Monday, December 18, 2006


This kit is a mish-mash of leftovers that look tasty all together... sort of a pot-luck kind of idea, it all works out!

Hmmm.... can't sleep again, so I might as well blog y'all. Must have too many visions of sugar plums dancing through my head... what IS a sugarplum, anyways.... better go look that up! Wikapedia says:

A sugar plum is a piece of candy that is made of sugar and shaped in a small round or oval shape. They are similar to truffles with a dark chocolate exterior and a plum-flavored interior.

Well, that sounds mighty fine to me...


yes, Mr. Miles sings, and plays piano, and guitar and...

Yesterday was our Church Christmas celebration, and a good time was had by all! How can you not love the love flowing? 'swat its all about! I love it when our entire Church family gets together at this festive time, everyone from babes to Gramma and Grampa's. Watching the little kids haul each other up to the stage, wearing thier mom's special small size towels (not the facecloths, and not the big ones, either) on their heads, tied round with ribbon so they can be shepherds. The inevitable rubber dolly with blinkie eyes in its starring role as the baby Jesus and of course the manger with... yikes... even though the Pastor is a rancher this baby Jesus has Fake Fur to sleep on? Yowsa!

Of course afterwards there's the little 'mingle and snack' in the basement afterward where the darling children fill their selves with all sorts of sugary goodies. They had'nt even made it out of the sanctuary with someone plying them with soft, melty, messy chocolate. (Not a great idea before photos - little brown smiles which have to be photoshopped out) Well, its all in good fun.

So, no responses YET on my 'GIVE before you give' challenge. In case you just found my blog you will have to read yesterdays entry to know what I'm talking about. I'm sure its because you are trying to figure out what the BEST thing to do is, right? You will be sad if you miss this opportunity...

I did, however get a pledge for the scholarship fund in memory of Val who passed from cancer this year. This pledge came from our dear friend Shelly who was our secretary at the school until she moved on to greener pastures this year too. Shelly spent A LOT of time with Val at the end. Our Shelly is a very special gal!

Today's oxymorons:

new antique (New Antiques arriving daily!)

new archeology

new classic

new cliche

new improved

new routine

new tradition

new used cars

night light

night vision

noble savage

no comment

No-good Do-gooder!

noiseless sound

noisy mime

non-dairy creamer

non-fat cream


Melissa photographed the luminaries (hope I got that right) in New Mexico... what a perfect picture to go on my Worship the King paper! Thanks so much!

And here's a little Christmas humour for all you science instructors (Mr. Miles being one...)

The Chemistry Teacher's Coming to Town

You better not weigh

You better not heat

You better not react

I'm telling you now

The Chemistry Teacher's coming to town.

He's collecting data

He's checking it twice

He's gonna find out

The heat of melting ice

The Chemistry Teacher's coming to town.

He sees you when you're decanting

He knows when you titrate

He knows when you are safe or not

So wear goggles for goodness sake.

Oh, you better not filter

And drink your filtrate

You better not be careless

and spill your precipitate.

The Chemistry Teacher's coming to town.


Excuses, Excuses...

Well, I can't blame ya... if you're like me, and have been rushed off your painted little toenails this holiday season, then you would rather be spending all the vacation with your 'lil sweetie than attending them 'ol boring Christmas Parties... If you need a good excuse, no problemo, its all taken care of for you. Just visit this site and answer a few easy questions and you will be provided with what to say. Whew, now you can really relax!



  1. Good morning:) You have been officially added to my side bar links:)Hope you get lots and lots of visitors:)
    Thank you soo much for adding me to yours:)
    Thank you also..for sharing this wonderful kit with me.You are right..they do go well together:)
    Oh..and thanks for letting me know what a sugar plum is.LOL Never took the time to search for that one.:)
    Those sooo cute.I bet it was fun watching them act out their roles in the play.:)
    Have a fantastic day!


  2. Hello, Thanks for the O Christmas Tree minikit and Worship The King minikit. They are beautiful. I have a question fro you though, I saw you layouts of Mr. Miles singing and the Three Wise Men, I was wondering where you got those great icicles and snowflakes. Thanks so much. Keep up the great work!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Oh barb you crack me up! Those little guys looked super cute even with the chocolate! Thank you for the great kit both yesterday and today! keep up the great work my friend! And since you asked I'd be honored to be added to your blogroll, you're already on mine! Happy Holidays!

  4. Didn't know you were hoping for replies to your GIVE before you give ... I don't pick one person, but we did donate a number of new toys to the "Toys for Tots" can over at the fire station yesterday. As for one person, I made some cookies for our favourite folks at the coffee shop with a note saying we appreciated them. Once the holiday season is over, I'll once again be baking stuff for the firefighters throughout the year to let them know they're appreciated.

  5. Thank you for this beautiful kit!

  6. With all the kits you make, I'm surprised you have time left over to make any layouts. Very cute wise men!

    Thanks for the invitation. I hope we can check it out in the new year for sure!

    Went to Haynes & photo'd ICE yesterday afternoon till my fingies were too cold to shoot any more!

    Merry Week before Christmas!

  7. Hey there sis, Hannah called and needed foods for her school food drive today. It is a 1-2(maybe 3)punch type of giving... I was giving to my girl, she was giving to the ppl in need, and She was also giving to her class - if they meet their quota of foods to give, they get a party at the end of the week. Giving times 3. :)

  8. Thank you so much for the O Christmas Tree kit... and I was able to pick up Gramma's Brooch too... we're going, going, going with company.... wonderful friends from Scotland visiting us here in Australia... don't know how long they'll be staying with us.. they're the kind of friends that you never ask for you want them to stay forever!
    Thank you again!!

  9. TYS todays beautiful Christmas freebie!

  10. Thank you for the lovely Christmas tree. :)

  11. Hi Mrs. Miles! Thank you so much for the beautiful kit!! I love what your reader Melissa did with your kit from yesterday! Gorgeous pictures of the luminaries!

  12. Hi Barb! Thank you so much for another beautiful freebie! You are just do you find time for all of this creativity and activity at such a busy time of the year??!! You are "good people". Keep it up...keep it all up! You are right about how truly reaching out and helping cheer someone else's life (even if it is just a small gesture) can have such a big impact (for both the giver and the reciever)! :) By the way, thank you for clearing up the "Sugar Plum" question -- I was just wondering that same question last night, and now I know. Take care! :)
    Barb, from sunny (and now snowy) Manitoba, CANADA

  13. Thank you very much for the lastest 2 freebies!! I also love the LO Melissa did!

  14. awesome element and the layout's are great


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