Monday, October 22, 2007

We had a wonderful visit over the weekend with our Sister-In-Law Judy and our niece Melissa. They arrived on Friday night and departed yesterday noon, and we crammed a lot of visitin' in between those times. Judy has 'saved up' her brain for the past several months to spend a big day of training in Photoshop with me. We even found time to polish up her own blog with a new look. I think we have fall confused with spring as we're 'spring cleaning' our blogs. It feels good to have a new look. I can't take total credit on mine as my sweet and talented husband assisted me (listened to me stress as I changed over from the OLD blogger to the new...) By the way, the photo in Judy's banner is one she took herself! We loved having time with you Sis, and look forward to a visit up your way sometime before the snow gets too deep!

While Judy was here we took a drive up to a neighboring community to do some shopping and have tea. We stopped first at an East Indian Market where we browsed the amazing materials they have for sale. I'd picked up a bolt of three panels in a most beautiful crimson material a week beforehand, from a discount basket. I knew when I saw it, that it would be perfect for curtains in my bedroom. I'd had my eye on some panels in a small gift shoppe over the summer – almost the exact shade, and they were something like $30 a panel... I paid an entire $4 for these three panels I bought.

I hung them freeform style using only carefully placed tacks – no curtain rods necessary! A tip if you try this yourself – put your tack in from the front side of the material, then 'roll' the tack over in the material a few times before pushing it into the wood on your window trim... this way, you won't see the tacks.

On Saturday, we also visited a teashop too (thinking of you, Gina)... where my friend Melanie works. She had asked me earlier if we might like to come up for tea while Judy was here, but I'd told her I was not sure how much time we would find. I should have known that we'd always find time to shop! At any rate, Melanie works at a sweet little tea shoppe called Canteloupe Annies. Its a true tea shoppe – small patio tables, warm kitchen atmosphere and soft, natural light from the many windows. There are many teas to choose from – from exotic to very traditional, in loose leaf form. And of course, we chose to pair our tea with a fresh scone slathered in devonshire cream and jam. Mmmm I must admit, I would have as easily chosen the fig and ginger teacake – a speciatly there, but I'll save that for 'next time' I love all things fig... fresh and dried. Ever wondered about the history of figs? After all they've been about almost forever! I happened upon an article about figs just this morning on NPR radio. To read it for yourself, just click here.

Another highlight of our visit was spending time with our friend Bonnie who shared her amazing healthy porridge recipe. She's very health conscious and has perfected a very hearty recipe of her own. But, more on that some other time when I'll feature the entire process, step by step, along with photos!

Layout by blog reader Lucy G.

Frame by Mrs. Miles
Paper by cafe digiRound
tag by scrappy pony
Link ribbon by kimbs designs
Button by Barbara LeMay
Large rectangle tag made by Lucy using Broderbund graphics

Thank you Lucy for allowing me to publish your heritage layout here. Lucy, I notice your relative's last name is Richter – you must then, have a wealth of heritage here, as the Richter name is synonymus with this area! I'm looking forward to seeing more!

chick bomb award

I know it means bomb in a GOOD way! haha!

I have recieved another blog award :) this time from Silvia. Ok, you know, I've been awarded many awards lately – but I want to tell you I won't ever get used to it. Each time I recieve one is a fresh delight to me. I know that each time I get one I know you're thinking of me – so THANK you! Your comments are always a 'smile' in my day – awards are plus, plus, plus! I'll think on passing this one on... if I get time! By the way, I peeked and saw some really nice frames for download at Silvia's blog...

Barb's Handy Tip #313
Feed and Watch!

I saw a clip on Martha Stewart recently about this project – and I though immediately of my good friend Cicero – who was wondering what the loooong winter would bring in the way of photos and info for bloggable materials. This is right up your alley Cis! And wouldn't this make a terrific Christmas gift for that someone on your list who already has everything?

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long survey of birds that visit feeders at backyards, nature centers, community areas, and other locales in North America. FeederWatchers periodically count the highest numbers of each species they see at their feeders from November through early April. FeederWatch helps scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations and long-term trends in bird distribution and abundance.

Project FeederWatch is operated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada.

Anyone with an interest in birds! FeederWatch is conducted by people of all skill levels and backgrounds, including children, families, individuals, classrooms, retired persons, youth groups, nature centers, and bird clubs.

Count birds that appear in your count site because of something that you have provided (plantings, food, or water).

There is a $15 annual participation fee ($12 for Lab members, CAN$35 for Canadian participants), which covers materials, staff support, web design, data analysis, and a year-end report (Winter Bird Highlights) . Project FeederWatch is supported almost entirely by participation fees. Without the support of our participants, this project wouldn't be possible.

Participants receive a Research Kit, which contains instructions, a bird identification poster, a wall calendar, a resource guide to bird feeding, and data forms—everything you need to start counting your birds. Canadian participants, because they are also members of Bird Studies Canada (BSC), receive the BSC quarterly publication, BirdWatch Canada. Your kit will arrive in the fall (or about 3 weeks after you signup when you signup during the FeederWatch season). You provide the feeder(s) and seed.

Project Feeder Watch


  1. love the new look girl..and I loved the visit we had ..we will do it again ..soon ...and thanks for helping me to refresh my blog the look is awesome ....and for all the love and thank that man of yours for the time and the awesome dinner...hugs to both of you

  2. Nice blog redesign, it looks really different than the previous one. :)
    Also it's really nice you're helping your sister-in-law with the design of her blog too, and the banner in it looks fantastic. :) I must say as well that the curtains idea is great and the panels not only a bargain but they look fantastic in the photo, the deep red in that sheer fabric is wonderful. :) Thanks so much for sharing the tip and the photo. :)
    I guess that your weekend was fantastic and very productive with your sister visit and you both had a great time. :)

    Congratulations on getting the "Chick Award" it's great that Sylvia awarded you with it, and it's always great to get something like from someone you appreciate. :)
    The rope knots and brads are fantastic, thanks so much for them. :)

    Best wishes. :O)

  3. Cool new page look and thank you so very much for today's download!! :D Birds and tea,now you are close to my heart! hehe Thanks sooo much for ALLLL that you do! Have a WONDERFUL day! hugs

  4. I LOVE your new blog page, it is FANTASTIC! Thanks for all the ranch type freebies, as my family raises horses, and has a farm, and I have lots of photos for that!

    I really love how you created lime-y! Perfect!

    Hugs from the heart,

  5. Hi Barb, your new blog looks great.

    You're correct the Richters are synonymus of the area. Hans Richter is the youngest son of Francis Xaiver Richter whom was one of the first settlers of the area, my husbands grandfather and Great grandfather. I have few pics of the family unfortunately, so the album won't be extensive.

    I do love the ranch type elements and you do such wonderful work! The elements will be such a great addition to the album, Thank you....{{HUGS}}...Lucy.

  6. Sorry I have been absentee from blogland lately. Don't feel inspired maybe.

    Love the new look of your blog. its a bit Christmasy! I thought I was the only one who Christmased early! LOL

    Glad you had such a great visit with Judy! Love the whispy curtains. I'm in full renovation mode right now. Bedroom is in teh livingroom & carpet is being installed in the bedroom today. And more painting. I painted the br and now hopefully down the hall. Its been fun & keeping me busy!

    A visit soon I hope!


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