Friday, December 22, 2006


Awwww! Look what Mr. Miles made for me - to share with you. He took all the little 'critters' that I have been digitally hand-painting using Painter and ArtRage, and he put 'em on a plate that you can use on your scrapbooking layouts. You could also use it as a frame for a special picture. He sure knows my 'love language'! This file is pretty big!

Thank you ALL yesterday, for your comments. I was 'wowwed' after my busy, busy day to come and find my email box 'stuffed' with warm & sweet happiness. Its like getting to open presents early - after all, I know how busy I am I am sure it's no different for you!


Speaking of busy, earlier this week Miles had to stop at our friend June's house for a moment, and he came home and was adamant that I take some time out to drop in on her. (June's also a student at the Learning Center where Miles teaches) He said that she was incredibly talented and I would regret it if I did not go and check out her 'hobby'. You see, June is moving in the next few days - figures, you just get to 'really' know some one...

I called and set a time with her for Wednesday morning. I warned her that it would be a very brief 'in and out' thing. Well, I had NO idea that I would wish I had a whole day to spend.


June 'makes' or 'builds' horses, sleighs, saddles and doll houses. Her horses are very lifelike, with manes that you feel like you would want to braid. The sleigh has all sorts of little 'add ons' - a broom, axe for felling that tree etc... In itself, these things are beautifully done and lifelike... now I will tell you that these things are no more than six or seven inches high and it becomes a breathtaking work of art in miniature. Yes, you understood me, these creations are little itsy-bitsy!


I had to use my super-macro to try and capture the endless little details on her saddles. Tiny little stirrups with teensy little ties. Stitching on the saddles. A bridle with a bit about 1/2 inch wide - no kidding! I could have spent the day there! Did I tell you the horse's mane is actually dog fur? There is no end to the tiny delightful details to her items! She says, that once, she sent a photo of a saddle to a saddle maker to have assistance writing a description - it was not till later the saddle maker realized this saddle was miniature!

June even created a saddle horn and display cases to fit her creations. Know anyone who has 'everything'... this would be a one of a kind thing to buy them! June also makes miniature victorian dresses etc. You may view her galleries of her horse creations and photos HERE at her webshots albums - oh, and you better get a coffee now, because you are going to be here for hours...

Even though I ended up visiting her for an hour and half, when I had no time to start it was worth every single second. Did I tell you that June is also a gifted artist and potter? This is a candle holder she crafted recently at a workshop at the Learning Center.... (what can't you do, June?) I look forward to posting your future work - unless, of course, I've got you started on your own blog soon...


Ok, you folks have been sending me your "Give before you give" deeds, and its warming me alla way down to my toesies. Does'nt that just feel too good? I got 'do gooded' on by many - you know who you are and I thank you, thank you, thank you. Becky, the festively wrapped plate of goodies was entirely too good... and it wasn't until I had bitten head off of snowman cookie #2 that I realized I shoulda taken a bloggable photo of him... could not horrify my reader's delicate eyes with a partially decapitated sno-guy. It was entirely delish! I'm going to leave an empty plate at your house more often... (your company surpassed the treats tho, in enjoyment!)

Mr. Miles and I 'played santa' the other night... I cannot disclose the details of exactly what we did out of respect for this single parent family's privacy... but lets just say, one 12 year old boy was jumping up and down with excitement, and Mom says he got virtually no sleep that night. Whew, making me misty as I write.

The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else!

Luke 6:38

Give, and it shall be given unto you.

(You cannot out-give God!)

And yesterday was the Christmas Pot Luck at the Learning Center. I cooked both a ham and turkey for the big event, and I will publish some Martha Stewart-like photos and instructions sometime soon. The event was a huge success and its like we have a big family there too.

I must go, its 4 a.m. and I need to catch some more sleep. I've enjoyed posting you in the quiet hours of this night, dear readers. Thank you again for each comment and greeting that you leave for me and Mr. Miles - each one is read and appreciated. A big thanks too, for you folks who have 'linked' to our blog, and promoted it! :)


Elf Yourself!

My friend Kristin found this link on a thread at DST... (thx K, your the bestest!)

You can turn yourself into an elf, add music and send your Elf-Self to friends and family (warning: highly funny and addictive fun!)


Alternately, I've just found another fun site. I really dislike the name of the site, but the content is not offensive. You might have a bit of fun with this one too:

Your friends would look better if they had goatees, chest hair, and maybe some bruises.
At least, that seems to be the general thinking behind And we think they’re onto something.

Upload or type in the URL for a photo, and PikiPimp will let you accessorize it with facial hair, eye-wear, new lips, ears, tattoos, and tongues… In short, embarrassing knickknacks of all sorts.
It’s like Mr. Potato Head but with photos.

PikiPimp’s not the first to do this, but they do it exceptionally well. Resize and rotate your additions, even adjust their opacity until they’re just right. Then hit save and print, share, or pop your creation into cards. Grandma with aviators, Robby with a rabbi beard and a parrot on his shoulders. It’s all here.


  1. The plate is soooooo cute! I love all the stuff you make!

    Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

  2. Good Morning:)
    Thank you Mr.Miles for the wonderful plate:)Thank you Mrs.Miles for the wonderful designs for him to put on it:)What a team!:)
    Thank you also for your sweet comment you left for me this morning.:) Makes my day!

    Merry Christmas and big Christmas hugs to both of you:)


  3. awesoem Barb and Miles ..thank you so much for all hard work and love...God Bless you both and keep you both under His love and protection ...we love you both

  4. What a neat idea! The plate is so pretty; thank you and Mr. Miles, too! I had fun with the elf site the other day and you're's fun and addicting! I changed it a little and sent them to my friends with THEIR picture on it!

  5. Another early morning! Too much excitement for you I think! The plate of all your elements is adorable! It looks so real. Like a photo!

    Glad you liked the treatsies! Lawrence & I bite the heads off first too & get a kick out of it. Poor little snowman cookie!

    PS We've been 'elfing' ourselves at work this past week too with that fun link! It is addictive.

  6. Thank You for sharing your awesome plate!
    Happy Holiday's!!!!

  7. Love the Christmas Plate... Thank you Barb & Miles!
    Merry Christmas!

  8. I wanted to tell you thank you for multiple freebies, but most of all for the funny picture of the no pirating. I was perusing one of the files I had recieved from you, and my kids just giggled and I explained how I was getting all the "freebies", but that they weren't mine to give, just recieve. That I had promised these people well more specifically, Mr. and Mrs. Miles not to and they would be upset if I did.
    A few days later, I had a really great friend over and was explaining digiscrapping to her and showing her what I had learned. She asked can I make a CD of some of the things you have and fiddle with them? I said, nope, sorry, I promised I wouldn't do it.
    All of sudden my girls (twins age 7) exploded and said my mom can't be a pirate or miles and miles of people will be upset. I burst into laughter, and explained to my girlfriend the story.
    I wanted to share that with you and let you know that no pirating is going on in this house!
    Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

  9. Hi Barb! Please say Thank you to Mr. Miles for the really cute plate! I loved his snow globe from yesterday so much I used it all ready! Please stop by my blog so you can see it when you have time!!

  10. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas plate.

  11. thanks for the elf link, have had a blast to say the least. love your blog. thank u for u

  12. Thanks so much! Love your blog, your great freebies and fun links! :)

  13. Thanks for the links - had some wicked fun with photos of my hubby!

  14. Love your site...the funny sayings and such are just great and I enjoyed passing them on to my friends and family.

    Happy New Year,



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