Thursday, May 29, 2008



I hope you find a good use for this cuppa coffee element, I'm experimenting with some stitching type things. So this cups on me! I would love to see how you use this element, either in your products or layouts. Please credit me if you use it, thats all I ask. Please, send me a jpg of your project so I can feature them here!

Olivia's (ya, me) Mmmushroom templates - available Monday
(save $$$ Monday Madness!) at the Sophia Sarducci Shop

Olivia's (ya, me) Feathered Friends templates - available Monday
at the Sophia Sarducci Shop

Now here's something NEW! Yes, templates have been around for a while, and color blocked png's so its easy to break these HIGH QUALITY pieces into sections, but I've also included a coordinating brush for the files, so you can layer and blend and ... play till you create some truly unique and distinctive elements. I can't wait to see how you might use these, so if you purchase them let me know how you like them. If they prove popular I will consider making more? Also, I've priced these VERY reasonable, so you don't have to break the bank as a designer. Remember, Monday is Monday Madness at Sophia Sarducci, so get there early and save yourself even more!

Ohhh, and by the way... check out the Sophia Blog too, for there will be another FREEBIE there (something in the way of mmmushrooms? sometime between now and Monday!)

layout by blog reader Laura
Credits here and here

Journaling reads:

On the very last day of our vacation, the sun was finally out long enough for us to play at the beach. You guys loved digging in the sand and playing in the water or walking on the beach and lying down on a towel with Nana. It didn’t bother you that the water was cold; you enjoyed every minute of playing in it.

I really like how Laura used my Sand Alpha for her two-page layout! Its the first time I've seen how it could be used, and I'm just tickled! Thank you Laura for sharing. Why not send me your layouts and I'll post them here?

A link of interest you might like to check out is Its a free online bookmark keeper - public or private, you choose. I like how its straightforward. It was very easy to use and allowed me to import all my other bookmarks into one ONLINE place to access my bookmarks, whenever I want them (over 1000 bookmarks, LOL!) It also has a 'sync' feature which can allow you to keep up to date even if you use several computers.

Last, but not least, YES Becky, LOL, the podcast will come ... sometime in the future soon as I can fit it in & there's a brownie in the fweezer with your name on it!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



I hope you don't mind a 'reload' of last year's element - I just don't have time to make up a new one right now, in fact, I should have my head stuck in the oven at this very moment. No, nothing drastic going on here, just that I need to clean it out before my Mother In Law comes for a visit. No, she does not really care if its clean or not, but thats always a good cue to me it needs to be done. So I'm taking a moment to fix you up first. This bracelet 'element' is actually a real bracelet made by my friend and talented Artist/Potter/Jeweller Mina, who so generously has allowed me to use this image I took when I wrote up her bio for the gallery last year.

Please, send me your layouts you've created using my elements etc.

So today's entry will be a short and sweet one.

Thank you to all of you who TAGGED me... and I truly hope you will all forgive me too, for I don't even have time to comb my hair these days. You DON'T want to see that! LOL. I DO want to thank each one of you who tagged me - I got tagged FIVE times. really, I'm all tagged out my friends. So don't stop tagging me if you want me to know you like me, but just know I will break your little tagging chain. I have come to the realization I can't do this blog and freebies and everything else and tag too. I'm not a superwoman like KimB or AmyW. haha! NEENER!

I was very impressed the other day when I followed a link and was treated to watching the crew at NASA just as the thingie they landed on Mars hit the surface. Really, watched the crew live at NASA, and you can too, over the next days they will air (do we call it that on a computer) or is it stream - live. Just click HERE to see whats happening today.

I'll share some encouraging thoughts with you:

Don't worry about mistakes.
Making things out of mistakes, thats creativity.
- Peter Max

If one is afraid of losing anything,
they have forgotten God's promise.
- Hafiz

Every person is given something to do
that shows who God is.
- 1 Corinthians 12:7 (the message)

Lastly for today, I'm going to share some cartoons that were sent to me by my friend Alicia - about the rising price of gas. I created the slideshow using a beta of the new sliderocket online slideshow maker - you should check it out. Just click HERE to find out more. Have a good day and I would love to hear from you if you have something to share too!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Yesterday, Stephanie allowed me to publish her layout on my blog. I asked her if she had any element suggestions she might like to see created, and she asked me if I could possibly make ‘writing in sand’ or some writing OF sand – so I decided to experiment and managed to make the latter. I hope you enjoy it! I love hearing your suggestions and ideas – and as you can see, sometimes it pays off to let me know!

Whew! It’s been a blur lately. I’ve been on a totally creative streak and have been trying to ‘capture it on (digi) paper’ before this phase is over. I’ve got a big poster to design and In-Laws coming for a 10 day visit, so you ladies all know how this changes the picture. A ton of preperations – I’m even sorting out a few cupboards and closets, as they need to be done anyways.

Tilin' Smile!

I’ve had opportunity to catch up to my good friend Becky – it has been three weeks since we had a coffee, and she’s looking so radiant and her belly is sweeeeeeeeeeelling! We had a whip-creamy coffee and caught up on our lives.

Miles and I won't have to eat for another week, as we were invited to dinner last night at our dear friends Italia and John’s for some good Italian food. She laid on a banquet that would be the rival of any 5 star restaurant. Thank you for having us over Italia and John – next time, our place!

click photo to view larger!
BAD BAD ME - forgot to credit my Dear Friend
Adriana Lunette aka Amy for the cool tag!
- get yours HERE!

SO yummy -
fresh tomatoe sauce,
Italia's secret, low fat 'crepe' noodles & veal parmesan with eggplant
italian sausage and fresh asparagus!

Succulent papaya wrapped with prosciutti,
blueberry stuffed crepes
topped with chocolate sauce and
Italia's 'fake' whip cream made with blended pears and cashews.

Here are some random thoughts and scriptures I’d like to share with you:

Sorrow is a fruit:

God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it.

- Victor Hugo

Set your troubled heart at rest. Trust in God always, trust also in me. There are many dwelling places in my Father’s house; if it were not so I would have told you; for I am going there on purpose to prepare a place for you.

- John 14:1-2

There’s always a burst of sunshine,

After a shower of rain,

There’s always a time of happiness

After a time of pain;

May the guardian angel watch you

With vigil not in vain,

For the great outdoors is waiting

To welcome you again.

~ unknown


I thought the following two websites were of interest:

Tech Crunch has an intersting article on a new technology called DimP, which is Direct Manipulation Video. It basically is the concept you could move parts of a video by using your mouse. Check it HERE.

This second one, perhaps could earn you some income. I hear of so many talented people out there (Valinda, I think of your daughter Cristy right away!) through this site! If you have a talent or something to teach you will want to check this out:

Make money teaching people. Really. Sclipo allows all users to share their knowledge - but this time with a monetary twist. For example, viewers are able to tip the author of a video via Paypal, and you can teach personal classes - live - to people anywhere on the globe via webcam, and charge for it. Just click HERE.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


A Mothers Love


Isn't Kims Kit just breathtaking? I was oohhing and ahhing and sighing every time I opened another file. You MUST have this kit. Skip on the Starbucks today Ladies. This kit is INSPIRING. Just click HERE to instantly oggle and purchase!

The layout is our friend Amy and her daughter, photo taken at the 1 year celebration of their restaurant in town. Amy dressed entirely in traditional wear and sang karaoke - you may see another layout of that in the future.

Layout by Stephanie
click HERE to visit her blog

pics (c) Stephanie Brandelius
Barb Derksen Giddy-up and Howdy Frame
InCa Harmonie frame
SDS Refreshed journaling strip
BSC Puggin background
Shabby Princess Two Soon Shabby overlay
Rina Grandpa's Cabin rusty horseshoe
(unidentified overlay "light scratches")
font: Alpha Mack

I like the way Stephanie has used my rope elements. I can't tell you how much it tickles me to see my elements used. Please, send me your layouts and even for new designing ideas! I totally appreciate it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Sophia Sarducci's Last Day Freebie,
Just click HERE to be transported!

You'll be ready to scrap those precious 'last school day' memories with this sweet little giveaway at the Sophia Sarducci Blog!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Tsunami Blue Kit addon - Quick Page


My Layout using my own QP to tell Miles "I Love You!"
(click any of the blog images to see them a bit larger)

This third giveaway should give you a good sense of the quality of my new Tsunami Blue Kit. It's been a tremendous amount of work and a labour of love. Everything just 'flowed' with this one. It all began with one of the big waves, which I played with in three separate programs. Once I had the big wave, I had to make the little wave border, then I had to have seashells being a nautical theme. Then, being nautical I added a watery 'splash' overlay, and of course there had to be some sparkle and shimmer. Looking at the colors I could see this might appeal for masculine layouts, so I added in some rust and grunge too. When I finally 'drew the line' I'd added over 50 peices to this kit. If you have enjoyed the three giveaways, and would like to purchase the kit, its only $5, and if you shop tomorrow its Monday Madness at the shop so you will save an additional 20%. To visit the shop just click HERE. The kit should be up first thing in the morning.

I'm going to simply enjoy the rest of this long weekend - I hope you do too, and thank you for visiting my blog!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let me Encourage You!

Olivia Dorazio's (thats meeeee)... Blueedge Frame


These aqua themed frames will coordinate perfectly with my (Olivia Dorazio's) new Tsunami Blue Kit which will launch Monday at our Sophia Sarducci Shop (which happens to be Monday Madness ... $$$ off!) Olivia (Barb) is certain you will find countless ways to use these excellent quality frames to accent your favorite projects. Stay tuned for another giveaway tomorrow, which will also bring you a taste of the Tsunami Blue Kit. To get to the shop ahead of time and beat the stampede on Monday (being MADNESS and all) just click HERE.

layout by Judy Forsyth
(my sister in law - *beaming here*)
created using my (Olivia Dorazio's) Olivia's Kitchen Kit,
available at SophiaSarducci

This is layout Judy made of my other sister in law, Neti, whipping up her delish pizza when Judy and Barry visited recently. I bet it was AMAZING! Neti is a fabulous cook, and we miss you Neti! If you cook this good, I bet there will be MORE of my brother to see when Miles and I come to visit.

Judy has done countless layouts with my kits, and I'm so proud when I go to her site and see them. I forget to post her layouts here, and that makes me sad. Isn't it funny how we often neglect those who are close to us? Anyways, I'm hoping you will visit Judy's blog and say a big hello for me! Just click HERE to visit. You are very precious to me Judy.

local beauty!

I spent a fun morning with my husband, going to yard sales. I had no idea when I woke up, but he suggested it over my awakening cup of coffee, which he brings me every morning. He grinds it fresh and I am awoken each day to the strong and lush aroma of rich java. Only the 'greasiest' beans are hand chosen by him when he shops. He 'hand picks' them from the bulk section, after carefully scrutinizing the glass windows on the bulk dispenser. They are stored in the cool of the fridge the moment they're brought home so I almost never have to experience a 'normal' cup of coffee. Ya, I'm a pampered princess in the first degree!

After I was sufficiently 'perky' enough to face the world he chauffeured me into town and put up with me at several yard sales. Oh, its not that he is not infinitely patient with me, or even that he would not enjoy a good sale himself, no, it was the fact that I got all 'geeky' and have decided you all will have to come along with me. Yes, my next podcast will be our yard sale experience of today, and it was HUGELY successful. I'm not going to tell you any more 'bout that for now, other than to say Miles is a lot more discrete and shy than I am when it comes to recording total strangers. He is teaching me tho... haha! Stay tuned in the near future for that audio adventure!

I am going to focus on some encouraging thoughts for you today. In case you're in a dry period right now, and because I just went through one, I would like to share this quote that I came across. It came right at a time when I wondered if I could truly ever make anything unique, anything that hadn't already been done. Sometimes it all seems so futile, so pointless and its easy to fall victim to these types of thoughts. I'm not into preaching at anyone, but I do want to point out that the enemy loves to work in this area of your spiritual being. If you're not careful to deal with it, or ask for help, its a slippery slope down to a place where its very difficult to come out of. Remember that God gave each and every one of us gifts and talents of our very own and we need to trust in Him to work through us. LET HIM. Let go of looking over at someone elses work for it will always seem we are unable to meet their levels.

That best picture has not yet been painted;
the greatest poem is still unsung;
the mightiest novel still remains to be written;
the divinest music has not been concieved even by Bach.
In science, probably ninety-nine percent of the knowable
has not yet been discovered.

- Lincon Steffens

And its not WHAT you do, creatively, artistically - or compared to ANYONE else, its HOW you do it. be PASSIONATE. Enjoy. If it does not feel GOOD, or RIGHT, fun, fluid, satisfying, challenging or you can't say it comes from your gut, then don't do it! Your finished project will reflect as much your will as your ability.

Have a creative weekend!


Though critics may bow to art, and I am its own true lover,
It is not art, but the heart, which wins the wide world over.
Though smooth be the heartless prayer, no ear in Heaven will mind it,
And the finest phrase falls dead, if there is no feeling behind it.
Though perfect the players touch, little if any he sways us,
Unless we feel his heart throb through the music he plays us.
Though the poet may spend his life in skillfully rounding a measure,
Unless he writes from a full warm heart, he gives us little pleasure.
So it is not the speech which tells, but the impulse which goes with the saying,
And it is not the words of the prayer, but the yearning back of the praying.
It is not the artists skill, which into our soul comes stealing,
With a joy that is almost pain, but it is the player's feeling.
And it is not the poet's song, though sweeter than sweet bells chiming,
Which thrills us through and through, but the heart which beats under the rhyming.
And therefore I say again, though I am an art's own true lover,
that it is not art, but heart, which wins the wide world over.

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tsunami Blue 4 x 6 freebie

Tsunami Blue Kit addon - 4 x 6 blank card


This is a small smidgeon/sample of my newest kit. Its been a tremendous amount of work and pressed me to be very creative. Thankfully, its simply flowed - don't you love times like that? It makes working seem like fun, enjoyable, and somehow I almost feel guilty for feeling so good about it. At any rate, this kit is HUGE - over 50 pieces! Richly textured, in super high quality - you'll see as soon as you unzip this sample. Enjoy!

I'm warning you BEFORE the weekend so you can set aside for Monday, which is Monday Madness at Sophia Sarducci where you can purchase this kit, along with the other talented designers creations for a reduced price! What a terrific way to start the week. Click HERE to visit the Sophia Sarducci Shop to check it out before the rest of the crowds get there!

Stay tuned here over the next two days for a few more tastes of my new Tsunami Blue Kit!

Make sure you scoot over and leave HUGE LASHINGS OF LOVE for our dear friend Amy W. who is healing up from exploratory surgery! Just click HERE.

Also, if you have not checked out KimB's latest creation - her STUNNING I believe kit, a touching tribute for a friend, then you're missing out. What a beautiful way for us all to share and support her friend Jazzy, in memory of her daughter Lori. Just click HERE to visit Kim.

layout by blog reader LooCee
Flower by Mrs Miles
Bollywood Dreams by LooCee

Thanks for sharing your layout with us LooCee. Looks like you do some nice designing yourself! LooCee has hosted some pretty freebies herself if you would like to check it out. Just click HERE.

If you would like to see your layout you've created using any of my kits or elements, I'd be honored to host them here. Just send me an email with a small pic and credits and we'll share you with the world!

There really are some nice old-fashioned orchards about
- ones without all the irrigation showing, that is!

Old English Prayer

Take time to work -
It is the price of success.
Take time to think -
It is the source of power.
Take time to play -
It is the secret of perpetual youth -
Take time to read -
It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly -
It is the road to happiness.
Take time to dream -
It is hitching your wagon to a star.
Take time to love and be loved -
It is the privilege of the gods.
Take time to look around -
It is too short a day to be selfish.
Take time to laugh -
It is the music of the soul.

- Anonymus

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY - and my first ever PODCAST



Wishing you all the best for the coming year. I've come to esteem you as a wonderful freind. Always 'here', always quick to help, always cheerful, always BUSY. SO generous with your time, talent and frequent freebie lists. Wish you lived much closer! I hope you enjoy this mini I've created in honor of such a special lady.

For those of you who don't know it, Amy's birthday is actually on Friday... when she's booked for exploratory surgery in the hospital. Is that poor timing, or what? So, this is why these greetings are coming early, so she can bask in our love and good wishes beforehand! Please, skip the comments here - just head over to Amy's Blog to wish her the best & a speedy recovery.

Amy, you've got some more 'goodies' coming your way, from Sophia Sarducci herself! (via my email hehe... these will arrive to you sometime in the a.m.) You tell Dadoo we took good care of you!

this one's happnin' on KIM B'ees Bloggie -gwan over now!
(Kim picked our color scheme by the way!)

What did I get for Mother's Day? Well, it wasn't flowers, nor clothes, nor chocolate. Oh, these things would have pleased me way back when, but nowadays, my husband has turned me into a 'geek-girl'. I'm now the proud owner of a personal recorder, something I've been slavvering after for a while now. So, I took the plunge today, and recorded my first ever 'podcast'... get ready to have your poor ears assaulted, and bear with me as I learn. Just click the mp3 link below, save it to your computer and then open it with your audio player, to take a walk with me. I'd love to know what you think! (it takes a moment to load, and is quiet to start)


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Here's a nice big doodley flower for you. I figured you could always shrink it down if you need it smaller. I would love to see how you use this - just email me a small size of your layout, along with credits.

Whats in a name?

I was waiting on my man, OY, he was in a MUSIC store so I always know my bumm will turn into a block of numbness when he's there. Oh yes, he always profusely assures me he's "just in for a minute" but thats the same as me saying I'll only be in the thrift for 5 minutes, it just ain't going to happen.

So, I'm always looking around. Kinda people watching. Certainly a lot more to people watching in the city than in our little town. Not more interesting, but our town is a shrunken down version of the city, there's just more action going on all the time. So I'm sitting there and I spy this sign. Now, I've learned a lot of 'rules' with my graphics. It was not so long ago my husband coached me on what makes a good/bad logo. One of the golden rules is, your logo should reflect your product/business. This leads me to ask the obvious question. What does a barcode have to do with a haircut? Are they able to scan your head in nowadays? Charge by the weight of hair that is removed? Or is it Bar code, like a drinking establishment. I don't think I'd care to find out what that might look like. Or, do they just cut in a generic style - like president's choice, but barcode instead. They DO stand out from the rest of the predictable businesses next to them, like Sleep Country (Beds), and C-lovers (Fish and Chips) - maybe thats it. Do you have a silly sign to share with me?

I'm sorry I am not sure where this picture originated.

In case you are like SOME PEOPLE I KNOW, and are making gardening plans etc, you just hafta check out this cool ONLINE Gardeing Planner. Just click HERE.

Alternately, when your yard looks so good that your house looks shabby inside, you can check out the free ONLINE move it later Room Planner by clicking HERE.

Monday, May 12, 2008

a 'tasteful' post

I hope you all enjoyed a good Mother's Day.

Miles and I went to the coast to celebrate with our own Mother - yes, she technically speaking IS my Mother In Law, but since I have no living mother I just consider her Mom. What a special lady she is. Anyways, whenever we travel to the coast, its partly a culinary journey as well, for we love to stop at a few choice places to eat. I'm going to brag on them today, in case you should ever be travelling the same roads as we did - you'll be thanking us when you stop at the two following places.

A rich, succulent cake at Dutchies Bakery in Hope

We only discovered this bakery within the last year, but its become a destination. Tucked away behind the actual town of Hope, BC, Dutchies is located about a block away from the recreation center, and beside the railroad tracks.

Dutchies Bakery reminds me of the bakeries I inhaled as a kid. Being there makes me wish to shrink down to nose and eye level to the pastry cases to enjoy every sight and smell. They use fresh whipped cream in their products, none of this oil based stuff, but its so worth breaking your diet for. The prices are equally as impressive as the food. Miles had his favorite apple fritter (super crispy on the outside, soft as a pillow on the inside) while I went for a decadent stuffed donut thing - about 8 inches long, triangle shaped, filled with whip cream and cherries and frosted with chocolate icing and we paid a mere $2.35. One of the employees told me their best seller - the favorite of all for customers, an item the often sell out of, is a pepper bread they make, which has 5 different sorts of green, yellow and red peppers in it. I have'nt tried it yet, but will next trip for sure! Let me know if you do first!

New Owners of Doug's Homestead Deli

Don't you love to see young entrepeneurs? We met Lynette and her husband (sorry, I did not catch your name, forgive me!) at Doug's Homestead, another favorite stop. Doug's Homestead is a small Deli located... out in the sticks. Truly. It is about 6 km west of the tiny, historic town of Hedley. Theres no other town between Hedley and the coast, a driving stretch of about 2 hours. So truly, this restaurant is in the sticks. It does have the advantage of being located right next to the Stemwinder Provincial Park so I'm sure they are a welcome treat for campers.

Miles actually used to teach Dougs kids, so we've known Doug, the original owner, for many years. He started the business on a whim and it just grew from there. His absolute specialty, and one that still sells out if you don't get there quick enough, is the beef jerky.

Doug's famous Beef Jerky

Peppery, slightly sweet/salty with a rich aftertaste, you will love this stuff. Its incomparable to anything you will get in a supermarket. They also offer it in squares - but I would eat it too fast that way. Lets just put it this way. I get a sore jaw after a visit there.

Good luck and Best Wishes in your new venture Lynette and your husband. Doug, wherever you are, we wish you a great retirement!

Thursday, May 08, 2008


I hope you like these Rope Closer elements – I think they are sort of cool! I would love to see how you use them. I’ve also just prepared two new Major Grunge products to hit the store on Monday. I’m posting them here today because I’m taking the weekend off to celebrate Mother’s Day.

available in both Commercial and Personal Use
on MONDAY, May 12 at

available for Commercial Use
on MONDAY, May 12 at

I hope you will all slip over to my dear friend Amy’s blog and encourage her and hold her up in prayer. She’s been having some health issues, and will actually be going in for surgery next week. To be transported (via virtual stretcher) to her blog, just click HERE.

Also, my friend Valinda is giving away goodies all the time and right now she has some bright striped papers to download. While you are there, promise me you will go down one or two blog entries until you find her daughter Cristy’s video. Get a coffee and take five minutes out of your day to join her as she models ears onto one of her handmade dolls. It is FASCINATING. It reminds me of being in the art room and getting totally absorbed watching someone paint. Such Talent! And she had me totally LAUGHING with her banter as she models. I hated for it to finish and I am dying to see her next one! To visit Valinda’s blog, just click HERE.

Yesterday was a great day for birds. I was working away in my window which overlooks the lake and there was a continuous ballet happening mid-air outside. I wonder if the birds woke up in the morning and got excited just to be alive – sort of like a surfer, waking up to find the perfect wave conditions. The whole bird community was out and about in their doing their bird-idol competition. I saw eagles, osprey, hawks, crows, sparrows, swallows and many more kinds. Right, so the quail were not doing any in - air acrobatics, but they did their funny little strut all along the hedges, and even the hummingbirds were squabbling in their little cartoon chipmunk sounding little peeps over the feeder.

The crows were very interesting indeed. I often find myself drawing comparisons between certain airplanes and birds – and they made me think of a war plane of some sort. There were three of them out there, and two of them were attacking and tormenting the third. He/she was very dexterous and did some pretty cool manoeuvres like the acrobatic airplanes do, like flipping over and dive-bombing.

The swallows are so graceful and fast. They zip along up and down and along the line of the hedges, weaving in and out with each other. They make me think of a speed skating competition. Sometimes they barely miss the edge of the house!

Bad Dirt/Good Dirt
believe it or not, this is the SAME dirt - one has been improved organically!

I went with my handsome husband (I’d follow him to the ends of the earth) to do some filming about just that... earth. Dirt earth, soil. I spent the day recording the interview with a very powerful little recorder and I actually enjoyed it greatly. I learned a lot about what GOOD dirt is, compared to regular. Since this was an organic farming project, I also learned how regular soil is worked into GOOD soil.

buck, buck, BUCK!
Then I got sidetracked taking photos of the colourful chickens, and old barn building and had to be put back on track by Miles... (he 'specially hates me chattin' w/ them - maybe he's afraid I'll swap brains w/ them or something...)

Nice Nodules!

I learned what weak roots look like compared to healthy roots. Healthy roots get nice round little nodules on them. If you are an avid gardener the next photo will make you drool at the healthy nodules. I’ll fill you in on our next organic farming outing.

In the meantime, I hope you moms get celebrated, and that you celebrate your own moms too. Lets not forget all the single mom’s out there, why not reach out to one, pamper her with something nice.

Lord I pray, with all of my sisters, and brothers
For the grace to honor the glory of mothers
Like the flowers of the earth they somehow impart
The beauty of the pure love that dwells in their heart

by Michael D. Nalley

I’m so very disappointed that HELLO is going down. I still can’t actually believe that nobody received notification. Thank goodness word spreads fast in the scrapping community. So, what program will YOU be using?

I tried out a cool new slideshow beta program I had applied for. It was by invite only, so I put in my request a few weeks ago. Its pretty cool. IF you want to see it without leaving me a comment here, then go to the next sentance, but IF you want to leave me a comment (and I LOVE comments) then leave me a comment BEFORE you click the link at the end of this blog entry. And, and and... IF you watch the slideshow then you have to manually click through it, in case you don't figure that out for yourself. SOOOOO, if you would like to see how it works, you can view my little YELLOW slideshow by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

45 Record Elements
(as long as you credit me)


I'm opening up my 45 elements for you to use for your own projects. I would love, love LOVE to see what you do with them.

I'm also still going to offer my NSD Designer Grab Bag at the SophiaSarducci shop as I was such a dork and forgot to label it COMMERCIAL use. Its packed with items which if you're a designer you HAVE TO HAVE. Can you say Grunge??? Just click HERE to check it out.

Thank you to my Sister, Nina, who identified the Spidey yesterday, along with Cicero and Diane. So this spider is one from the jumping spider family, a Phidippus Johnsoni, a powerful jumping spider. Its incredible there is this whole miniature world going on at our feet! It sounds like its a good thing I was wearing gloves when I pinched the little guy between my thumb and forefinger as they can give a nasty (not lethal) bite. To learn more about this interesting creature, just click HERE.

Holboells Rock Cress
click on photos to view larger!

This is another plant which is blooming around our region. Interestingly it flowers only every second year. It actually grows quite tall - this plant stood several feet high. I could not get a clear photo of it to show you exactly how tall as it blends in with the background and becomes indistinguishable. Whats interesting, is I took this photo yesterday, came in for a coffee and blog-wander only to find my friend E. at her Cicero Blog had the identical plant featured. To visit her blog, which is always a feast for the eyes (and tummy) just click HERE.

I would like to extend a great opportunity to you today. If you like great music and have a heart to further the ministry of God, there's a share-a-thon going on at PRAISE 106.5 FM which broadcasts out of Lynden, Washington. Their radio station has blessed me over the past few years, so I'd like to point you in their direction today. Their station is always safe and encouraging! I especially appreciate that their broadcast covers the coast area, in Washington State, USA, as well in British Columbia. I can keep my ears tuned for 'stuff' happening in the way of events - we are only a 5 hour drive away!

Perhaps you have some money set aside to aid in a ministry, directing some of that here could touch the life of a listener 'out there'. Why not at least check out their website where you can listen online live & find out more. If you have a blog, perhaps you might consider linking to them too. Lets help them get the word out. Just click HERE.

I hope you have a Blessed Day!

I had a lovely slideshow here earlier, but someone let me know (thank you!) that it was slowing my page down quite a bit. Sorry if you came back to view it.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

mystery spider?

I'm blogging this cool spider photo in hopes someone might know what type of a spider it is. I've never seen one like it before. I came across it yesterday - I don't know if it came from the trimmings from the hedges, or whether it already had a home down by the garden boxes. At any rate, I apologize its a little grainy, little critter moved too fast to get a crisp shot. He's about as big as my baby fingernail in size. I picked him up between my thumb and finger, with garden gloves on, of course, and I was immediately impressed with his powerful forefront - he has fuzzy, brawny forelegs, which had almost a velcro grip, and I could feel him straining to get away right through the material! His back end is almost a completely segmented part of his body and is a rich vermillion red, while his eyes, which are inset, are a beautiful prismatic blue. Do you know what this might be?

Also, I've put the following slideshow together to share with you.

These are our friends Roger and Marie's alpacas. Marie emailed me the other day (thank you Marie!) to let me know that they had been sheared and would be a good photo op! I've included a few photos of them from last May as well, so you can see how much fur they usually pack!

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