Wednesday, May 23, 2007


There's an old green boat down by the dock on the property. It's got lots of wear on it, some areas scraped entirely away, revealing it's wooden interior. The paint has worn to a weathered, shabby look -perfect for a scrapbook kit, I think! I took a close up of the texture and this is what you have here!

When I look at the boat, I dream of all the times it's transported people out on the lake. There's something so relaxing about being out on the water in a boat, just floating along. Recently, I recieved an email from my friend Alicia, who had come out to visit for the first time, and she says that a freind built the boat, and sold it to her husband, who sold it to our friends Bonnie and Roman. At any rate, it will now live on as a scrapping kit - who would have thought? The photo below is of the boat!


Yesterday, Mom and I tackled my kitchen cupboards. I truly wish I would have shown you some 'before and afters' - only I would have been shy to show you the befores.... I was shy to show Mom, actually. I needn't have been afraid, as she is a whiz at this sort of thing! She's to me, a Canadian version of those two English ladies who go in and clean homes of people who don't know how (like its REALLY bad) Truly, it was not dirty or anything like this, but I have absolutely no sense of how to organize my food and tupperware cupboards.

In all, we had it whipped together and the house vacuumed before noon!

We had accumulated several bags of 'extras' and unnecessary items which they took to the thrift store with me, and we also visited the local packing house for apples (only .25 cents a pound there!) I'm getting to go all my favorite places WITH my Mom this week! Oh, and we are on our third puzzle and its a stinker. If I'm walking around with a 'puzzled' expression on my face - thats why!


I've a word of encouragement for someone today - it was laid on my heart to share this scripture with you:

Where do you get the strength to go on, when you have used up all of your own strength? Where do you turn for patience when you have run out of patience, when you have been more patient for more years than anyone should be asked to be, and the end is nowhere in sight? I believe that God gives us strength and patience and hope, renewing our spiritual resources when they run dry. - Harold S. Kushner

The limitless resources of God are able to meet our deepest needs.

"And my God will meet all your needs

according to his glorious riches

in Christ Jesus."

Phillipians 4:19

Today in History:

1430 - Joan of Arc captured by Burgundians who sold her to English

1498 - Italian preacher Savonarola tortured & executed in Florence

1533 - King Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragon marriage declared null & void

1701 - Capt Kidd hung in London after convicted of piracy & murder

1873 - Postal Cards sold in SF for 1st time

1873 - Canada's North West Mounted Police force was established

1903 - 1st automobile trip across US from SF to NY - ended April 1

1908 - Dirigible explodes over SF Bay - 16 passengers fall - none di

1922 - Walt Disney incorporates his 1st film company Laugh-O-Gram Film

1934 - Bonnie & Clyde shot in Louisana ambush

1937 - Industrialist John D Rockfeller died in Ormond Beach Fla

1956 - World Trade Center dedicated in Ferry Building

Birthdays in History:

1734 - Friedrich Anton Mesmer, German physician hypnotist

1883 - Douglas Fairbanks, 1st & greatest of Hollywood's swashbucklers

1910 - Artie Shaw (Arthur Arshawsky), band leader and husband

1928 - Rosemary Clooney, in Kentucky singer


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  1. awesome Barb...sounds like you and mom are having the time of your life the old greenboat kit ....

  2. Thank you for the old boat kit. I love that shabby old green. :-)

  3. Love the boat kit freebie!!! TY so much Barb!

  4. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful old green boat kit:)It looks great!!
    I thought of looking under my bar-b-que grill to see if I could make a kit out of it too..but ...NO WAY!!LOL Just kidding.:)I did make a pack of papers out of a picture my DD took of a crack in our road when she was walking our dog.:)I will have to show them to you some time.:)But seriously..I love your kit.:)Thanks again.:)
    You get to have all the fun!!!:( Said in a really whiny high pitch.LOL Sounds like you are having a blast.:)Sooo happy for you.:)


  5. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    ohhh...thanks for the freebie...and backdrop for you iris is way prettier than mine :):) Awesome picture!

  6. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Dearest Barb,

    Thank you so much for giving me some of your precious time. I really appreciated your email. Also, a big thank you for your boat story .. it reminded me of the time I was going kayaking on the Osoyoos lake with Fran. What a nice time we had. PS : F. & I managed to get toguether for a blitz of cleaning last night. I feel better ... XOXOXO Valerie

  7. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Your shabby boat is terrific! Thanks for sharing.

  8. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    First, thanks so much for the encouraging quote & scripture. I'm having a tough time getting myself together after surgery for kidney cancer on 3/1. MANY other health issues add to a feeling of having had enough and that maybe I should give up. Just reading what you posted today helped me focus on where my strength comes from and that it is never-ending. Thank you!

    Also...thanks for the green boat kit -- very unique!

    Hope you have many years to make such wonderful memories with your mom. Mine's been gone ten years and I miss her EVERY day!

    Blessings to you,

  9. Barb, can I "borrow" your MOM??? LOL, Tupperware cupboard is my worst NIGHTMARE!! I've given up with it.. can't find lids and everything is higgelty piggelty..LOL. Great kit!!! I loved the textures..

  10. Barb, I love the kit! So unique! If your property is on the beautiful lake shown in your picture with the boat I am so jealous.....I also live on a lake and love the view but it is nothing compared to what your picture revealed. I must visit British Columbia now! I want to see that beautiful sight in person.

    I just had to laugh about your organizational skills especially when you mentioned the Tupperware. I don't think I was born with this organizational skill. My mother and grandmother both have it along with the greenest of thumbs. Unfairly my younger brother was given these genes, nope, not me. I have had to learn to be domestic. I was the one born with the flair for electronics especialy computers - I was a programmer for 20 years.

    Thank you for your sweet message yesterday, it made me smile! Once again thank you for sharing your marvelous kit.... Renae

  11. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Thank you Barb, for the old green boat kit, very nice scripture today, at times I feel my patience running low....Thank you for your wonderful blog!....Have fun this week with Mom...Take care...Lucy.

  12. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Great kit! And love yesterdays glasses too. Thanks so much for both.

  13. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Thanks for the boat kit. Terrific inspiration you had!

  14. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    I really appreciate that you often share the source of your inspirations (for instance the green boat). This makes for interesting reading and reminds us to look at the world in a different light. Anything can inspire.

    Sounds lke you are having a wonderful time with your mother. Enjoy and stock up loads of memories for that someday when she is absent. I lost my mother to cancer 3 years ago April 12 and miss her so much even though we often disagreed. Must add that you look lovely in the photo with your MIL.

    Love your badges too. I know someone who needs a little reminder that she is appreciated and this will be perfect for an "award." Hugs

  15. I was wondering if after she is finished up at your house would she come down to Texas to help me get organized???? Interesting kit, thank you for sharing.

  16. "I've a word of encouragement for someone today - it was laid on my heart to share this scripture with you:"

    I am very late blog checking tonight. I thank you for the encouraging words. I am very impatient most days. I do question many days why God chose us to be parents. DD is very active, needs little sleep, and way to smart for a 4 year old. I surely needed your little reminder. It is not always easy to remember this esecially when you are 44 and trying to keep up with a 4 year old at least 12+ hours a day. Thanks


  17. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Thank you so much. I love the texture of the papers...and the story behind the kit.

  18. AnonymousMay 23, 2007

    Thank you so much.

  19. Thank you so much for the Old Green Boat kit. It is always interesting to follow the path of inspiration for artistry. Thanks for sharing.

  20. AnonymousMay 24, 2007

    love the distressed look of this kit...thanks so much.

  21. WONDERFUL!! thank you for all you do and have a BEAUTIFUL day! :)

  22. Liking this a lot.


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