Tuesday, June 30, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

One day blends into the next. My summer atop the cherry trees - sometimes you find more than cherries. 

Momma Robin SCOLDING me, I just thought she was conversing - then I found her nest!

Friday, June 26, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

What's to do at the end of a hot cherry picking day but take in a nail biting movie!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Oops!  I lost a day. 

Today was (I believe but  I could be wrong)  my fourth day picking.   Even though my body is slowly toughening up to the task  I still come home with aches and pains from head to toe.   And I love every second of it.  

Picking  began at 4:30 AM.   It's nice and cool at that hour and very peaceful.   Once I fully wake I'm full of energy and picking goes quickly.   I look at the rows of trees and think I will conquer them.   And each day I realize I have learned new things.    Some things are shared with me by coworkers –  other things I have absorbed from experience.    I have learned that picking is as much seeing what you are picking as well as how you touch the plants.   My fingers have learned to twist and gently pull up words to remove the cherry safely from the branches.  

And the ladders!

I now find myself confidently scampering up big ladders like a monkey.   I no longer get dizzy looking down.   I've learned to hang my hail on the branches correctly and I'm even getting the ladder closer to the cherries before I pick them.  

 Yesterday was the hardest day at all.   To be honest I was a little discouraged.   I was so sore and tired.   And I got a huge cramp all the way down my leg last night which had me struggle out of bed like a zombie and do the crazy walk until it receded.    

But this morning brought me awake more eager than ever.    And I'm glad I'm sticking with it.  I'm feeling strong and confident. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Happiness is finding a new friend 
Who is lovely, enthusiastic and fun
And just happens to be visiting our country
And had her birthday today
And we spent the morning hamming it up
At the local flea market
And then made a little picnic at the park.
Happy sigh!


Friday, June 19, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Sometimes I wish there were a back-space in life. 

There have been a few times I've really messed up and wish I could back up a step and then get it right. 

There would be times I'd like to back-space to savour a moment I took for granted. 

But not having a back-space has caused me (with the wisdom of my many years haha) to appreciate life in the moment more. 


Thursday, June 18, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

It is amazing to me to begin my day out picking in the fresh cool morning air (5:00 a.m. No less) and then to find myself in the latter half of the day at a graduation ceremony. 

This tree is just loaded and ready for me to pick. It might not look like ther is a lot of fruit on it, but there IS!  


These cherries are big and fat - and sooo tasty!  
I've learned how to wield both a smaller and larger ladder - a great workout. 
I've come to respect the trees, knowing I must treat them gently. 
Damage done now can effect next year's crop! 

All done. The tree branches spring up, relieved of their great weight. 

I picked more boxes today - I'm getting faster. 


The grad for YouLearn.ca is always inspiring. Just a handful of grads, but life changing for those who made it through. 

I just had to toss this photo in of the roof of the South Okanagan Seconday School where grad was held - it's such an architecturally beautiful building. Kind of like is appropriate for the grads in a visual statement of "The sky's the limit!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Oops I missed a day! Could it be the getting up at 4:30 a.m. To pick cherries messing with my inner calendar?  
The ladders go SO HIGH I feel like I'm above the canopy, high as the mountains in the background.  There's nothing like doing this which will make me think of how hard someone has to work to put fresh fruit or vegetables in our markets  


Saturday, June 13, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

Little dog, Big stick

Dawg stick 1

I just love my little G’Dawg (grand-dog) so I’m going to inflict another two cute pics on you.  My Fancy is not afraid to tackle a BIG stick – something twice as long as her body.

Dawg stick 2

And I don’t know why but this picture of her little wet paw makes me giggle!  It makes me think of a wild little critter. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

365 Photos of the Day

These are the last of my pics from Kelowna, where I spent some quality time with my beautiful daughter and my Grand Dawg, Fancy

June 5 2015 Kelowna 12

Here we are, Fancy all wiggley bum about wanting to get the photos over with and the walk started…

June 5 2015 Kelowna 4

There is a beautiful boardwalk along the shoreline of Lake Okanagan.

June 5 2015 Kelowna 5

Winding past the small pond and daisies and grasses

June 5 2015 Kelowna 3

Alongside the sandy beach, with the bridge in the distance

June 5 2015 Kelowna 2

With Fancy exploring “off track” as well. 

And Melanie and Fancy took me (G’Merm to Fancy) out for a picnic dinner on the beach – sliders and ice cream for dessert.  We listened to folks play the pianos which the city have placed randomly along the walkway.  It was kind of a festive air. 

June 5 2015 Kelowna 1

And then when darkness fell we walked back and by this beautiful dolphins statue. 


My favorite photo of Mel and Fancy!

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

I'm going to divide up some photos I took in Kelowna BC over today and tomorrow. 

Monday, June 08, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

My little Grand Dawg will do almost anything for a dried sardine.

Origami butterfly along the hiking trail, first thing this morning, just me and G'Dawg!  

Pretty incredible psycadelic pattern - on the windsheild at the carwash no less. 

Beautiful evening at the Dawg Beach.

Thi is so Okanagan Lake!  

Thursday, June 04, 2015

365 Photo(s) of the Day

I hope you’ve enjoyed the last several days of my photos of me and my splendiferous Mr’s fun day away at Molson, Washington.  This little ghost town has so much to offer.  If you ever find yourself with an opportunity make sure you give yourself loads of time.  I’m going to wind up with photos of birds and the little lake nearby. 


The lake is very small – and kind of elongated.  But birds seem to love it.


The birds in this picture were rather too dark to make a great photo out of so I turned them into a silhouette. 


Before you actually see birds you can certainly hear them.  There are many redwing blackbirds and these yellow headed birds too and they make the oddest sounds! 


This one is showing off for a mate, I’m sure!


Check out the bright blue bill on this Ruddy Duck! 

Couldn’t quite believe our eyes when we saw this.  But after googling it HERE I have learned that “They court females by beating their bill against their neck hard enough to create a swirl of bubbles in the water.”

This wraps up my photos of Molson, for now.  I’m looking forward to visiting the Museum in the future and sharing it with you! 

Thanks for visiting today!

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

FREE Silhouette file, Simon Says Card and 365 Photos

I’ll start with my card for Simon Says and pair it with a FREE cutting file for YOU!

Today’s theme for Simon Says Wednesday Card Challenge is “MASCULINE” – here’s my take:

What can be more manly than a cigar (cough cough!)



Stamp – My Favorite Things

Embossing folder – Darice

Cigar – Barb Derksen


Ink – I used browns and dabbed it all over to give “texture”


And YAY for YOU because I’m giving this cigar cut away to YOU today.  This cut consists of the cigar itself, the band and a circle.  The band and circles also have an “offset” so you can layer just like I did for the band.  The “M” is not included, that’s a sticker I added myself to personalize this “stogie”  Click on the image above to download the Silhoette Cameo Cutting file.

365 Photos of the Day

Hmmm… seems I still have even one more day of photos of our fun day away at  Molson, Washington after today.  I thought I should display some of the photos my charming husband took.  It never fails he leaves his camera at home but sees and wants all sorts of photos shot (is this bad grammar?)  At any rate, my solution to this was to pass my actual camera off to him (yes, people still use these) while I used my iphone.  We parted and met up an hour later and had a little photo viewing festival later on.   I love how two people can spot entirely different things, and in some cases, the same thing only looked at in a new way. 


My brilliant Mr will be the first to admit to you he’s not so much a “machinery” person, but he does admire a photo opportunity in old contraptions like these.  The weathering lends an air of interest as well.  I think this looks like Steampunk?  It’s a stretch of my mind to think people really used such a machine and thought in that era this was a “modern” marvel!


Now this is the sort of photo I’d expect from a man.  There’s something very eye catching about this!


And this photo is not a surprise.  Other than that I missed this element entirely on my travels! 


And I totally see the appeal of this old house – though I pray he wouldn’t be looking at it like “hmmm, it would be great to live here…”


But the fact Mr Miles took this photo surprised me.  I thought about taking a picture of this woeful gal, gazing off across the plain and thinking “Why doesn’t the wind ever stop? Am I going to live here on this lonely farm forever?” 

What do YOU think of his little gallery show today?

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