The 'stork' or shall we say the 'killdeer' delivered us a special little gift yesterday! Roman came by to let us know the killdeer eggs were hatching - so I armed myself with my camera and headed right out. Now, if you read my blog a few days ago, you would have counted three eggs in total - however, when I arrived at the nest I only found the one egg and the one baby. :( Roman did say that he is sure he may have unwittingly 'rescued' one of the parents from a hawk who had a killdeer in it's clutches. His presence scared the raptor into releasing it's prey - thank goodness! So, I am wondering whether the baby was also a victim, or perhaps mom and dad had it hidden away somewhere when I arrived on the scene. I will keep you updated!


Really, I chatted to the (always sweet and kind) ladies who work there and they assure me this sign is for real. Granted the shop does not have a public washroom - they do break down and allow people to use the one upstairs in the Church - if it's an emergency situation. Goodness, our town does not have a plethora of public washrooms. I don't believe I could be reduced to this point, though.
I spent yesterday outside - yes, I know I'd indicated the weather was not good - but that was from merely looking outside... in actuality it was ideal for working outside as the sun was not beating down. I was outdoors for at least four hours raking around the rockwork and cleaning underneath the pungent pine trees. I seperated several buckets of pinecones, not knowing if they would be good for a specific mulching purpose - but apperently not. I cannot believe how many cones a single tree can produce. I'm loving the yardwork.
I found an informative and funny site about Ponderosa Pines... it says the North American Plains Indians used the Pines for aromatherapy - I can believe this as the scent is pungent and heady. But this website is dedicated to PONDEROSA PINE SNIFFING... I don't think I am that far gone, yet... but if you would like to check it out you can find the site HERE.
A few notes:
JOSEY - thanks for the interesting link for Vancouver Island - a site you may want to visit to learn about recycling etc if you live on the Island, or not. (Neeena.... Sisster - you do!) You can visit Josey's good link HERE
CICERO SINGS - thanks for the heads up on the bees article - will check back at it!
JUDY - My sister and brother in law have a NEW HOME! They've been trying to sell their long time home for quite a while and in the meantime have just purchased a huge new RV - which will be their home when this place sells. Even tho you don't know Judy, it would tickle me if you got to see it - and leave some loves for her! You can find Judy's blog HERE
Today in History:
1891 - President Benjamin Harrison visits San Francisco.
1901 - New York becomes 1st state requiring license plates for cars
1945 - United Nations Conference starts.
1961 - Robert Noyce granted a patent for the integrated circuit.
Reader SAHM commented yesterday that today is something called ANZAC day - and if you're an Aussie you will know it's an important day in Australian history... if you would like to check it out you can find it HERE.
Thanks to all of you who write me and share interesting links etc... I can't tell you how much I appreciate it all! This is YOUR blog as much as mine! Your input makes my blog interesting!
I heard an article yesterday on CBC radio which featured these fabulous footwear for babies... and I was so intrigued I had to look it up and share it with you. HOW I WISH they had nifty booties like these when our children were little... you know when they can't wear 'real' shoes when you want to spend time outdoors in the cold? Something thats not only functional but fashionable?
Stonz footwear was developed by two active BC moms who saw a need. Kudos to you smart ladies - I admire you and hope you do very well! You can find the link to these awesome boots HERE
Have Fun with Tech Gadgets
You may get quite a chuckle out of the following top 10 Tech Gadgets listed at the TechEBlog... my favorite would be a toss up between the toilet paper dispenser/ipod docker and the bra that doubles as a shopping bag!
Wow, you do cover a variety of topics in your blog! LOL
ReplyDeleteFirst, the whole peeing in the jars thing...uh, gross! It had to be a guy. Too funny!
The baby killdeer is so cute! When we first moved here, there was a good deal of wildlife that came up in our backyard. Then they built a school behind us, so that was that. We do have a brown bunny that I have tried desperately to get a pic of...still no luck. He runs off before I can get it every time!
Love your freebies and photography by the way!
Ohhh, killdeer chicks. How cute (and rather homely) at the same time. Sad if one baby is gone but that is their risk of having nests on the ground. Hope they survive this vulnerable time. I haven't even had time to LOOK at my egg & flapping photos yet. Downloaded them & hoped to come back to them but no time yet.
ReplyDeleteI sent you an email (well, 2 actually) about getting together. :( Staff meeting day! Hope you got the email. Maybe Friday??
oh, goodness - thanks for the link, barb, I needed that laugh! my faves are the driv-e-mocion, nap alarm, camera, and tie - those are so useful, lol! and that butt cooler is just hilarious ;)
ReplyDeletedo please notify us about the egg! that little one is so pretty.
I'm new to blogging and have been noticing that, every now and then, someone says they've been tagged. What IS this?
ReplyDeleteAs for the jars ... I BUY jars that size at 2nd hand stores to store food in ... and yeeeewwww ... gross is right!
Those kids booties ARE kinda cool.
Good Evening Barb:)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the cute baby rattle.:)That is so cute to go with your pics. I bet you were excited to see the baby killdeer.:)
That is a really gross thing for someone to do in those jars. ewwww!! As Joyce Myers would say..yuk yuk!:)My Mom always quotes her.LOL
Are your arms sore from all that raking?I raked all day a few years back and couldn't raise my arms for them hurting sooo bad.:)
I am soo happy you are enjoying your new home.:)
Thanks for coming to see me:)
Barb - DH is in hospital and Nick was pretty sick. Will try to catch up soon. ((hugs)) Thanks for the prayers...keep em coming!