Wednesday, May 09, 2007

METAL KIT "strapped"

A quick entry today - want to spend some time with my sweet husband before he heads off for a 12 hour day of work, and then its playing in the sun and garden with Bonnie!

I helped at the school last night, tutoring a student, Jan, who's really coming along with the digtital painting... I promise to post something soon! After school (8:00) we went for a 1.5 hour walk along the lakeside - it felt just great. I was hoping for a good 'ol lightening storm (want to see it from house view) - but even though the wind blew fiercely, whipping the trees back and forth, we got no light show.

As we were walking, I was listening to a program on CBC radio, called Ashes and Bones - it was all about death, burial etc. It was actually very, very fascinating and caused me to examine what I think about it all. The hosts talked about how we, as a society - in the west, tend to seperate death, bodies, dying etc from life. We have come to think of a funeral/burial as something which is for us, not for the body - do you know what I'm trying to say? Have you thought about this before? Open casket, closed, cremated, sprinkled, buried? I've never been to an open casket anything - unless I have and have blanked it out (thats a high possiblity!) What do YOU think? I would love your feedback.

You can read a small write-up about the program I heard, along with some resources by clicking HERE.

The truth of the flower is, not the facts about it, but the shining, glowing, gladdening, patient thing throned on its stalk - the compeller of smile and tear... The idea of God is the flower: His idea is not the botany of the flower. Its botany is but a thing of ways and means - of canvas and colour and brush in relation to the picture in the painter's brain.

by George Macdonald

Today in History:

1502 - Columbus left Spain on his 4th & final trip to the New World

1926 - Americans Byrd & Bennett make 1st airplane flight over North Pole

1944 - 1st eye bank opened in NYC

1946 - 1st Variety show - NBC's Hour Glass premiers


Reuse It!

Today's link is specifically for us Okanagan - dwellers!

Serving the Okanagan/Similkameen, this site is a place you can host items you would like to give away. You can also find items you might be looking for too - who knows, you might find what you're looking for, for free!



  1. AnonymousMay 09, 2007

    I love your Heavy Metal Kit. Thanks for sharing

  2. TY Barb for another awesome part of this kit!
    Hope you have a great day!!

  3. The church I first went to absolutely rejected cremation … burial was the only way. I have since modified my ideas.

    My Dad chose cremation and wanted to have his ashes spread on their old homestead in Alberta … by the river. We did that. Mom initially chose burial but changed her mind to cremation … she is still alive and we have yet to deal with “her death”. Her ashes will go in our yard.

    I have been to a few funerals … open casket, closed casket, memorials, Catholic, Protestant. When you see the body dead, you realize that it is just a shell … the spirit is just SO gone. (Seeing the body can bring closure for some.) I personally don’t see the need to go to a grave yard to “visit” my relative, because to me, they aren’t there. Do I believe what I say I believe? Today you shall be with me in paradise said Jesus to the thief on the cross.

    It is a personal choice. You have to weight how you feel about it. My parents made their choices while alive and “with it”. They bought their funeral packages and left written instructions. So much easier on the family when the time comes. I want to be sure we do that before too long for I feel THIS is an important thing to do.

  4. AnonymousMay 09, 2007

    these belts are a perfect add-on to the other metal elements...thanks so mcuh.

  5. These metal straps are great-thank you so much!

  6. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Thanks for stopping by even if you were on the run.:)

    It's quiet on the blogs I have been doing more cleaning.:)

    I love your Heavy Metal Kit and the straps look great!!:)

    Have fun in your garden.:)


  7. these are great!! thanks so much!

  8. Love your balsams also! Such a sunny beautiful flower. I can't help but to stop & photograph them!

    I have been to all the sorts of funerals too. Open, closed & cremation memorial. I'm not yet sure what I would choose. I personally think ALL of it is overpriced. Whatever happened to the pine box? Even cremation is expensive. My body will be back on the "new earth" soon enough so why give me a temporary place of honor for a place I'm not really at.

    My two cents anyways. See ya in 3 hours! YIPPEE!!!!!!

  9. So about funerals.. I have been to too many open casket services. Gross is all I can say. My grandpa never wore makeup a day in his life, but they sure schmeared it on when he was dead. It didn't even look like him. No thank you. No open casket for me... in fact, hoe about if they just have a memorial service for me and they don't BRING ME or my casket? I will be there in spirit, which is much more important than this shell that only holds me back being put out on display...ewwww. I have a very clear picture of how I want things to be, and I am sure to communicate it well with my family because man, I would hate for them to try to make all of these decisions while they are grieving already.

    Oh, and nice elements hehe, sorry for the rant :)

  10. So about funerals.. I have been to too many open casket services. Gross is all I can say. My grandpa never wore makeup a day in his life, but they sure schmeared it on when he was dead. It didn't even look like him. No thank you. No open casket for me... in fact, hoe about if they just have a memorial service for me and they don't BRING ME or my casket? I will be there in spirit, which is much more important than this shell that only holds me back being put out on display...ewwww. I have a very clear picture of how I want things to be, and I am sure to communicate it well with my family because man, I would hate for them to try to make all of these decisions while they are grieving already.

    Oh, and nice elements hehe, sorry for the rant :)

  11. AnonymousMay 09, 2007

    Thank you! : D

  12. I absolutely love these! I can't wait to use them! Thanks so much for all of your hard work and for sharing these with us!


  13. AnonymousMay 10, 2007

    Thanks so much for the heavy metal kit. My DGS plays guitar in a rock band and I am sure I can use some of these.

  14. AnonymousMay 11, 2007

    I absolutely love your designs - this heavy metal kit is so unique and exciting! Thank you so much for sharing your awesome talent with us!


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