Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break Get-Away

It is Spring Break for my Mr. (and most schools at this time) so we decided to pack up Seb, our VW Van and head out on the road. Thankfully it's an early spring this year. We decided to head across the USA border (not a bog deal as we live five minutes from it).

We stayed our first night at one of our very favorite places - Steamboat Rock State Park, Washington. Though there was no snow, and also even though you cannot see from this photo - the wind was constant and bitter. We were the only campers, and no wonder!

But we stayed warm and snuggly inside for dinner with our trusty propane Mr. Buddy propane heater which also works wonderfully as a flat-bread warmer.

We decided it was just too cold and windy to hike the top of Steamboat and simply THREW everything into Seb, in the fashion of the Beverly Hillbillies, and drove down the road a bit to another place we enjoy - Sun Valley State Park.

Good thing we did not get stopped LOL! We do NOT live like this!

We chose a nice sheltered site here, sparing us some, not all, of the rain and cool temperatures.

We went for a three + hour hike through the desert today (March 12)  and I decided to bring you along with us.

Spring has forced the green to the surface so early! We enjoyed our liesurly walk through the sagebrush, rabbitbrush and antelope brush.

While my Mr. Took some panoramic shots I got down and kissed the dirt to capture these yellow lilies already out in profusion.

And the lichen in almost florescent colours upon the brush - shielding a  bright orangey-yellow lily below.

I don't know the name of this plant but it resembles some sort of wild rhubarb. Already it's about eight inches high.

The trail went around a large formation and then up and over.

Mr. Waits in the shelter of the rock face for me to follow - the trail winds down from here.

We followed the trail down to this little fishing lake, and then along it's shore. Luckily, other than a few spacklings of rain, we remain dry and relatively comfortable.

I am fascinated with some of the formations - they make me think it could be prehisoric times.

And the I especially like the texture of this almost luminescent green lichen!

More to follow... :)

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Thanks for sharing your walk - I enjoyed it from the warmth and comfort of my own home!

  2. Hope you don't freeze your buns off!!!

    Thanks for the walk adventure. Good to see another part of the world.

  3. So happy you are enjoying yourselves and sharing the experience with us.Love your pics!! How fun!!:)

    Love and hugs,

  4. Glad you have all that sunshine..
    We are off on our 'Spring Break' this weekend coming, hope our walking is going to be dry underfoot like yours! I bought myself a new pair of walking boots the other day, I am spending a lot of tome wearing them in ready!


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