Saturday, March 27, 2010

Colour My Roots or...

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My friend Rose loaned me som craft booklets from the 1940's, this is one of the ads inside. Interesting. I'll post a few more in the next days.

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Cool Barb. wow 1940's they worried about that gray thing to always found neat items that you share them. Have a great day.


  2. Wouldn't work for me .... I'm gray, gray, gray, .... right to the tips of my hair ... not matter what its length. There comes a point of no return.

  3. LOL! How funny that I should be reading this today! I am off to have my hair cut and colored this coming Thursday as I am LONG overdue and somehow ended up in the hospital instead of the salon last month! ROFL! No kidding. The day of my surgery was also the day I had scheduled to myself all prettied up for my daughter's wedding! LOL!

    My mother is amazing! She turns 83 this year and hardly has a gray hair to be found on her head and she has NEVER colored her hair either! I surely missed out on those genes! He, he ...

    Well, sweet lady, God willing, it looks as though I shall be visiting Canada this July! I am planning on three weeks in Washington between meeting and caring for daughter #2 and my new granddaughter due mid-July and, hopefully, a week with my oldest and her husband in Bellingham!

    I mentioned to the girls that I may as well get some use out of my passport that expires the end of November! I shall keep you updated as the time nears and, perhaps, we can meet for lunch if convenient for you and okay with my daughter and SIL!

    So, I have LOTS to look forward to this summer! :D

    Thank you for coming to visit me. It is always a joy to read your posts!

    Have a BEAUTIFUL tomorrow and thank you for sharing the LOVELY ads from the 40's!

    Love and hugs ...


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