Sunday, December 17, 2006


I thought you might appreciate a mini kit you could use for your church plays or plays from your school. I think even if you don't have a child that you might try to attend a concert where Children sing... it just brings the magic alive. Seeing the little mites in their perfect imperfectness brings a smile to my heart. The scripture on the kit is:


"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."

MAKE THE CUT (painted using Painter)

Along these very thoughts are some actual sayings that kids have said things in the bible (precious 'lil people they are!)

When Mary heard that she was the mother of Jesus, she sang the Magna Carta

When the three wise guys from the east side arrived, they found Jesus in
the manager.

Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption.

Jesus enunciated the Golden Rule, which says to do one to others before they do one to you.

A Christian should have only one spouse. This is called monotony.


Miles and I went for a run yesterday, to the other side of the lake, about a 1.4 hour run in all. I haven't been out for probably close to 3 weeks, meybe even a month. I always get scared when there is a big lag in running... wondering if I will 'lose' it. I do work out on my own at home, but there's nothing like a real run, outside in the fresh air. Miles and I agree, its not even the same on a treadmill... its harder outside. But there is such a good satisfaction in braving the elements. There's a rythym when you are running, in motion, and cars move up on you, then past. I almost feel like what fish must feel when they swim together. I don't know if you've ever run, but truly, after you have built up, it's always 'hard' but its also a feeling you don't get anywhere else. Its like a dance... and when you're outside its like your an interactive part of nature... your eyes drinking in the beauty and details, your body moving freely. You have people wave, honk and your mind is at rest. Honestly, I have done some of my best thinking and planning along the way. Sometimes I listen to music too, and it is a time of worship for me... no phones, no interuptions. I wish you could all feel this. What an amazing thing God gave us in our bodies.

Its our Christmas celebration at Church today. I'm looking forward to the morning with our Church Family. I promise to bring back pictures.

I will bring you more oxymorons tomorrow to get your week going. I hope you are all getting back to normal after the big storms - thanks for phoning me Nina (my Sis) to let us know that though you have no power, you're ok... and Joy, from Oregon for emailing and letting us know your ok too. You're always in our prayers.

I would like to challenge you, dear readers. I am going to take a break for a few days over Christmas. Probably my last entry will be possibly Thursday or Friday. This gives us 4 or 5 days. I would like to challenge you to

"GIVE before you give"

What I mean by this is ... ok, you know who you HAVE to buy for. You know who you WANT to buy for. These folks are a given. I challeng you to find someone who needs AND GIVE TO THEM FIRST, BEFORE THE OTHERS. C'mon, everyone knows someone who needs - love, food, money, time, comfort. I want you to pick someone. Yes, it will cost. It will cost you money, time, effort. I am telling you that this one person you pick will touch your heart more than all the other stuff you trade with the 'have to's' or 'want to's' You will feel Christmas in your heart when you do it. I dare you to pick someone today and make a plan. It does not have to be big... it can be a card to your favorite cashier, a walk of someone's dog, a letter to someone - telling them what they mean to you, it could be cash, food, a piece of jewellery. Make it cost you. If you don't have to make it cost in time or money or effort it won't make the same impact. It will be inconvenient to you - may even put you in debt (don't do it so you can't eat or have power) Give a family movie passes - bake a freezer meal for someone... gee, I could just go on. I would love to publish a two foot long blog entry about your goodness. I'm not really doing this for the people you do it for, I am doing it for you. Miles and I have done a goodness to someone we know, and believe me, its costing... but I can't reveal it here or I would spoil the surprize. It will 'put us behind' for a while... but we won't think twice about it. It feels 'right'

Send a Gingerbread Man

Ha Ha! I am so busy blogging y'all that I haven't had an opportunity to send one of these simply adorable gingerbread man cards myself. Its interactive and you decorate your own gingerbread man to send to that special someone! You can send me one...


  1. Thank you sooo much for this wonderful mini kit..I sure appreciate your sharing it with me:)

    I enjoyed working with you too on the Qp yesterday.It was a lot of fun:) Thank you for offering to let me use your papers.They are terrific:)

    Lastly...thank you for leaving such wonderful comments on my blog.I look forward to your visits every day:)

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. TYS this amazing beautiful mini kit!

  3. Aww, I love the gingerbread link. I made a red-headed one for my mom. Fun.

    Thanks for the 'giving' challenge. I agree that it is more of a true gift if it costs you something of yourself, whether its money or time or sacrifice!

  4. I love your minikit. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Love the King! Thank you for sharing! :)

  6. This is just so lovely and makes me feel so grateful that I've found you for all the inspiration and love you give to us. Thank you Barb (& Miles too of course!) :D

  7. Thank you for the pretty broach and thank you Mr. Miles for the surprise!

  8. Thank you so much for the mini kit very pretty!!

  9. Wow you have great little kits and love all the links, like the gingerbread cookie ecards. :)


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