I heard this article this morning on NPR, and it made me giggle, so I thought I would share it with you! Course, having the new Flock Web Browser made it a snap too! Do you have boys who wear their pants saggin? On one hand I give the mayor a hand for speaking up, though I figure he's inviting lots of controversy!
Morning Edition, October 24, 2007 · Saggin' — young men wearing their pants with the waistband closer to their knees than their hips — has been around for years. But a growing number of adults are deciding they've had enough. In Dallas, an interesting mix of politicians, hip-hop artists and white businessmen are announcing a citywide campaign with a simple message: Pull Your Pants Up.
To read - or listen to this full article, just click HERE

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Thank you so much for helping me with the everything today...and I love the new browser. Hugs... Joy