Saturday, July 05, 2008

Olivia Dorazio's PEPPERMINT and POLKA DOTS
12 x 12" Quick Page #2

I created this QP for your enjoyment, using my newest kit which launches Monday at the Sophia Sarducci Shop. Woo hoo, its also Monday Madness so purchasing it then will give you a substantial saving on my an already modestly priced kit! Its both ECLECTIC and whimsical at the same time. PLEASE, send me links to your creations using my QP’s and kit, I’d love to feature YOU here on my blog!

featuring ruffley, stripey ribbon elements!

featuring funky, cardboardy elements!

and a dozen soft papers to choose from.

Psssst! While you’re at the Sophia Sarducci shop on Monday, you may want to check out the Sophia Blog too, for there MIGHT JUST BE another QP up there for grabs too! *winking*

Here are a few layouts I made using my new kit, featuring my Sister in Law Judy. This is my little way to say THANK YOU to Judy for being a joy in my life. I'm SO GLAD we can share sister-ship in faith as well as in 'real life'



You’ll see a new button at Christian Women Online, in the Announcements section - a little Shhh Bird, telling you that there are always some giveaways here at my blog. My sweet husband created the button for me... he knows MY love language! I’ve also posted the bird button in my sidebar to the right.

If you're a woman of faith, and have not subscribed yet, this is a WONDERFUL magazine! Why not join the 2,000 + blogroll while you're at it!


Also, if you haven’t been to KimB’s or AmyW’s blogs, you’re missing out on seeing their latest products. These two ladies knock me out with their talent! I can’t wait to see what new things they continue to come up with. As you know, my Amy is also an alter ego as Adriana Lunette, so we are Italian Sistahs at Sophia - how cool is that! Amy's always an inspiration to me, and one day she's going to teach me to 'blinkie'.... that is when we can connect. I don't know if that gurl has time to brush her hair these days - NEENER!


Layout by KARMA


Map, leaf button and blue paper Freebie by Olivia Dorazio

Red arrow and red paper by (me) Kreative Karma at FS.

Flourishes, ribbon and frame by Krystal Hartley at FS.

Hurricane SupaDupa Serif

Thanks to Karma for sharing her beautiful layout she made using my I M Canadain QP – I was bedazzled by your take on it. I LOVE the swirlies you put in the background – were they yours Karma?


Personal Ramblings:

We had a good (I guess if you can call a thunderstorm GOOD – in the sense that they wreak havoc and start fires) thunderstorm on June 30th. After things settled I ventured out on our patio to enjoy the coolness after the rains. Don’t you just love the softness and smells after a good summer rain? Because we had so many lightening strikes during the storm I thought I would use the binoculars to see if there was any visible damage. As I scanned the hills and passed over an area situated a fair distance above highway 3, heading out of town towards Keremeos, my eye caught sight of a small area of fire, and smoke.

We decided to call it into the fire service. Even though it was small, we keep California in mind –its NEVER too early to report a fire! I think this is where men and women differ a bit, perhaps our ‘mothering’ instincts? When we see a situation developing, we just ACT on it, not worrying so much about what if we report it and it does not turn out to be anything? Men, on the other hand, like to ‘wait a bit’ to ‘see if something develops’ BEFORE reporting. Men seem to want to MAKE SURE its something, to save embarrassment. What do you think, is this just me thinking this way?

I took some photos of the fire at its start. An hour after our phone call we spotted helicopters over the area of the fire (more photos) and one hour after that the planes showed up and spread several loads of red retardant over it.

I’ve been a CHBC Newshawk before, so I told Miles I was going to send my photos and information up to the tv station.

He shook his head in disbelief – “Thats not much of a fire, honey.”

I was adamant, “Its not news to us because we live here, but it IS fire season, and fires ARE news” Besides, I think what is especially helpful is making sure my photos document events from start to finish, and to give CLEAR explanation.

So, with Miles sort of snickering behind my back, he said “You do that. I think I’ll just relax.”

I packaged up the photos I had, adding some verbal details to some of the pictures, because they were taken from a distance and also to name some of the landmarks. I had phoned up beforehand, now I sent them in an email. Later that evening, before turning in for the night, I sent an email with an update on what I could see.

About 3 a.m. I woke up out of the blue and thought I would check and see what was happening with the fire, and also it was niggling me I’d not received a reply email from the tv station. So I checked the fire – it was still burning, but small. I scanned in a 180 degree pan, across the lake, and there was a BIGGER fire on the mountain! So, I checked my email and found the station had NOT received my photos L so I resent them, along with news of this new fire. Then, I tucked in for sleep till morning.

In the morning, I sent another update to the station before we took a drive over to Keremeos. Miles was giving me the “raised eyebrows look” – you know what I mean? LOL, if nothing I am stubborn.

When we arrived home, the phone rang and it was April from CHBC and she asked me if I might be available to give an interview. Well, honestly, I was SQUIRMING, I totally freeze up in front of a video camera of any size, but she managed to persuade me. If nothing else, it was worth a million dollars to see the look on Miles face! He walked around here for a good half hour shaking his head in disbelief.

The interview went off smoothly – the crew was very professional. I did not look like a dork, my biggest fear of all.

So that turned out to be interesting. I wish the clip would have been archived on their site, but being a holiday weekend it was not, or I would share. But, it was a neat thing to do and I will also receive a $$ ‘newshawk’ finders fee and a t-shirt (which I’ll add to my t-shirt collection)

That was my excitement for the week, well, that and burning my wrist pretty bad with hot coffee. L Ya, it hurt but obviously its well enough for me to be blogging, so don’t cry for me!


If you find a moment, would you please visit my friend Joy and leave a little encouragement for her? Her elderly parent’s health is failing and she and her family have to deal with it. Sometimes one can feel very alone in this, and personally I know how much it means to have my ‘virtual sisters’ reach out with a comforting word, thought and prayers. Please, forgo comments on my blog if you’re short on time, and instead leave her some instead? Joy, we’re thinking of you and our prayers go out to you. May the Lord give you strength at this time.


  1. What an exciting storm that turned out to be!!! ... you old Newshawk you!!! I'm not sure I'd have liked to be interviewed but having your pictures posted etc would be neat.

  2. Thanks you ...I see the new kit will have to be a must for me to get ...I love it ..and girl you fit right in with those talented ladies KimB and Amy ...thank you for the awesoem layout ...I love it ...hope to chat to you really soon and hugs

  3. I miss our on-line chats. Hope we make contact SOON!

    What a newshound you are - wish we could see the clip.

    Hugs as always

  4. AnonymousJuly 05, 2008

    nice QP, thanks for sharing I love it
    and girl you fit right in with those talented ladies

  5. Thank you for making me smile... I love reading your blog.. I just haven't had a lot of time.. tonight I sat down and read it and you make me laugh and smile and feel good inside. You truly are such a blessing.. Thank you for the notes and the love and support.. thank you for making me laugh.. I think we are sisters from different mothers... *grin* I would so be right there with you checking out the fires and sending in photos. I sure wish we could have seen your interview. Barb... again.. thank you so much for the wonderful heart that you have and give to everyone. Hugs.. Joy

  6. Good Morning Barb:)
    How cool!Thank you so much for the wonderful Qp.:)Your kit is such fun!
    You live such an exciting life..catching fires..interviews on TV..rolling eyes from Hubby.LOL I bet you keep him perplexed most of the time.hehe How fun!!:)I would have loved to have seen the news clip.:)You should take a pic of Miles raised eyebrows sometime.LOL
    We have plans to see the new Will Smith Movie "Hancock" (did I spell that right?)this afternoon.Hope it's as good as the previews look.KWIM?LOL

    Have a wonderful day!


  7. Wow Barb! You little helper you! :P What an adventure that must have been!

    Thank you for your amazing comment in my blog! No one really knows about me writing and I'm not sure how many people I want to tell (despite it being written in my blog) since it's something I have very little faith in myself about. Obviously, however little faith I have, God sees something of a completely different nature. I'm walking with his hand and hoping I don't fall down on this one!

    Your gorgeous scrap pics always inspire me :) Miss you! God Bless!

  8. My Barbs is a CELEB??- HOLEY MOLEY girl! WOOHOO- ya famous! hee hee. But what a great way of documenting the whole thing! WISH I could have seen you on the air too - maybe a pic in your T-shirt???- HUH HUH?- lol
    Actually would love to have been a fly on the wall to see Mile's face too- you know the MEN LOOK, of OH, I wasn't right- lol.

    And if you think YOU ARE BLushing becuase you missed a post- girl, I haven't managed to get here ALL WEEK!! I took some time out now and made me some coffee to get my BARB fix- lol
    Just packed Nathans goodies in and he is ready for the morning.
    Ok- off to read the next one- by the time you put all these together you should have a book- hahahahaha


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