Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Retro Sketches # 139 Challenge Card

Can’t express how happy it makes me to be creating cards again.  I DO take supplies  with me when I go away, but its not the same. 

I decided to take up the Retro Sketches 139 Challenge:

And I created the following card:



MME Jubilee paper - won this in a gift basket at Crafty Capers in Nanaimo when Nina and I visited and entered a draw on World Card Making Day.  I scored the accessories which go with the papers as well.  I just couldn’t make them work for this card, though I tried. 

Stamp - My Favorite Things

I think I may get the opportunity to make another card or two today - I’ve finally caught up the housework to a degree.  I do a chore, make a card and repeat.  Card making is my reward system.  Do YOU have a reward treat for yourself for doing the other mundane things in life?

I’ve been enjoying long walks each day so that I don’t fall into a habit of being indoors too much.  Other than it’s been kind of grey there is always something beautiful to see outdoors and be thankful for.  The last of the Pink Lady Apples are coming off of orchards in the area and the orchards have a deep fragrance like a sweet balsamic vinegar.  Mushrooms abound.  I visited the BC Tree Fruits packing house yesterday and tried a Salish apple - a first for me.  It is tasty.  Crisp, sweet and very juicy!  Wish I could give you a bite here on my blog.


  1. Hi Barb, I love this card! I love the quote! I know I would be crazy without my friends! They just make life a little better and sweeter. The idea of walking thru the orchard sounds great and partaking of the smells. The Salish Apple sounds very delicious. I hope you have a wonderful day! hugs, Patty

  2. Very pretty card Barb, these are lovely papers.


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