The title of yesterday's sermon title elicited a few titters from the congregation - "Will you be caught sleeping with the five young virgins"... trust me, it was not what some people might think! It was actually a very valuable lesson asking us that because we don't know the hour at which our Lord will return, and because we don't know when we will die - then it makes sense that "it's closer than we think" It sure has me pondering, at any rate!

On Saturday we had a date with Bonnie to prepare our garden boxes. We got up early and headed to town to clear up a few tasks and to visit my friend Becky's yard sale. She's been preparing this week, along with her husband - we even cut our Wednesday visit short :( After visiting her yard sale, I'm convinced she did the right thing... the sale was laid out just neat as a pin and all the items were interesting and priced nicely. I managed to spend the $6 Miles had in his pocket in 6 minutes - not bad, hey? Besides this we had Beck put aside another $10 item for this week's walk day! Thanks Beck - whens the next sale? (ps - that really was clever of Lawrence to make the looonggg table from his ladder!)

We arrived back home and met Bonnie at the garden boxes. She spent a good deal of time and patience helping us get our boxes in order. First we cleared all the mulch and bark off the top of the soil. Then, we dug about 8 inches down into the soil, turning it over and fluffing it up. After smoothing it all down, neatly, our boxes are now ready for us when we've chosen the plants we would like to have. I think Miles will be planting mostly herbs, such as his favorite, basil, along with rosemary, oregano, tarragon and parsley. In my box you will find tomatoes, green beans, carrots and cilantro.

Speaking of gardening - our daughter Melanie bought me a pair of special gardening gloves and I encouraged her to use them on her own yard first (chuckle!) ... while she was out and about she had the company of her dignified cat Winston. She snapped this calendar cute picture of Winston to share with you!

I was visiting Janna's blog - a place I love to visit - and I thought it would be interesting to do what she had done - to Google my name along with 'needs' - so 'Barbara needs' to see what came up, and here is my list of 10 things I found I need to do:
1. Barbara needs to Blog! (well this is certainly true, can't argue with that!)
2. Barbara needs a good swift K@#$ (hey, thats not very nice - what'd I do?)
3. Barbara needs to be thin AGAIN! (ummm... I thought I was doing ok in that department?)
4. Barbara needs to move her focus from herself to others and learn to love in order to ... (well, this would be a good rule anytime... the more we focus on others instead of ourselves its better!)
5. Barbara needs to humble herself and admit that she made a mistake... (oh boy, yes, this is so true... I've made some big ones - I know I can be very stubborn.)
6. Barbara needs real training in dealing with Black women. (I think I do pretty good with this too, though we have maybe one in all of Osoyoos!)
7. Barbara needs a screen, projector and cart for a Power Point presentation (well, this is true if I need to help Miles lead worship music this Sunday...)
8. Barbara needs your help (yes, my blog would not be my blog without your comments and encouragement)
9. Barbara needs to fire her, period. (hmmm, did I hire someone?)
10. Finally, Barbara needs to update her will, to reflect her wishes. (thanks for reminding me!)
Sooooo... I won't go about naming names, I'll simply encourage you to Google your own name and post your 'needs'! Let me know where to visit to see what you need, too!
Today in History:
1871 - Blossom Rock in San Francisco Bay blown up
1949 - Courtesy Mail Boxes for motorists started in San Francisco.
(its also Shirley Temple's birthday!)
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Good Morning Barb:)
ReplyDeleteIt is sooo good to see you back.:) I love to read your blog and pick up the little goodies you offer along the way.:)
Thank you so much for the cute little monkeys.I could use these on my grand daughters pages the little stinkers.LOL Oh wouldn't that be cute..a skunk... and word art that says..You little stinker..there is your next freebie honey..LOL I will be looking out for it!hehe..I know you will make it cute as can be.:)
Thank you so much for coming to see me.You really do encourage me and I thank you so much for that.:)
The garden boxes look like a lot of work.LOL But when you reap the benefits..I bet you will be sooo glad you did them.:)
Have a fantastic day today.I am doing laundry and cleaning in between resting my foot.:)No garden box making for me.LOL
This little monkey is so cute...thanks os much.
sure is nice to have you back ...with us ...missed you lots...might try that name thing...lot your garden boxes ..can't wait to see everything blooming and ya sis
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Barb -
ReplyDeleteOr as Amy would say, neiner, neiner. I had to do that for her as she is still busy with MIL being there.
Say 'Hi' to Miles for us. Amy's Dadoo
thank you so much for the links and the freebie! i LOVE them!
ReplyDeleteAWESOME job on the plant boxes too!!
oh and such a cute cute pic of Winston!!
thank you :) have a great day!
yeah! You're back! What an interesting task to our name with "needs"...hmmm..
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the little monkeys.. I remember playing with them as a little girl :) What a GREAT Addition to ANY layout.. especially with little boys.. I have missed reading your blog and am glad to see the return of it. :) I Have to say the VIEW while you were doing the garden boxes is like a DREAM that is the EXACT View I have always dreamed of waking too each and every day.. Mountains, Lake, Gardening.. THat is ME!!!!! I think the google this is very cute and I think I will copy you and try it out. :) Thank you so much for the cute monkeys and Look forward to visiting back real soon. :)
Hi there Barb! I too am glad you're back and that you're getting your house into shape. (Including the gardens)Those monkeys are too cute. I'll have to colorise them to make them look like a barrel full. LOL! Just so you know my b-day isn't for another 23 days (mark your calendar) I haveno clue where those ideas came from in the comments section. Oh well. I'm off to put Emma down for her nap.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you and Miles,
P.S. Tell those students of yours I say hi!
LOVE the little monkey!! I can see using it on my DGDs pages!! Welcome back and thank you very much!!
ReplyDeleteThe little monkeys are perfect for my boys! Thanks for sharing them. I had seen the needs post before, it is funny to see what you "need". have a good day!
ReplyDeleteLol Barb, using my real name I have 1,800,000 needs. Now thats a few too many I think.
ReplyDeleteNice to see you back. You must have been doing earthy things on EARTH DAY. We (Vancouver Island) have a new website that made it's debut on Earth Day.
They discuss recycling, diet and nutrition, voluntary simplicity,
natural healing, organic gardening, environment, body
mind and spirit, co-housing, volunteering and more...
I really like the forums. Someone told how to grow tomatoes in plastic shopping bags hung from the clothesline or the patio.
Your monkeys are a barrel load of fun. :)
Hi Barb, Welcome back...You were missed...Love the newest freebie...Hope you guys are all settled in...And have fun with your gardening. Looks like alot of fun...Well take care...
Thank so much for the monkies, Barb. Your planting boxes look so nice. Wish I had the energy to have a vegetable garden again. All I can manage is a few pots of herbs on the patio. Just love to rub them between my fingers and smell the aroma. Yummmm!
ReplyDeleteAck - I didn't like my options for Becky needs... some were pretty nasty. The least of the nasties was...
ReplyDeleteBecky needs a bullet in her head. (no thanks, I'm good)
Becky needs a psychiatrist! (not again lol)
Becky needs a little taste (aw man)
So instead I'll try Rebecca...
Rebecca needs enlightenment (ok)
Rebecca needs to vent (yes, often)