Wednesday, December 20, 2006


This crazy kit contains two papers, four bulbs, a ornament hook, a double headed candy cane and a silly elf card that you can insert a face into. The evergreens were featured in a previous kit... if you read back you could locate it... or you could just email me at and I can get that to you.

LAYOUT BY AMY W. (loads of nice freebies here!)

Credits:Kit- O Christmas tree by Barb Derksen (Mrs Miles)

Ribbon- Wishing You a Happy Christmas by Sandra Boddington

Word art- Christmas Quotes by Nikole Terry

Template- AMY'S No. 50

Font- Segoe Media Center Semibold

Ok... yes, I'm starting to go a little strange with all the rush and hustle and bustle of the season - needing to find that nice quiet place for prayer sometime today. Its a good busy, though. I was feeling a little kooky yesterday while showing my friends Toni and Helen at my painter's group some cool Photoshop techniques I've learned. I gave them a good giggle when I created these crazy ornaments with all the little hangy things. If you're like me, your balls end breaking those things all the time. Once I get into a silly mood my mind just keeps going down its little path all on it's own. Generally this is when Mr. Miles makes me eat something. He knows when I am cranky or silly that I need something - food, sleep or sunshine or a spanking (kidding).

I finally finished up our Church Christmas celebration slideshow and it's up on the web now for you to all enjoy. If you belong to my church... shhhhh..... don't share till after they show it on Sunday, K? don't You can view it at the follwing link:


I created this slideshow using Picasa, which is a free program from Google... you really should try it - it has a ton of great features which include one click gift CD making which packages the software right on the disk too. One small drawback is you can't put music to it yet, though you can cause your computer to 'loop' a song while you play it.

Love Birds DAVE AND CATHY... (50 yrs married, folks!)

All of the elements used in our slideshow were created soley by Mr. Miles and I, other than the parchment paper on the front and back covers which were donated generously by Melissa Renfro who does lovely designs and the Baby Jesus gift tag on the back cover which was a free download from Janna's blog. Janna recently featured 12 days of Christmas of her free element downloads in her whimsical, nostalgic style. I spent about 1/2 hour of time reading her big list of great gift ideas. Please leave some love both at Melissa's site and Janna's site when you visit!

I also would encourage you to take a moment out of your day to 'refresh' by reading a wonderful entry my dear friend Becky made on her blog about an amazing adventure she had climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro!

I am cooking a turkey and ham today which I will take cold and sliced to our Christmas Pot Luck at our school tomorrow. So.... because I ran late with putting my kit this morning, I am going to break this entry off fairly quickly. I am going to try and fit in a brief visit with our friend June, who is moving to Vernon - we will miss you HUGELY June! Also, Mr. Miles has axed me out on an official date on his afternoon break today. Woo hoo - break out the makeup and high heels! He gets the best, the world the rest!

Please continue to do random kindnesses ... I promise to get them published... even when Christmas is over. Your acts make my heart smile!

You cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late!

Hebrews 3:13

But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today"


No Money? Virtual Present! :)

Yep, if you 'don't got' then you could still let that special someone that you wanted to get them something... and then send them a ridiculous wonderful gift, like an atm full of cash, diamond necklace, fabulous vacation or exotic car... he he!



  1. Thank You for todays beautiful kit and I know that your church will love the album its awesome you've done a outstanding job on it!

  2. You have some beautiful freebies here. Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us! They are amazing!

  3. I LOVE your kit! Thanks for sharing it with me:)
    Have fun on your official date.:)

    I love your slide did a fantastic job.:)

  4. Hello my busy friend! Thanks for sharing my blog again today. Hope I get a few viewers.

    Sounds like you're busy this afternoon so email me & let me know your schedule. I have your plate to drop off with a couple treatsies for you & Miles :)

  5. Thank you for the Crazy 'Ol Christmas. Love the elf. :)

  6. how do you have time to do all of this???????????

  7. Thanks Barb so many things. FOr the silly kit that made me smile. FO rputting up the LO of my cutie, for being you! Well I'm off to cut and package a bunch of goodies (you know the ones) I'll ttyl! I hope you had fun on your date!

  8. Hi!

    Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful kits :)
    I downloaded "blue suede", "ho christmas tree" and "worship the king".
    I always love your kits!

    Kiss from Portugal!

  9. Beautiful slideshow...I'm sure they're going to love it!

    Hope you had fun on your date last night.

  10. awesome element kit Barb...your church will love it ...

  11. Thanks for the gifts and love the virtual presents idea! :)


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