Sunday, August 31, 2008

Flower For Joy - No. 2
8 inches tall - 300 dpi

credit: KimB's beadit metallics

*Note: Password is barbs*
(I'm using my account as 4shared was not working for me today)

Some of the needs I'll be lifting up today:

The devastating earthquake in China - many killed and wounded.

The destruction caused by Hurricane Gustav.

Joy and her family on the recent loss of her mother.

My friend Lillian as she and her family as they prepare to move to England

The unknown young lady who's living in a hotel with her children, with no clear plans for the future right now.

I think what struck me as I penned this list - is that some instances are small, while others blanket huge amounts of people and places - even so, my prayer is the same for both. Can the prayer for the crowds compare to the prayer of just one need? According to God - it can:

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny ?
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.

Matthew 10:29

So don't be afraid;
you are worth more than many sparrows.

Matthew 10:31

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies ?
Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.

Luke 12:6

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Luke 12:7


by Virelle Kidder

Today's the very last day to get your name in to be drawn for Virelle's book -and what a book. Written for today's fast paced life, Virelle gives some insight and good advice on what to do when the stress of it all is overwhelming. Sharing her own journey, she will help guide us to "meet Jesus at the Well" A great reminder that we are NOT alone - He will meet us, right exactly where and when we need.

Just click HERE to be taken to Virelle's BLOG where you can leave a comment and have your name drawn for her book. We will announce the winner on TUESDAY.

Also, be sure to visit Virelles website by clicking HERE to learn more about her and her ministry. I want to personally thank Virelle for 'being here' for my dear friend Joy - she stepped up to the plate IMMEDIATELY with comfort for my friend. Thank you for being obedient and compassionate. Virelle, you're 10 feet tall in my eyes.



a cure for the Monday Blahs

its always

Monday Madness

(you've probably got more change than this floating in your purse)

20% off

a $2 Grab Bag



  1. That looks like a great book!

  2. Good Morning Barb:)
    Another pretty flower for Joy.How sweet! You are such a dear friend.:)Thank you so much for sharing it with me.:)
    Know what?? As much as I love my kids...I have never counted the hairs on their heads.:) God must REALLY love us!!! DH says he keeps him busy counting... as his is getting thinner.LOL
    That storm sure looks like it wants to cause trouble.I am glad it won't be coming our way..but am praying it doesn't do the kind of damage Katrina did.That was awful! This time they are allowing the pets to be taken with their owners.I think that is wonderful!:)I have had my dog, Freedom, for nine years.It would be heart wrenching to have to leave her behind.I have cared for her all of these years as though she was one of my kids.:)
    Robby and his family are gonna be here this afternoon for a cookout.Gonna fix steaks this time.MMMM.:) There are no vegetarians in our family.LOL
    I will continue to pray for your friends and their situations.
    Hope you are relaxing and enjoying your Sunday.:)


  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You seem to be a very compassionate woman of God. I enjoyed reading through your blog. Thanks for the info on the book. I'm off to order it for myself and a friend as well.

  4. Thank you for the cute flower freebie! LOVE LOVE LOVE your grab bag!! hehe and thank you so very much for ALLLLLLLLLL that you do!! Thank you, also, for your visit to me blog!! as for my back muscle, it was feeling real good for awhile and started to hurt a bit again yesterday. but all in all, i am doing MUCH better!! Thank you for the prayers!!!!!!!!!!! HUGS!! hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day! :D


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