Sounds like the title of some Scottish song... the Cleaning of the Cedars... but in actuality it's merely me wanting to do something USEFUL while I soak up our fine Okanagan sun. After consulting with Bonnie I learned the finer points on how one 'cleans' a cedar tree. Up to this point, I've merely accepted them as these pleasant feathery greens which one would add to one's watercolor painting of an elegant house. I'd never considered what would be 'inside' them. I'm sure had I taxed my imagination to this point I may have simply assumed the inside was an inverted copy of what appears on the outside, something green and feathery.

I have been awakened to the reality of what a cedar hides within itself. I shall nver veiw one the same. The inside of the tree is completely dry - almost appearing dead. Like the beetle-killed pine trees we see on our hills, the inside of a cedar is very dry and dusty and filled with needles and various other things. Bonnie showed me how to take a large plastic tarp, and after cutting an opening in it, to slide it underneath the tree (like an oversized Christmas Tree skirt) Then, I opened up all the branches 'round the tree, top to bottom and coaxed out (shovelled out!) all the debris.

It was fascinating to find other things inside the tree, including these items - a small birds nest, feathers, wasp nests and a few bugs. It's a little miniature world there inside the trees! We will use the excess needles I cleaned out as 'mulch' to put down on the paths here! I'm very much enjoying all this - each day is something new here at home! It causes me to think of our Lord's gracious love for us... as it too, is new EVERY morning.
I want to encourage you... if you've found my blog for the first time, or if you're a regular here, I just want to give you a hope that no matter what your situation that you're never alone. Our God wants something better for you - don't let this world get you down. Lay your burdens down - let the one who created you carry them for you!
Stay, stay home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are the happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
Are full of trouble and full of care'
To stay home is best!
Weary and homesick and distressed
They wander east, they wander west,
And are baffled and beaten and blown about
By the winds of the wilderness doubt;
To stay at home is best.
Then stay at home, my heart, and rest,
The bird is safest in its nest;
O'er all that flutter their wings and fly
A hawk is hovering in the sky;
To stay home is best.
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The world is new each morning - that is God's gift, and a man should believe he is reborn each day.
Lamentations 3:22-24
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Today in History
1800 - Library of Congress founded.
1865 - Fire Alarm & Police Telegraph system put into operation
1900 - the passing of Andrew Halliday - Cable Car Pioneer.
I'm still reading (in small bits and bites) The Hive - the story of the honeybee and us, by Bee Wilson... and I have to share this small bit of information with you. Did you know that honey was once used as an embalming fluid? Apperently honey is very good at killing bacteria - because it absorbs moisture well. When a body is 'embalmed' in honey, the honey sucks the moisture out of the corpse. As well, when honey comes in contact with animal tissue, it produces hydrogen peroxide, which also inhibits putrification.
Bee's book goes on to describe how some people requested embalming by honey in history. Sounds yummy, no?
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Hmmm ... I never realized one was supposed to clean the cedars though I did know they harboured a lot of STUFF. We don't have any cedars where we live.
ReplyDeleteOn bees ... you may find this article interesting:
http://www.sciencedaily.com/re leases/2007/04/070422190612.ht m
Glad you are liking your new digs!
Good Afternoon Barb:)
ReplyDeleteI just got back from spending the day shopping with my DD.We went to Michaels..then to Dollar Tree and then to Taco Bell for lunch and then to Walmart to get a prescription filled and some odds and ends I needed.I need a nap.LOL I used the electric wheel chair while I was at Walmart.That thing is as slow as cold malassas...I wanted to get out and push it.LOL But it did help me not to have to walk all over that huge store.:)
I had no idea Cedar trees hid such things.:)Thanks for enlightening me...I shall make sure I never get one.LOL JK.
Thank you for your orange flower element...How cool!!:)
I am soo glad you are enjoying your new home.:)
Have a fantastic day today and tell Miles I said hey.:)
For your "dates to remember" items, which I get a big thrill of reading [homeschooling does that for history] - tomorrow is ANZAC Day. Info about it is here: http://www.awm.gov.au/commemoration/anzac/anzac_tradition.htm
thanks Barb needed the word u=you had today...the situation..you're never alone ....
ReplyDeleteHi Barb, Thank you for the cute freebie. And its nice to read all the interesting reads you supply us. Always nice to learn new stuff. Thank you so much for all that you do...
Thank you for the wonderful flower/
ReplyDeleteHope you got to go outside today and thanks for the element
ReplyDeleteThank you for the orange swirly. That is very "cool." Thanks
ReplyDeleteThe article is about bees, in the States, dieing off. That link takes me to the article but for some reason, this comment place divides the url into two lines. You need both lines to get to the article I was referring too. Kind of scary ... no bees can mean crop failure. I thought it would be an interesting article for you as you live in the fruit belt ... which is very dependent on bees.
ReplyDeleteit's wonderfully clear you love your home inside and out!! Keep up the awesome work, it will all pay off!! thank you for the creative flower, too!! have a great day :)
ReplyDeleteThanks as usual for you lovely blog, your words of encouragement and your freebie. Through you I also found CWO. You have been tagged - hope you don't mind. Check it out at my blog www.welcometomyworldjanmary.blogspot.com
Thanks again