's birthday with the rest of the world? I was just starting to get some good designing ideas happening, feeling creative and being very relieved to be making some new items for the Sophia Sarducci Shop, when the thought occured to me that of all days, this (August 22, I'm posting this the previous evening so its up bright and early tomorrow a.m.) this day, I want to share some of my joy! I'm also blessed that its my niece Samantha's birthday too - how cool is THAT? So, I'm doubly blessed!

Ah, and I'm sure I'll find some more neat 'stuff'' to make for the shop - so I'm giving this in faith!

These elements are designed in a vector program, so super quality, some measuring as tall as 12 inches, all 300 dpi in png format.

{click to view larger}
Fancy Alpha Black (numbers) by Adriana Lunette (my dear DEAR friend Amy)
Glitter Swirls by Carrie Stevens
All other items by ... Olivia Dorazio from my Junkyard Garden No. 2 Kit

How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before it's June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?

--Dr. Seuss

This little poem is how I feel about our daughter turning 25 - whoosh! Where DID the time go? Honestly, I was just buying diapers for her the other day, I swear! And now, it occurs to me, that in September I will be exactly DOUBLE her age. How did this happen?

At any rate, we are SO PROUD of you Melanie, and we wish you a special day. We wish we could be there to celebrate with you, but we will set aside a date to pamper you proper. We know you're so popular you'll be too busy to even think of it. We'll mark off a future date to shower you hugs and indulge you for a day.

Wishing our daugther a Happy Birthday got me pondering on BEING a daughter. My parents are no longer here - gosh I miss them so. There is not one day goes by I don't long for them. I am very blessed though, to have loving In-Laws and I don't take any time with them for granted.

While pondering I was reminded what it is to be a daughter and it called to mind that I will always be a daugther - for my FATHER is always with me. I never have to be alone. I will always be HIS little girl, precious and special, no matter what. HE'S always here to protect and keep me.

Keep your face to the sunshine of HIS love
and the shadows will fall behind you.

"Keep me as the apple of the eye;
hide me in the shadow of thy wings"
Psalm 17:8 RSV


Adriana Lunette's {Amy's} Fancy Kit

Samantha, you too have 'matured' way to fast ... will you ladies STOP THAT? LOL - no, truly we wish you the most wonderful birthday ever. We know your Mom and family will spoil within an inch of your life - as you so deserve.

Now, for those of you who have not checked out Adriana's Fancy Kit - you are truly missing out BIG TIME. This kit has to be seen and used to really appreciate how amazing it is. I was knocked off my feet when I opened it up - it was a delight to scrap with this one! I am in awe of the fine details and care that Amy puts into her 'stuff'. This kit was created with her sweet daughter Emma in mind. You can purchase Amy's kit at the shop by clicking HERE.

Layouts By Bog Reader LouCee
Olivia Dorazio's Tsunami Blue Kit

Louise sent me these lovely layouts she created using my Tsunami Blue Kit. What a great job she's done with these - I love how any watery subjects segue perfectly with this kit. Thank you, Louise for sharing these terrific layouts with us.

If you would like to share your layouts, using any of my products here, I'll try to make you famous... (right *wink*) Just send me a 600 x 600 px snap to lalalime{at}hotmail{dot}com
Be sure to list all credits!

Speaking of which... you can still get your own Tsunami Blue by shopping HERE.

As promised...

Barb’s Lemony Ginger Apple Pie

6 – 7 LARGE apples, peeled, cored, sliced

4 tbsp honey

2 tbsp brown sugar

½ tsp salt

Juice of av2 inch length of fresh ginger root, freshly squeezed

3 tbsp Watkins Cinnamon

A good grinding of fresh ground black pepper

1 tbsp of Meyer Lemon Grapeseed Oil


1 tbsp canola oil plus 1 tbsp freshly grated lemon peel and a squirt of fresh lemon juice

2 tbsp cornstarch

2 tbsp flour

½ cup Skor Bits

Grated butter (grate cold from fridge with cheese grater)

Pastry for shell (top and bottom)

Toss all ingredients together except the pie shells, skor bits and butter. Line a pie plate with bottom shell. Pour mixed ingredients into into the shell. Sprinkle with Skor Bits, grate butter overtop (I’ll leave HOW MUCH to your own discretion) Top with last shell.

Cover edges with foil to avoid browning. You may also choose to cover entire shell with foil at some point during the baking if you find its browning too fast.

Bake at 375 for 40 – 50 mins or until golden.


  1. Good Morning Barb:)
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Melanie and Samantha!!
    I LOVE your layouts.Fantastic! The one with Melanie is soo cool! I especially love what you did with her hair.:) Twenty five..and no looking back.I know what you mean about where has the time gone.They grow up soo fast.My two boys have bdays next month.Jimmy will be 34 and Robby will be 29.Whew! They're still my babies.LOL
    Thank you soo much for the cool gift!!! I Love it!:)

    Have a wonderful..fantastic and gorgeous day!


  2. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DD!!my youngest just turned 24. There is no way you are going to be double her age!! hard to believe huh? you wear it well, girl!!! :D Thanks soo much for the cool doodles too! they are going to be fun playing with them!! hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!! HUGS! :D

  3. What a wonderful, inspiring, interesting post!! Thank you.. I really enjoyed reading it.

    Chris xx

  4. Happy Happy Birthday to Melanie & Samantha!!! I hope they both have wonderful days filled with all things great. I personally stopped at 25..I have anniversaries of my 25th now. lol
    I hope you have a fantabulous weekend & ya'll have a piece of birthday cake for me!!

  5. Hi Barb! Yes time flies so quickly. It also feels for me that I was just changing my daughters diapers and today changing her daughters diapers. I wasn't as wise when my daughter and son were babies to know how little time you have before they are grown. I wish that I had so every second would have been cherished. With little Zoey I do cherish every second with her and she is growing way too quickly.

    I love both of your layouts! Your daughter is just absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

    I also love the Tsunami Blue Kit! We are leaving for the beach in a little over a week for a long beach vacation! I am sure this kit will be perfect for our huge family vacation!!

    As always when I read your blog I get hungry for some strange reason...hmmmmm, I wonder why (LOL)! I think I am going to go cook up something good!!

    Love and hugs!!! Renae

  6. happy birthday to all the layouts...I will have to check out Amy's new kit ..your kits are always beautiful and so useable for all layout's ....oh the recipe oh thank you ...thank you

  7. Hard to believe Mel is as old as she is now!

    How is M doing? How is the back? Hope to see you online some time soon and we can catch up.

    I miss ya my friend!~G

  8. Hello There..Hope your daughter and niece had a great birthday..loved reading your blog..and thanks so much for the freebie..that pie sure sounds it diabetic...LOL Hope you have a great weekend


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