liddle fwowwer
Just a liddle sumthin' for you! This flower is less than 1 x 1 inch, perfect for a sweet touch to your layout or project.
Ooops... MAJOR APOLOGY here... I was so intent on getting my product to the shop to clear up these next few days, that it was not till yesterday I realized the Grab Bag is for AUGUST and won't come out in the shoppe till this COMING monday. Please forgive me. It WILL be worth the wait!
MY SISTER IS HERE!! *little happy dance*
We're going to make salsa today, so last night we headed for our local supermarket to pick up a few last minute items on the recipe. While in the store, I decide to buy Mr. Miles some chocolate covered almonds from the bulk section. (thats his love language) I'm going 100 mph because I'm so excited being around my Sis (will have to fit in one year's visit into a 5 day (ok two 1/2 days and three full days) visit. So, ok, frankly I'm hyper.
While I'm getting the bag to fill, my sister is talking to another customer in the aisle. I whip the bag onto the spout and pull that old handle up forcefully and...
And all of a sudden all our feet are awash in a sea of chocolate nuts.
Sister turns a nice shade of fuschia from head to foot. Everyone scrambles to pick up the nuts... quickly. We are QUITE the spectacle.
The customer observes that his shopping experience, till this point, had been rather dull. This was the most exciting thing to happen that day. Glad we have fulfilled some need in his day.
I DID manage to get some nuts in the bag.
I'm not sure if Sis wants to shop with me again. Specially after we had that big fight at the till over who would pay. Prolly the staff is wondering if we will be back too. ROTFL.
Off to make salsa!
I've just COME BACK to EDIT my bloggie, because a miracle has happened... HA,HA my SPECIAL, lovely friend AmyW is NO LONGER AWOL... *giggle* she JUST commented here AND posted too AND has a sweet little kit for YOU! Better run over there right away cuz who knows meybe we won't see her for the next six weeks hay? Her kit is in celebration of her Dadoo's Birthday. Just click HERE to be transported!
By the way, my dear friend Renae has made her first kit - its BEAUTIFUL, and she's giving it away, in bits - you can scoop her 'first bit' at her blog by clicking HERE.
Also, blogger Melanie is a WONDER at making word art - something I can boldly say - I SUCK at... and she had some good quotes happening right now. You can download them for yourself by clicking HERE.

layout by my SWEET friend Valinda
Olivia Dorazio's (MY) Junkyard Garden Kit
Valinda scooped my hummingbird photo from my blog, to create this pretty layout. I really like how you put this together, Valinda, and I'm especially happy that you used this particular paper - its almost my favorite!

layout by that Rascally South African KimB
Beth Long's Rainy Daze Kit
Olivia Dorazio's (MY) Tsunami Blue Kit
I am STUNNED by this layout Kim, you captured the BEST of both Beth's and mine kits. I have had such fun using Beth's kit too - and am itching to use it again. Thank you SO much for sharing, I don't know how you find time. I've got plans for your Softly kit, soons as I get some free minutes!

atc by Victoria
Animals by Barb "Mrs. Miles" - blogBackground paper & bugs by KimB - Bug-ing Samplers 1 & 2 - blogFont: Teen LightMonkey at top left is saying, "Hey Bug, Let's see you go through the doorway!"Isn't this DARLING? I love atc cards - have even made a few for myself a time or two. These animals are some of my favorites and I love to see them used. Thank you Victoria! I didn't have a blog address to publish - if you have one, sorry!
If YOU, my readers, have a layout or project you would like to share - won't you send me a copy to upload here?
Oh that flower is adorable! I've been there witht he trying to squeeze a whole bunch into just a few days. I do that every time I go back home. So many people I want to see (family & friends) so many places I want to go. You're making salsa? Ohh what time do we eat? We LOVE salsa with a passion around here. Ohh, I forgot to shoot you an email. I updated last night! *big huge hugs* & enjoy your visit with your sister
ReplyDeleteOOOOh so that is where you were yesterday! LOL. YOU PULLED A KIM at the grocerie store! BWAHAHAHAHAH- now THAT I would have LOVED to have seen! Glad your sis is there- I knew how excited you where to see her!
ReplyDeleteAmers commented on my blog too- nearly fell off my chair ( kidding-lol), going to pop in there in a sec!
Have fun girl! And TAKE PICS!!
Hugs and loves
Thank you so much for the liddle flower!! it's ADORABLE!!!!
ReplyDeletei LOVE the layouts you share too!! GREAT talent out there!! and i especially LOVE your newest kit too!! what a BEAUTY!!
looking forward to your latest grabbag!! (only a few more days wait!!) Thanks for sharing the WONDERFUL story too!! lol i LOVE the visuals!! :D Have a BEAUTIFUL day!! :D
I love the liddle flower too! Thank you so much for listing me, that is so sweet. I hope you don't mind but I put a picture of your kit on my blog yesterday with a link to you.
ReplyDeleteI have been tagged and since I don't have many friends with a blog I have chosen you. If you don't do it, it's OK.
Im tagging you to let you know i enjoyed your blog...
if i tagged you, you must follow the same rules below!!!!
Ive tagged the above:)These are the rules:1. Link your tagger http://addictedtopictures.blogspot.com/ and list these rules on your blog.2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog enjoy!Have fun!!!
I can imagine you are way too tired to do this and have probably been tagged a thousand times.
Anyway, love and hugs! Renae
love the flower...you give that Nina a big hug from us ...and you two have the best of time ....don't forget to remind me about the grab bag in Aug ..well all our love ..we are home now so may get some blogging ...
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see how the salsa turned out
hug and tugs
Oh dear! I can just imagine the nuts sliding all over the floor ... But at least you can laugh :)
ReplyDeleteI love all the layouts! I hope you have fun with your sister. It sounds like it has already been an adventure...at the grocery store. :)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Barb and Sis!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the wonderful liddle fwower..did I spell that right?LOL Love it!
Where's the pic of the mess you made at the grocery store?LOL I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall..but how gross would that be in grocery store?LOL You HAVE to be the life of the party.!!hehe Did you tell Miles about dropping his almonds on the floor?:)
Thank you sooo much for sharing all these wonderful layouts etc...and for showing mine too.You know you have to have really cool stuff to begin with to have really cool layouts.:)I had a really cool kit to work with!!Yours!:)
You two have fun today!
hey sweet barb! :) ty ty ty for the "liddle" gift :D too cute! just stopped by to ty for the thoughts the other day ;) and to let you know i actually created something for the first time in a LONG time (it is on my blog) :) ty for being such a sweet scrap friend and keeping me encouraged (and often enlightened ;) ) LOVE LOVE LOVE the layouts using your kits...wowza! :) have a blessed day my dear sister in the Lord!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning again Barb:)
ReplyDeleteI hope you are having a wonderful time with your Sister and staying out of trouble.LOL
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi and tell you that I miss you!
Oh MY!!!...I have seriously neglected my “PEEPS”! Well I’m here now to give you some of that big ole...♥Luvin♥...for all your generosity to the digital scrapbooking community. I really love these simple but sweet little diddies! Stay as sweet as you already are and have a super “Lazzzzzzy Sunday”.
ReplyDeleteSuzee Q's Stuff
I'm always late on leavin luv...go here
ReplyDeleteYour stuff