Thursday, June 18, 2015

365 Photo of the Day

It is amazing to me to begin my day out picking in the fresh cool morning air (5:00 a.m. No less) and then to find myself in the latter half of the day at a graduation ceremony. 

This tree is just loaded and ready for me to pick. It might not look like ther is a lot of fruit on it, but there IS!  


These cherries are big and fat - and sooo tasty!  
I've learned how to wield both a smaller and larger ladder - a great workout. 
I've come to respect the trees, knowing I must treat them gently. 
Damage done now can effect next year's crop! 

All done. The tree branches spring up, relieved of their great weight. 

I picked more boxes today - I'm getting faster. 


The grad for is always inspiring. Just a handful of grads, but life changing for those who made it through. 

I just had to toss this photo in of the roof of the South Okanagan Seconday School where grad was held - it's such an architecturally beautiful building. Kind of like is appropriate for the grads in a visual statement of "The sky's the limit!"

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