Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well.... I've had several requests regarding my pajama party kit... and I think all you who took part in my pajama party would be ok for me to share the kit at this late date? It's full of plushy soft flannelette papers, twinkly painted toenails and even a pocket and button down pajama front!

Our darling daughter called to say she is coming for a visit and my element treasure box is on 'E' so I had to sift thru my back up files to find something for you all today.

So... I am making this entry very brief so I can clean, pack and then spend some quality time with our girl. You all have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!


Today in History:

  • 1831 - Quebec & Montreal incorporated
  • 1854 - Japan opens ports to foreign trade by Commodore Perry
  • 1870 - Thomas P Mundy became 1st black to vote in US (Perth Amboy NJ)
  • 1880 - Wabash Ind - 1st town completely illuminated by electric light
  • 1889 - Eiffel Tower in Paris officially opened
  • 1917 - US purchases Virgin Is from Denmark for $25 million
  • 1918 - 1st US daylight savings time goes into effect
  • 1923 - 1st dance marathon - NYC - Alma Cummings sets record of 27 hrs
  • 1932 - Ford publicly unveiled its V-8 engine
  • 1949 - Newfoundland becomes 10th Canadian province
  • 1963 - LA ends streetcar service after 90 years
  • 1966 - USSR launches Luna 10 - 1st spacecraft to orbit moon


Learn some Arts and Crafts - in time for Easter, you know?

I found this wonderful resource recently - chock full of great content on almost any type of craft you could be interested in. This is what the author of the site says:

"Are you an Arts and Crafts lover like me? Don't worry as we are not alone. Arts and Crafts are introduced to us at a very young age and for some of us it becomes a passion that never goes away. I have spent hours, weeks, & months compilling this directory of very useful Arts and Crafts related websites."

" Why? you ask... Well there are hundreds of thousands of Arts and Crafts websites made for and by people like you and I. Although this is awsome, finding that particular product or piece of information can be troublesome. I have put together this directory of Arts and Crafts website by handpicking evry single website one by one and visiting each of them. I have separated them into useful categories and included a search to make it even easier for you to find what you are looking for. "



  1. I hope you have a fabulous time with your beautiful daughter.

  2. thank you for sharing your wonderful stories beautiful daughter and of course the awesome links!!! have a great day!!

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog.
    I'll like your freebies


    Loves from Holland, Elise

  4. Barb, Your daughter is a real beauty!! Enjoy your special time together and then you must let me know how you knew your ostrich was visiting my blog! Connie

  5. Great freebie...TFS. Have great time visiting with your daughter...


  6. love the picture of Mel ..she is so beautiful her mom..give her a hug from us

  7. Ahh Barb what a beautiful picture of your daughter!! I hope you had a lot of fun :-) ((hugs)) Jake's doing'll take a long time before he will get better.

  8. Thank you for the comment on my blog. I had no idea people, other then people that know me, would actually even look at my blog. How DO you find people with similar interests? How did you find me for instance?

  9. Love your photos & your daughter is very pretty. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving some love also. Thanks for the kit that button strip is too cute.

  10. Thanks for the lovely freebie

  11. I love slumber parties and sleepovers. I haven't been to one since I was a girl. You know, I think we adult women of the world should re-enact slumber parties and make them for grown ups too. I can only imagine they would be even more fun than when we were kids!


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