Tuesday, May 01, 2007


First of all I want to say thank you to all you who leave me comments and suggestions... I can't express how much it delights me. Some of you are SO VERY FAITHFUL too... I know, personally, how hard it is to leave something at every blog we visit - specially when one has many one loves...

I spent a lovely day outdoors yesterday! I worked around the yard all morning, cleaning underneath more trees and getting a good workout. In the afternoon Bonnie and I sat up on a bench (we call it 'pineveiw bench') and we created cards for our Mom's. Actually, I've lost all sense of time out here... and I thought Mother's day was coming THIS weekend, not the next. LOL! It was not until later, talking to my sister in law Judy (who this kit is named for) that I became aware I'm a week early. Better early than late, I say!

SSSSSSSSSSHHH! (don't tell Mom!)

The roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are; they exist with God today. There is no time to them. There is simply the rose; it is perfect every moment of its existence. Before a leaf-bud has burst, its whole life acts; in the full-blown flower there is no more; in the leafless root there is no less. Its nature is satisfied, and it satisfies nature, in all moments alike. But man postpones or remembers; he does not live in the present, but with reverted eye laments the past, or, heedless of the riches that surround him, stands on tiptoe to foresee the future. He cannot be happy and strong until he too lives with nature in the present, above time.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Time to store those winter sweaters away. These tips I found in a Chatelaine Magazine tell you how to store them in the best shape!

1. Fold, don't hang wool sweaters and lightweight knits as they stretch out on hangers.

2. Discourage fabric-eating pests as well as keep your clothes fresh by storing with sachets of dried lavender.

3. Avoid discoloration and lint buildup by placing sheets of tissue paper between sweaters when stacking them away in a cupboard for the summer!


Spring Clean your Bills!

In a recent issue of House and Home Magazine they asked Janet Barclay of Organized Assistant, an Ontario based firm which provides organizational solutions to entrepreneurs to help define when it's time to toss personal documents:

ATM reciepts - After transaction appears on bank statements

Household repair bills - Six months

Cable and phone bills - One year

Utility bills - One year

Income tax returns and supporting documents - Six years

Banking and financial records - Six years

Investment certificates, saving bonds, etc - Once cashed in

Rent and lease agreements - After expiration date

Guarantees and warranties - After expiration date

Insurance policies - After expiration date

Vehicle records - When ownership ends

Receipts for valuables (furniture, appliances, art, etc...) - When ownership ends

Home renovation and property tax records - When property ownership ends

Real estate documents - Six years after selling property

ALWAYS keep the following:

Diplomas and certificates; medical records; power of attorney or will; vital records (birth, death and marriage certificates, divorce papers, adoption papers.

YIKES! HERE'S ONE... good thing it's behind glass!

Today in History (it was BUSY!):

1682 - Louis XIV & his court inaugurate Paris Observatory

1701 - England - Wales & Scotland form UK of Great Britain

1840 - 1st adhesive postage stamps ("Penny Blacks" from England) issued. Click HERE to see one!

1841 - 1st wagon train leaves Independance - Mo for Cal

1860 - 1st school for deaf founded

1873 - 1st US postal card issued

1890 - May Day

1892 - Angel Is US Quarantine Station opens

1926 - Satchel Paige makes pitching debut in Negro Southern League

1928 - Lei Day begun (a Hawaiian celebration)

1931 - Empire State Building opens in NYC

1932 - Charles Lindbergh's baby kidnapped

1947 - Radar for coml & private planes 1st demonstrated

1920 - Babe Ruth's 1st Yankee HR & 50th of career - out of Polo Grounds

1951 - Mickey Mantle's 1st HR

1964 - 1st BASIC program run on a computer (Dartmouth)


Forth in thy name, Oh Lord, I go,
My daily labour to pursue;
Thee, only thee, resolved to know,
In all I think, or speak, or do.

The task thy wisdom hath assigned
O let me cheerfully fulfil:
In all my works thy presence find,
And prove thine acceptance will.

Charles Wesley


Walk - Don't Bus!

I heard about this concept while listening to NPR radio - on how to help 'go green'... What is a Walking Bus, you ask?

The walking bus is the latest safe, fun and healthy way to travel to and from school.

Each walking bus had an adult 'driver' at the front and and an adult 'conductor' bringing up the rear. The children walk to school in a group along a set route picking up additional 'passengers' at specific 'bus-stops' along the way.

A walking bus at your school could be set up to match the availability of the volunteers.



  1. I am totally pimpin' your awesome glass at my blog. Go see the LO I posted today. http://bobsbigblueblog2.blogspot.com/

    Cute barometer!

    Pinecones-I always use gloves and still get those poisonous needles lodged someplace! Using a 6 cubic foot wheelbarrow (I love working around the place the old-fashioned way; no tractors for me!) I usually get between 30-40 loads from just around the house! The rest of the 20 acres is au-naturel!

  2. I am totally pimpin' your awesome glass at my blog. Go see the LO I posted today. http://bobsbigblueblog2.blogspot.com/

    Cute barometer!

    Pinecones-I always use gloves and still get those poisonous needles lodged someplace! Using a 6 cubic foot wheelbarrow (I love working around the place the old-fashioned way; no tractors for me!) I usually get between 30-40 loads from just around the house! The rest of the 20 acres is au-naturel!

  3. AnonymousMay 01, 2007

    Oh my goodness sis, I have a barometer just like this that use to hang on the wall in the house in Tulameen, you did a fabulous job :)Dad loved his barometer and other weather related gadgets, this brings back some wonderful memories... Thank you..

  4. Hey Barb!
    You can profile the LO if you want!
    I'm at hluebner@hotmail.com.

  5. AnonymousMay 01, 2007

    LOVE it! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Good Evening Barb:)
    I didn't get to blog much today.Busy busy.:)
    Thank you soo much for the barometer.It's Fantastic!!:)


  7. ACK!! you are making me feel guilty, barb... haven't stopped in for a bit, lol... thank you for the lovely Judy kit you've been giving away, I love the vases and the barometer :) thank you for the sweater tips, too, I never knew tissue paper would help lint!

  8. great job Barb ...love it the old barometer....thanks so much sis

  9. AnonymousMay 01, 2007

    Thanks Barb for the barometer. It is absolutely perfect. I love "real" elements.

  10. AnonymousMay 01, 2007

    Hi Barb, Thank you for the newest freebie. I love the reads today...Always a pleasure to come and read your blog...Take care and watch for those snakes...~smiles~

  11. oh i sooo enjoy your blog!!! all the stories and tips and links and pix and of course the freebies too!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog :) thank you!

  12. Good morning

    Great barometer - I too love 'real' objects. Where do you get your inspiration for what to create?

    Walking bus - when I lived in England we had one at my daughter's school. Not one here, but I do try to walk kids to school as much as possible.

  13. AnonymousMay 03, 2007

    I love your barometer!!!!! thank you for sharing!!! :)

  14. AnonymousMay 03, 2007

    Thank you for sharing my tips for managing personal documents! It's important to note that these are only guidelines, and appropriate government/institutional authorities should be consulted for specific policies and regulations.


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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