Saturday, July 26, 2008

I've featured some photos in the past taken by our friends Roger and Marie. Roger, in particular, has a keen eye and a dry and quirky sense of humor, and he always manages to capture some delightful bits of his environment. You may recognize the alpaca's - they keep a few on their small hobby farm. They have all sorts of critters at their place, so they get to observe the antics that go on. Roger has given me permission to share some of his latest photos with you. I really like how he adds little funny 'quips' to some photos!

I'm not sure if I will be able to type in between seperate photos, so I will tell you ahead of time that the one photo of the white alpaca was taken during a rain - the alpaca is DRINKING! The last photo is TOO FUNNY... a hummer seems big - bigger than say your average car, but he saw THIS huge truck parked next to it - you can see HOW much bigger it is than that! I wonder if one needs a step-ladder to get in!

With no further ado, and thanking you VERY much, Roger - your photos are welcome here anytime! Here's ROGERS OBSERVATIONS OF LIFE: (click to see each a bit bigger)


  1. AnonymousJuly 26, 2008

    Those pictures are great! They have a very artistic eye.

  2. Thanks for sharing those. Love the drinking in the rain!

    Heading off for fireworks tonight in Portstewart.

  3. i LOVE the photos!! Roger has a GREAT eye for shooting them!! and i truly LOVE the hummingbird feeder shot too... that must have just been tooooo cool!!Thank you soo very much for sharing them all!! hope you have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!! :D

  4. So, sorry to hear that Mr. Miles was in so much pain. Sciatic Nerve pain is horrible. I had problems with it each pregnancy. Glad that you were there to play nurse. I know that is draining also. Love the new kit, and will have to check it out in the morning! Patty


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