Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Western Rope Elements

Download my HOWDY western word elements!

I recently recieved a request from blog reader Mahalo for some western style words, so here you are! I've got a few more goodies coming up in the next week, all western themed, so stay tuned!

For all you who 'do the Halloween thing'... the following was sent to me by my brother. Its an online spelling game based on all the spooky and creepy words - so you can make sure you correctly spell words like cadaver, cauldron etc... To play simply click HERE

Blogged with Flock


  1. Good morning to you. It is a bright sunny day here in Idaho, Whoo-hoo! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. Love the rope elements, frames, word art. They are so cool!

  2. Good Evening Barb:)
    Where have you been?LOL I's me not you.:)Glad to see you have been blogging away this week.:) I love your rope elements and words.How cute!Thank you so much for sharing.:)
    Thanks for coming by to see me's not Thanksgiving here yet..but I had a scrapper ask me if I had any pages for it cause they couldn't find any.I made another page today and will put it up tomorrow if I get the chance.:)It will be an original one ..not one from last year.:)
    I love that coffee art.I was gonna say "cool" LOL That really looks good huh?mmmm Wonder if I have any sugar free..decaffeinated French Vanilla left.LOL These pics are wonderful.:) Thanks for showing them to me.:)
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.:)
    Thanks for the's one back.



  3. these are absolutely wonderful! And perfect for the Frontierland page layout I'm working on! I've already used your rope frames on the page, but it needed something more, and I didn't have it.... so this is PERFECT!!! :) Big hug!!! Thank you! :)

  4. Thank you! The DigiFree freebie search engine is about to list this blog post at

  5. Love these words! thanks so much

  6. These are SO cute!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  7. Oh wow, I feel so priveleged you read my request and actually made these super fun rope words!! You are so creative, these are just too fun and I'm going to have a blast using them. Thank you so very much for your generosity!!!

    IRL: Stephanie

  8. Thank you so much for the FUN rope words and halloween game!! Hope everything is good your way! Have a BOOTIFUL day :D

  9. These are wonderful...Thank You ;)

  10. Love your work! I've added your site to my freebies search engine.

    God bless!


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