Friday, May 18, 2007


Ok, so Mr. Miles was the one to suggest the Marge-Simpson-like hairdo - and I added some eyes... I am sure you have someone who would look good in these? I'm 'sperimenting with beards and such too - still open to suggestions? Sideburns anyone? Like Elvis-like-burns? This is your opportunity to ask! You can email me at with your requests! I also included some nice, long lashes... I always longed for looong lashes - our daughters got them all!

This is a very short entry today, as this is the day our Mom and Dad arrive (my In-Laws, but we get along well!) We are looking forward to our time together.

In the meantime, God has turned the crickets on out here - seemed like one day there were none, then there were a thousand of them. The apples are forming on the trees, about an inch or two long and the Mayflies are out. As my friend Becky would say, the birds around here are all 'twitterpated' - and they have nests stashed in all the rocket shaped trees surrounding our house. Its a veritable bird highway outside our windows!


So I'll leave you with some sweet thougths for today - Miles is taking me on a loooong walk to brush the cobwebs away... I will go now, and wish you all a good day! For those of you heading out on the roads here in Canada, being a long weekend (Victoria Day) - I wish you a safe journey. Remember to give yourself plenty of time! I probably won't be resonding to your own blogs, hoping you will understand!

All things that love the sun are out of doors;

The sky rejoices in the morning's birth;

The grass is bright with rain-drops; - on the moors

The hare is running races in her mirth;

And with her fee she from the plashy earth

Raises a mist, that, glittering in the sun,

Runs with her all the way, wherever she doth run.

- William Wordsworth

Oh! When shall I 'scape to be truly my own,

From the noise and the smoke and the bustle of town.

Hail you woods and ye lawns, shady vales, sunny hills,

And the warble of birds, and the murmer of rills.

I have said it at home, I have said it abroad,

That the town is man's world, but that this is of God.

-by Isaac Hawkins Browne


Today in History

1756 - England decares war on France

1804 - Napoleon became Emperor of France

1899 - World Good-Will Day - 26 nations meet in 1st Hague Peace Conference

1910 - Passage of Earth through tail of Halley's Comet causes near-panic

1953 - 1st woman pilot faster than speed of sound (Jacqueline Cochran)

1969 - Apollo 10 launched toward lunar orbit

1980 - Mt St Helens blows its top in Washington State


Stargaze the Weekend Away!

Being a long weekend... being many of you will be away camping, or at cabins, away from the bright city lights - this makes for a perfect opportunity to do some stargazing. The following site makes it easy - even for the novice. There's tons of terrific advice here, and even FREE (or donations gratefully accepted) downloadable night sky PDF 2 page skymaps! They've conveniently provided them for both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

The Evening Sky Map & Calendar is a 2-page guide to the night sky.



  1. thank you so much for the fun links!! Have a WONDERFUL and safe weekend! you will be missed tho :)

  2. oh, the 'dos are so hysterical barb!! love them :) enjoy your day with your in-laws!

  3. Good Afternoon Barb:)
    Thanks again for the cool hair dos:) I have an awful time with my own hair the last couple of years.I roll it with the curler iron and it flattens out in less than an hour.Hair spray won't help either.bummers.Must be cause I am getting older...just call me flat head!!LOL Maybe I can use one of these to put on some pics of me.LOL My grandmother had longggg her knees.She would braid it on both sides and criss cross it on top of her head.Your one of Marge Simpson remided me of her.LOL She took a pic of it brushed out and sent it to me when I was a teenager..but the pic got lost or ruined..can't remember which..but I so wish I had it again.:)That is a once in a life time photo.:( Bummers again.!
    I hope you have a fantastic weekend with your inlaws.:)
    Thanks for coming by to say HI:)

  4. All right there with the crazy hairdos. All I can say to you is to have fun with crickets & all the friendly animals as you enjoy yourself. Wish of happiness to you & yours. Will visit again soon. KISSES. XOXOXOXO

  5. AnonymousMay 18, 2007

    My daughter loves the do's! I do too! we love the crikets and we also have many tree frogs and pond frogs singing all night, music to our ears we stay up at night sitting on our porch just taking it all in...better than T.V.! Do you have apricots there? I was just thinning our crop of apples but short on apricots this year...Take care Barb and have a great long weekend....Lucy.

  6. AnonymousMay 18, 2007

    The hair do's are just too cute! Thanks a bunch.

  7. AnonymousMay 18, 2007

    Hi Barb, Love the new elements you have given. Pretty neat. Well you have a wonderful weekend and have a nice time with your in-laws. As always, Rosemarie

  8. have a great weekend ..hugs to all

  9. I would like a real redneck granny hairdo in curlers I think hehehe those would go great with some of my photos.. oh and maybe some of those really pointy rhinestone glasses :)

    You are so creative, really!

  10. AnonymousMay 18, 2007

    There is a decided probability that you're slightly nutz -- wonderfully, wackily, winsomely so, but nonetheless, nutzzzz. Love the elements -- the blue bee-hive is definitely me. Thanks for the giggles now and those to come when I use them and have a wonderful long weekend.


  11. AnonymousMay 18, 2007

    There is a decided probability that you're slightly nutz -- wonderfully, wackily, winsomely so, but nonetheless, nutzzzz. Love the elements -- the blue bee-hive is definitely me. Thanks for the giggles now and those to come when I use them and have a wonderful long weekend.


  12. These hair-dos are a riot! Thank you for sharing them. I love lilacs they are my favorite "pretty" smell, one of my favorite flowers and also one of my favorite colors. So thank you for the photo.

  13. AnonymousMay 19, 2007

    Oh, these hair elements are a hoot. Who can I get even with! Ha ha. Thanks so much for posting them. It's so refreshing to hear someone say something nice about their in-laws.

  14. AnonymousMay 19, 2007

    Very cool! I love the eyelashes! I wonder if they could be added to someone's photo and still look realistic???? :) thank you very much for making them! Hugs!

  15. AnonymousMay 19, 2007

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  16. 5-19-07
    Good Morning Barb:)
    Just wanted to stop by and say hi:)
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend with your inlaws.:)


  17. TY very much for more of these cool hairdo's!!!

  18. Thanks so much for the freebies and poems and the link for the sky, very cool! :)


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