Friday, July 11, 2008

If you look in the distance you can see a rubber dinghy being blown ...
its right in the middle

Its blowing to the left. The winds were somewhere between 90 to 100 mph!

There's a bridge in the middle of town, the wind picked that dinghy up
and tossed it RIGHT OVER the highway!

After it landed on the other side, it kept on skipping off,
over the water's surface.

And there it goes!
That's Hayne's Point Provincial Park in the distance,
I wonder if someone there wound up with it!


  1. Oh my gosh... girl... that must have been so scary.. look at you... quite the news girl.. I think you are going to get a call to come to work at that News station.

    I am now back in Washington.. we arrived about 9:30 PM... hugs to you.. I hope your home was safe.

    Love Joy

  2. wow ...amazing pictures Barb ...head reporter job coming soon ...

  3. Those are totally awesome (in the true sense of the word!) pictures. should apply for the head reporter job at the station..then head off to Global!


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