Sunday, July 27, 2008

A New Kit & Reveal of Pain in our Household.

I’m proud to announce my newest kit – you will find it in the Sophia Sarducci Shop, bright and early on Monday morning! Gotta have something good on Mondays, right?

This kit has been a real LABOR of love, a month in the making. Its actually amazing that I accomplished much in the past month because there was a lot of ‘stuff’ happening in the background, which I was unable to blog about at the time.

Approximately one month ago, Mr. Miles went to the gym – he likes to stay fit, so regularly worked out several times a week. He would alternate the treadmill and other machines and the free weights, to get a complete workout. On a particular day, after lifting weights, he twisted the wrong way while replacing a heavy weight onto the rack. Immediately after doing this he was aware he’d done SOMETHING to himself. It developed over the next day, as leg pain. And got progressively worse.

He’s pretty stoic about pain, and it took deterioration of his mobility for him to finally agree to go see a doctor. The doctor diagnosed it as a strained leg muscle, and prescribed pain killers and rest. This was on a Friday. We rented crutches.

By Sunday, he was in worse pain than ever.

By Monday morning he thought he’d better go back and see the doctor. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agreed. I tried to be tactful, but not over-react. I bit my fingernails watching him struggle to do the simplest of tasks. After discovering he had NO mobility I wondered how on earth he would be able to GET OUT TO THE VAN, to go to the doctors.

Finally, after finding him face down on the floor, in spasms of pain, I (gently) suggested it was time to call an ambulance, for there was no way he was going to be able to make it on his own. He was in such agony, it did not take a terrible amount of convincing to get him to cave.

Its so hard to see your loved on in such pain. We were very blessed to have very caring and helpful ambulance attendants. I can’t say enough about them. They were terrific. Once we arrived at the Hospital a female doctor (pretty sure she was a doctor) tried to INSIST, in a very forceful manner, that the attendant put Mr. Miles in a wheelchair (even though he could NOT sit up, for the pain) Our attendant defended Mr. Miles condition and stood his ground that he be moved right onto a bed. The female doctor was ‘all business’ to the point of being rude. I only say this, because later on, when her ‘sweetie’ showed up on the ward, she turned from downright mean into a gushing butterfly, fluttering all ‘round him – complete about face from how she treated the patients she was treating...

I’m SO grateful she was not the one who eventually looked at my husband.

It was very busy in emergency so it took quite some time before he got looked at, and all the time in constant pain, as no one could give him anything in the meantime. Eventually the male doctor on call spent some time looking him over, asking many questions and sending him for xrays. This doctor was very thorough and came to the conclusion it was a nerve/sciatica injury. We got a shot for pain. We received a prescription for Naproxin and painkillers. We were given a wheelchair and home we went.

Mr. Miles and I decided, not knowing how this would all turn out, not to blog it.

But, Praise the Lord, after four loooooooooooooong weeks, he is FINALLY able to:


Sleep through the night


Be pain-free

Do things for himself.

Sounds like such simple things, but its hard on a man’s pride to have to have someone do the simplest of tasks for you. It sure changes the dynamics of a relationship. Even with all this, we are so grateful for so many things. We’re grateful for his healing. We are grateful this all happened mostly during the summer break (Mr. Miles teaches, so has the summer off) - though he did miss the graduation ceremony for his school, thus missed seeing his students graduate. That was difficult and sad.

But mostly, he’s even glad that because of this experience he has empathy for others who suffer from pain.

So, being Nurse for this past month, I was really concerned I would not be able to get some product out – though Mr. Miles health was always THE most important thing. I just prayed I’d be inspired and I just pecked away at little bits of an idea I had in the back of my head. My newest kit is a result of the time I would take once a day to go for a walk to refresh and clear my head during (and with Mr. Miles blessing) his illness. Each time I’d walk, I’d bring home some little bit of ‘junk’ and I put it all together to make this project. I hope you enjoy! I’ll be offering loads of neat add-ons down the road.

My Newest Kit

Truly, you must see these to be appreciated!

Some bold, some old!
on Monday, get it HERE

Now that he’s all healed up and fwisky – he says its ok to blog his big medical adventure. And yes ROTFL you MUST be wondering what I was doing taking pics of him being wheeled into the ambulance... the AMBULANCE ATTENDENTS suggested it, to my delight, and so Mr. Miles relented....

And here’s some layouts created using the new Junkyard Garden Kit – There’s three created by me, and the first one was made by my DEAR friend KIMB Hers is amazing. Muah!!! - SA digi-designer friend. We manage to ‘visit’ more via email/blog comments than some friends I have in town, how funny is THAT? We keep trying to out-kindness each other, a virtual arm-wrestle of goodness. I’m going to have to design faster to out give her lovely selfs! *wink*

The second one I made using a photo sent to me by my sister in law Judy, of my brother Barry fishing (with cute doggie PeeWee) at Sturgeon Lake, Alberta. Judy has a GORGEOUS slide show of the skies over the lake if you would like to be 'wowwed'

The third layout is one I created for KimB of her with a friend. KimB is so glow-ey it was easy to pick papers and elements to complement.

The fourth layout is the one of my sweetie in agony - enjoy (sorta, you know?) Enjoy the layout, not my honey's pain.

Olivia Dorazio’s Junkyard Garden

I’ve made you a 12 x 12 Quick Page, using some of the items from Olivia Dorazio’s (my) new Junkyard Garden Kit.

I hope you like!

Ah, and even MORE good news – Its will be Monday Madness at the Sophia Sarducci Shop, which means you'll save 20%... AND we will have more of our FANTASTIC GRAB BAGS. Oh – lala, you’re going to LOVE what I’ve prepared for you. I made both a personal use item (actually one item with three different looks, and HIGHLY VERSATILE) and then I put together a must-have commercial use item too. GREAT DESIGNER RESOURCE – you DON’T want to miss this. For... $2 bucks. Right, less than a good cuppa coffee. Honestly, I’ve not seen anything like I made specially for you!

Rush over the the SHOP first thing Monday a.m.!

Everybody loves to play in the sprinkler in this hot summer weather... appears critters kinda like the idea too. My Sister sent me the link for this cute video.


  1. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 27 Jul [LA 12:36am, NY 02:36am, UK 07:36am, OZ 05:36pm]).

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE this kit! Oh did I say I LUUURVE this kit-lol
    Barbs you have outdone yourself with this one- it's truely stunning!
    And goodness- that LO with Mr Miles shows just how *EINA* he was - oh that's Afrikaans for SORE-lol
    So glad he is well again and that you can put down your nursing apron- hee hee!
    Thanks so much for the QP- it's GORGEOUS!
    Sending *soentjies*
    hee hee- (kisses)

  3. I know exactly what you mean. I hope Mr. Miles recovers fully very soon! My husband hurt himself back in August of last year & being military, he's been to SO many different doctors, each one has a different opinion. Rest, take it easy, no, don't rest, go to physical therapy. So he went for the PT, she says it's a hernia. DH has finally had enough (he had enough a long time ago, but I think he had enough loudly enough this time, if YKWIM) and he has a surgical consult on August 15. It's very hard to see someone you love so much hurt like that to the point where they can't do anything.
    Your new kit is beautiful & I'm very intrigued about the bag. Monday I might just have to do a wee bit of shopping for myself!
    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend, please tell Mr. Miles I hope he's feeling 100% again very soon!!

  4. This QP is awesome! Thanks >(('>

  5. Yeah! You got to make it public! It is a Beautiful kit Barb! I can't wait to make a LO with it!

    As for Mr. Miles, I cried when I read this post. I know how he felt and felt the pain with him. I have degenerative arthritis of my lower spine (meaning it will just continue to worsen). I am only 41! This affects my sciatic nerve, which in turns affect all other nerves and any movement sets off muscle spasms that are the worst pain I could possible imagine. I had natural childbirth (not by choice) and even though through the pain of that and even trying to choke the doctor - that pain is no where near what Mr. Miles (and I too on so many occasions have had to go through).

    I hope since this started as a muscle strain that this will be the only time he will have this experience.

    I started with one attack every few years. After they started coming once a year I went to a neurologist who did an MRI on me and told me the bad news. I now have to watch every move I make. I have even had it happen just by sneezing. Mine will just continue to get worse. That means I will be bed ridden. Luckily the non narcotic, non addictive muscle relaxor Flexeril works if I don't have an immediate attack. Sometimes I can feel one coming on and I immediately take a flexiril and lay flat on my back. I always keep a phone near by so that I can call 911 because I don't want for Zoey to have to witness this. I do not like pain pills but I like this pain even less.

    It is a horrible experience and anyone that has not experienced it can not grasp the unbearable pain it causes.

    I am so sorry to go on and on but I have just not heard of another person going through this and understanding what it's like. My ex-husband who does not have an ounce of compassion for anyone but himself was scared to death when it happened to me at the beach. It is very humiliating to have this happen in public and to have to be picked up on a stretcher and taken away by ambulance.

    I thought I was the only one who has had one of these attacks.

    I am crying really hard now....

    I was coming by to let you know that I tried my hand at a kit, but it looks really, really primitive compared to yours.

    Tell Mr. Miles thank you so much for allowing you to share. I am so sorry he had to experience this but so glad to know there is another person in this world that understands what I go through sometimes 3 times a year.

    Hugs and love for you and Mr. Miles!!!! Renae

  6. Mrs. Miles, I love that video of those baby moose gamboling through the sprinkler. Amazing. That Momma sure is big! Moose are rather homely.

    I'm glad Mr. Miles is tickety-boo again and that life is back to normal. Pain is no much fun. Good health is something to be very thankful for and not to be taken for granted.

  7. I just found your blog..searching. I have just said a prayer for your husband, I know how bad the pain is. I have had it for years and was watching christian tv and was praying and realized that I was actually sitting up and not hurting.
    God is good.. I love your kit to .Getting ready to order it. Thanks

  8. So nice to visit with you on a Sunday and WONDERFUL news to hear about Mr. Miles getting better!!!
    i absolutely LA LA LOVE your newest kit (and qp, too, Thank you!!)and am looking forward to your CU grab bag... and at $2.00 it's going to be a BARGAIN!!
    i LOVE the layouts you shared too!! BEAUTIFULL!!!
    and the sprinkler video is just soo COOL!!
    Thanks so much again for sharing the good news about Mr. Miles... you are both, forever, in my prayers! :D Have a LOVELY weekend!

  9. Wow Barb - That was some ordeal for Miles...(((Hugs))) Sciatic pain is the worst!! I am so glad to hear he has improved and is doing better!! Your new kit is lovely :) Nick said to say hi!

  10. Hi Barb - I added you to my email list for the blog..just let me know if you don't get them okay :)

  11. AnonymousJuly 28, 2008

    It must have been a long four weeks. But I am so glad he is doing better. That is always so hard when a loved one doesn't feel well. The pages you have made are great!

  12. Good Morning Barb:)
    Your new kit is AWESOME! I LOVE your layouts too and Thank you sooo much for the COOL QP!!:)
    Miles looks in sooo much pain in that layout.:( I sure am glad he is feeling more himself now.:)Praise the Lord!!
    Your layouts are soo cool too.I love them!I need to get some pointers from you.:)
    Wow..when you decide to go full force.I kept coming back to see if you had and I didn't catch your new posts.LOL
    I LOVE that video of the Moose.How cute!! I bet the person who was able to capture that..will treasure it for the rest of their lives.:)
    Roger has some cool pics too!:)Thanks Roger!!
    You KNOW I love the hummingbird photo the best though!!hehe It's so amazing to have a photo of such a trustful moment.:)
    Christy was off this weekend..we went shopping Saturday ..then yesterday..I tried to spend as much time with her as I could.:)I paper scrapped while she took a nap.:) I mostly arranged the pages in the albums I wanted them in.:)That's progress..right?hehe
    Have a wonderful day today!


  13. Morning Barb!!!!!!
    Boy can I ever relate with hubby with the pain my knee has really been killing me & keeping me from sleeping!!!!!
    Last night was the first decent nights sleep I had in awhile!!!!!
    BEAUTIFUL new kit & TY so very much for the MARVELOUS QP!!!!!!!!!!Also love the video!!!!!!

  14. Your Junkyard Garden is my new FAVORITE. It's delightful and amazing! I'm going to enjoy the daylights out of it. On a more somber note, thank you for sharing your heart with us in this posting. What an extraordinary, painful, triumphant journey the two of you have been through. How people go through such trials at these without a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour, I'll never know. Be strong and of good courage ... God blesses those who are faithful. Take care of YOU, Melanie

  15. Barb, I just wanted to let you know your comment was so sweet and you are just such a beautiful person! You touched me deeply! Thank you for being the sweet wonderful person you are!!!

    Love and hugs, Renae

  16. Barb!
    I love, love, LOVE this kit! It's fabulous! I am super glad to hear that Miles is up and about now. I was worried when you had to call that ambulance and then we haven't chatted much this month. Summer is so hot! I feel caught up today for once, don't worry the feeling will probably be gone by tomorrow. You're my hero!

  17. After having just recovered from many looooong weeks with torn ligaments and tendons in my left leg I sympathize with your hubby. It was a very frustrating experience. I am in awe of your kit. I play around with webgraphics myself but no where near as wonderful as yours. PS. I'm from Saskatchewan.


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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