Monday, April 02, 2007


Close up, this litte puppy really does appear to have fuzzy ears! I hope you find a sweet place on your layouts for him/her? I've hand painted this sweet critter for you to 'adopt' into your family - much less trouble than a real puppy, though I know its not the same.


Thanks for all your warm comments - we had a nice time with our daughter and her boyfriend over the weekend. Admittedly, our visits are too few and far between but hopefully this will change. I took time off from packing to just enjoy their company. We had a nice dinner out together and cuddled up for a movie!

We took 'the kids' out to the new house - and Dan helped Miles move a desk into the basement. The desk is a handsome and well made piece of furniture which was built at the hand of our friend Roger - remember Roger and Marie who periodically supply us with pics of their Alpaca? Roger has quite the talent with furniture building and is very generous in his skills. He's often created some item for the school which makes life neater and simpler. Thanks Roger!


it will be fun to float about - if I'm not online you know where we are...

Our current landlords arrived home yesterday so the process will all begin. We've been in this place for 9 years so there will be a bit of upgrading required - but the hardest part of all will be leaving this comfortable nest will be living apart from Elroy and Linda. I know I had to hold back the 'happy tears' when I talked with them yesterday - and I am sure more are queued up...

So, in saying this, I best go and continue my packing/cleaning cycle...


Today in History:

1792 - Congress establishes Coin denominations of United States.

1935 - Watson Watt granted a patent for RADAR.

I did hear a few interesting articles on the radio over the weekend, two of which I will share with you! The first article ... well, I will let you decide for you. Ok, it was an article - that if you are a baseball fan you will like... for the rest of us we might be scratching our heads here... apperently you can now purchase urns (for your ashes if you get cremated) and from AUTHORIZED dealers eg: funeral homes, you can have a team logo emblazoned on your urn... ok....

The second and third articles you can actually listen to - (I love npr!) This first one is a very sweet article about a book which was recently published about people's teddy bears. I mean who can't love a teddy? I hope you enjoy, you can listen HERE

The third article is not for the queezy of stomach as it is about 50 Foods To Try Before You Die... some of them are NOT nice! You can listen HERE



Just Some Cool Graphics

This site is a great time to kill some time playing with the interesting graphics - not for slower computers!



  1. Good Morning Barb:)
    Thank you soo much for this cute puppy.:) You do fantatic work.Wish I could that.:)
    Thank you for coming to see me.I love your visits.Sounds like things are rolling right along for you and the big move.:)I would be getting so excited if it were me.After..I got over the fact that I have accumulated almost eleven years of stuff here.LOL
    I got curious one day to see if there are any more "Valinda's" out there.So I looked it up online.. There is actually a city in California that is named Valinda.:) I love my sisters name too...Tionie..pronounced ( T-on E).Only say it all together.Isn't that pretty? My Mother was watching an old western movie when she was carrying my sister and an Indian woman had that name.So..she named her Tionie Amber.:)

    Have fun packing and packing and packing...hehe.:)


  2. Thank you so very much for the adorable puppy!!

    So glad to hear you had a great visit!!

  3. Barb, I am so happy for you and Miles now you can start the big move and you know the dates of when you new home becames your home..I know you will miss the old had awesome landlords there..many times they made us feel very welcome there ..even with our fifth wheel...I LOVE the puppy ..thanks so much

  4. He's just so cute I had to take him home with me; thanks!

  5. Amy W says - Hello again from sunny northern California! Emma and I are having a blast with my folks and visiting friends! I have a ton of pictures so I'll be sharing those once I get home. But I forgot that Monday night at 9pm eastern I'll be having a chat featuring my new kit Eggstra Sweet in the TDS chat room!

    Posted by Amy's Dad.

  6. thanks so much for the links and beautiful dog element!! look forward to and love your blog, daily!! have a great day!!!!

  7. I heard a song on the radio today, it's country I warn you, but it reminded me of you... I made something and put it on my blog for the world to see, hope you like it :)

  8. Love the puppy and so happy you had a good visit with your daughter.

  9. The new freebie is so cute. Thank you..Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter. The pics are breathtaking...Thank you for sharing...


  10. Thank you for the cutest puppy ever!!! that is the sweetest little thing I have ever seen.. LOL :) I is very adorable..

    I know what you mean when you said Far and in between about seeing your daughter.. I am that way with my grandparents.. they live 4 hours away.. and that isn't too far but to keep 4 kids in the vehicle for that long of a drive is a bit hard!!!

    Anyway.. thank you so much for all your lovely gifts.. they are appreciated truely!!!


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