Friday, October 26, 2007

Coffee Art Pics - Reloaded

I've finally figured out how to stick the photos in here for you, however, I'm sure I'm going about it in a backhand way...I will have to consult with my Left-Brained Husband who 'Knows All'...  and, also, I don't know who originally published these photos either or I would surely give credit here! 

Blogged with Flock


  1. Hey!

    Those coffee pics DO look too good to drink. Looks like it would take a lot of patience to create them ... something I'm short of!

    Just got in from our day's gad about ... just under 12 kms of walking (11.9).

  2. i LOVE the coffee art, even showed DH and we both just said WOW lol
    LOVE the prayer and picture too!! Thanks so much for sharing! Have a GREAT day! :D

  3. They look fantastic and really yummy those coffees but I don't think I have the courage to drink something so beautiful. :( LOL

    Thanks so much for sharing these pics with us and have a great weekend. :)

    Best wishes. :O)

  4. Those are amazing! I would almost, and I mean almost because I never pass up a cuppa, not drink that art LOL! Thanks for sharing the pics with us.

  5. Hi Barb... it's great to know that someone across the continent appreciate coffeeart just as I. Incidently I posted these arts too in my blog... and guess what? In the month of Ocotber too... WOW!!!

    Have a wonderfully purposeful day today.


  6. Someone surely has a lot of time on their hands to do that coffee art. They are fantastic. And, that picture of the boy and his dog praying is fabulous. So darn cute!


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