Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I could'nt resist sharing a few fun links with you. The following link will allow you to listen to a station I occaisionally listen to when I get tired of all the same-sounding tunes out there... its Creeeeeeepy music, from Movie Scores.

I was suggesting to a friend, that if you put this music on first, then, when you can see some older kids coming to the door for treats... then having tied a string to the door handle beforehand, and making sure its not really latched... when they reach the door pull the string and let it swing open slowwwwwwwwww and dramatically. Muahhhahahhahhaha!

To get the music, at any rate, just click HERE and choose the Creepy option!

Barb's HOWDY Bandana Element

Be nice to the young little spooks and drive carefully! Have a safe evening.

The following is a short video complilation of what our parents must have actually thought of as scary oh so long ago... now its just laughable and endearing, I am sure. Don't you just long to scream like this sometimes?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


(click to view larger)


Photo Frame – KimB's Mylittleafrican

All other elements and 'stuff' – Shabby Princess's Harvest Spice

Today's blog will be brief as it's my Miles birthday today! Not that we have a day of fun and romance planned – nnnnnooo, in fact he has to work all day and evening too. Sigh. But even though, I will still have some sweet little surprises for him... pampering and such. We shall REALLY celebrate this coming weekend. We've cleared our calendars and have some special plans.

Miles, I love you more with every passing year. You make my every living moment twice as sweet for having shared all the highs and lows with you. I look forward, with anticipation, to growing old with you – for us to weather the storms and celebrate the joys which will come our way, too. Your personality and charms are ever-fresh, and your dedication to our marriage is deeper than ever. My passion for you is immeasurable. Thank you for your continous investment in me... you make me feel brilliant, beautiful, desirable. I pray the Lord allows us many more years together here on earth.

One hundred years together
Would surely be too few--
For every day--
All over again...
I fall in love with you.

Barb's HOWDY Saddle Element


I hope you enjoy this rope saddle element I've created. I've still got a few more western themed elements lined up! Still taking requests too - just leave a comment!

Playing with my newfound CorelDraw skills -
using my handsome/sweet brother as a model (tee hee!)
He's really a manly-man kinda guy...

What have I been up to lately? Well, a bit of this and that. Still working on a graphics course at the Learning Center, learning the ins and outs of Coreldraw. I'm enjoying it tremendously, too! I've been doing some designing and working out on my rowing machine as well. That is, when I'm not speed walking the rows of the orchard to keep fit. My knees have an audible crunch these days so though I am truly tempted to run, I won't. The orchard affords me some soft ground, fresh air and a wonderful ambiance to work out to. I'd rather do this than go on a treadmill any old day! I just hope I don't run into a bear/deer/tractor someday – LOL!

I recently discovered that we can actually recieve three whole channels on our tv... and on one, I can get Martha Stewart at 11:00 a.m. Sooooooo... I've thrown Oprah over for Martha for a few days... this is when I'm on the rowing machine. I did watch one Oprah when I couldn't manage to fit my workout in at 11... but her show was with Dr. Oz – all about colon cancer and other such ickies... I'll get checked ALREADY... but in the meantime I think I'll stick to watching Martha stick glittery spiders on hairbands and other life-changing craft ideas.

Working out and watching her inspired me to crack open one of her cookbooks which has been gathering dust on my bookshelf. I decided to make me some yeast breadsticks, from scratch. Now, I did follow her recipe, mostly... of course I added my own choice of Victoria Epicure spices (introduced to me by my sis, Nina) and then I had to deviate from Martha's recipe further when she called me to make little one inch balls and roll them into 16 inch sticks. Ha. I'd love to see her try that... it don't work, trust me. The lengths break into biddy pieces. So, I rolled mine out into an longish rectangle and then I cut them using a nifty roller thing I bought at the thrift ages ago. Then I twisted my sticks. I bet mine worked out better than hers. And oh yeah, Martha, I brush my dough with olive oil, and salted it before I cut, not after. So there. At any rate, mine turned out so good that Miles begged me to hide them on him so he did not eat them all at once.

I will leave you with a funny lil video I found on YouTube for my sister Nina, who loves puddies.

Hope you enjoy Sis!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Western Rope Elements

Download my HOWDY western word elements!

I recently recieved a request from blog reader Mahalo for some western style words, so here you are! I've got a few more goodies coming up in the next week, all western themed, so stay tuned!

For all you who 'do the Halloween thing'... the following was sent to me by my brother. Its an online spelling game based on all the spooky and creepy words - so you can make sure you correctly spell words like cadaver, cauldron etc... To play simply click HERE

Blogged with Flock

Friday, October 26, 2007

Coffee Art Pics - Reloaded

I've finally figured out how to stick the photos in here for you, however, I'm sure I'm going about it in a backhand way...I will have to consult with my Left-Brained Husband who 'Knows All'...  and, also, I don't know who originally published these photos either or I would surely give credit here! 

Blogged with Flock

Isn't this just the cutest picture? The dog looks as serious and as the boy!

This is another I recieved from my friends Roger and Marie. Unfortunately, I thought I had it all figured out with Flock, but I still have to iron some things out. I'm so sorry you could not see the coffee pics, I know of another place which posted them recently, so I will find them and repost. So sorry.

Here's my own prayer for the day:

Give me work to do;
Give me health;
Give me joy in simple things.
Give me an eye for beauty,
A tongue for truth,
A heart that loves,
A mind that reasons.
A sympathy that understands;
Give me neither malice nor envy,
But a true kindness
And a noble common sense.
At the close of each day
Give me a book,
And a friend with whom I can be silent.

Thanks for visiting me!

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Too Nice to Drink!

My friends Roger and Marie supply me with the most interesting links and pictures... and I just had to share these coffee art pictures with you... They know I love to create, but I've never 'painted' with my coffee...

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



If you're like me, then you're grinning from ear to ear to see the latest Shabby Princess (free) kit up and ready for download.  What a sweet princess!  Don't forget to leave some love when you download!  Just click HERE to be transported!


NPR : In Dallas, a Hip-Hop Plea: Pull Your Pants Up

I heard this article this morning on NPR, and it made me giggle, so I thought I would share it with you!  Course, having the new Flock Web Browser made it a snap too!  Do you have boys who wear their pants saggin?  On one hand I give the mayor a hand for speaking up, though I figure he's inviting lots of controversy! 

Morning Edition, October 24, 2007 · Saggin' — young men wearing their pants with the waistband closer to their knees than their hips — has been around for years. But a growing number of adults are deciding they've had enough. In Dallas, an interesting mix of politicians, hip-hop artists and white businessmen are announcing a citywide campaign with a simple message: Pull Your Pants Up.

To read - or listen to this full article, just click HERE

'Pull Your Pants Up' billboardExamples of the saggin' style can be seen across America, including in this photo taken in Trenton.

Blogged with Flock

Tired of the same old Internet Browser? I was - and along came Flock.

I have'nt had a chance to completely explore all its features - thats simply because there are too many! Use Flick'r for your photos? Just drag and drop and you can blog them through most Blogs! Really - I even blogged this article for you by dragging and dropping from a site. It would be too hard to explain all of the neat features here so you will can investigate for yourself by visiting the Flock home site by clicking HERE.

Alternately - if you would like to download it from another source, and read the rave review by the most trusted Tech Site - you can go HERE to CNET where they give a full fledged 5 star rating.

And, of course, if you're wondering about security - Flock has some of the best and newest security around. Check it blog friends! You'll be having fun all over again!

Monday, October 22, 2007

We had a wonderful visit over the weekend with our Sister-In-Law Judy and our niece Melissa. They arrived on Friday night and departed yesterday noon, and we crammed a lot of visitin' in between those times. Judy has 'saved up' her brain for the past several months to spend a big day of training in Photoshop with me. We even found time to polish up her own blog with a new look. I think we have fall confused with spring as we're 'spring cleaning' our blogs. It feels good to have a new look. I can't take total credit on mine as my sweet and talented husband assisted me (listened to me stress as I changed over from the OLD blogger to the new...) By the way, the photo in Judy's banner is one she took herself! We loved having time with you Sis, and look forward to a visit up your way sometime before the snow gets too deep!

While Judy was here we took a drive up to a neighboring community to do some shopping and have tea. We stopped first at an East Indian Market where we browsed the amazing materials they have for sale. I'd picked up a bolt of three panels in a most beautiful crimson material a week beforehand, from a discount basket. I knew when I saw it, that it would be perfect for curtains in my bedroom. I'd had my eye on some panels in a small gift shoppe over the summer – almost the exact shade, and they were something like $30 a panel... I paid an entire $4 for these three panels I bought.

I hung them freeform style using only carefully placed tacks – no curtain rods necessary! A tip if you try this yourself – put your tack in from the front side of the material, then 'roll' the tack over in the material a few times before pushing it into the wood on your window trim... this way, you won't see the tacks.

On Saturday, we also visited a teashop too (thinking of you, Gina)... where my friend Melanie works. She had asked me earlier if we might like to come up for tea while Judy was here, but I'd told her I was not sure how much time we would find. I should have known that we'd always find time to shop! At any rate, Melanie works at a sweet little tea shoppe called Canteloupe Annies. Its a true tea shoppe – small patio tables, warm kitchen atmosphere and soft, natural light from the many windows. There are many teas to choose from – from exotic to very traditional, in loose leaf form. And of course, we chose to pair our tea with a fresh scone slathered in devonshire cream and jam. Mmmm I must admit, I would have as easily chosen the fig and ginger teacake – a speciatly there, but I'll save that for 'next time' I love all things fig... fresh and dried. Ever wondered about the history of figs? After all they've been about almost forever! I happened upon an article about figs just this morning on NPR radio. To read it for yourself, just click here.

Another highlight of our visit was spending time with our friend Bonnie who shared her amazing healthy porridge recipe. She's very health conscious and has perfected a very hearty recipe of her own. But, more on that some other time when I'll feature the entire process, step by step, along with photos!

Layout by blog reader Lucy G.

Frame by Mrs. Miles
Paper by cafe digiRound
tag by scrappy pony
Link ribbon by kimbs designs
Button by Barbara LeMay
Large rectangle tag made by Lucy using Broderbund graphics

Thank you Lucy for allowing me to publish your heritage layout here. Lucy, I notice your relative's last name is Richter – you must then, have a wealth of heritage here, as the Richter name is synonymus with this area! I'm looking forward to seeing more!

chick bomb award

I know it means bomb in a GOOD way! haha!

I have recieved another blog award :) this time from Silvia. Ok, you know, I've been awarded many awards lately – but I want to tell you I won't ever get used to it. Each time I recieve one is a fresh delight to me. I know that each time I get one I know you're thinking of me – so THANK you! Your comments are always a 'smile' in my day – awards are plus, plus, plus! I'll think on passing this one on... if I get time! By the way, I peeked and saw some really nice frames for download at Silvia's blog...

Barb's Handy Tip #313
Feed and Watch!

I saw a clip on Martha Stewart recently about this project – and I though immediately of my good friend Cicero – who was wondering what the loooong winter would bring in the way of photos and info for bloggable materials. This is right up your alley Cis! And wouldn't this make a terrific Christmas gift for that someone on your list who already has everything?

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long survey of birds that visit feeders at backyards, nature centers, community areas, and other locales in North America. FeederWatchers periodically count the highest numbers of each species they see at their feeders from November through early April. FeederWatch helps scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations and long-term trends in bird distribution and abundance.

Project FeederWatch is operated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada.

Anyone with an interest in birds! FeederWatch is conducted by people of all skill levels and backgrounds, including children, families, individuals, classrooms, retired persons, youth groups, nature centers, and bird clubs.

Count birds that appear in your count site because of something that you have provided (plantings, food, or water).

There is a $15 annual participation fee ($12 for Lab members, CAN$35 for Canadian participants), which covers materials, staff support, web design, data analysis, and a year-end report (Winter Bird Highlights) . Project FeederWatch is supported almost entirely by participation fees. Without the support of our participants, this project wouldn't be possible.

Participants receive a Research Kit, which contains instructions, a bird identification poster, a wall calendar, a resource guide to bird feeding, and data forms—everything you need to start counting your birds. Canadian participants, because they are also members of Bird Studies Canada (BSC), receive the BSC quarterly publication, BirdWatch Canada. Your kit will arrive in the fall (or about 3 weeks after you signup when you signup during the FeederWatch season). You provide the feeder(s) and seed.

Project Feeder Watch

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Howdy There Folks! Hope yore enjoyin' these western themed elements, and I thank y'all for the great suggestions pourin' in. I hope y'all don't mind if I took care of lil Miss Lucy's request first, as she sounds like she's already got a heritage theme cookin' and said if I made some frames she could use them. Ah think ah kin handle the other requests - they are terrific, keep 'em comin! Just leave me a comment here on the blog and I will do my very best!

I had a HOOT at Amy W's BINGO madness yesterday - got me addicted, she did, and I even won a prize! You need to go to the next one - the best fun you can have for an afternoon. Thanks Amy - put me on the list for the next one!

Today's blog is going to be short and sweet as I'm having some quality time with my dear, dear Sister-in-Law, Judy, and my beautiful niece Melissa! Hope you all have a great weekend!


Happy birthday today, to a special young man in our lives - Mark. We want you to know we are thinking of you as you celebrate. May the coming year be one where you realize your hopes and dreams. All our love to you!

You know, it has been a bit rough in my Christian walk recently. This may shock some people to hear me say this – but you know Christians are REAL people, and just because we know and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour does not mean our troubles miraculously disappear. Oh no, not at ALL. Sometimes I think it may even feel harder, being a Christian because I am accountable to my faith and can't just divorce my feelings and actions from being accountable to God and those around me. It does not mean I won't have trials and troubles like my worldly brothers and sisters, but hopefully, if my faith is real and strong enough, I will handle them in a different way. Where before I could simply get mad, brush things off and walk away, abandon, now I must work through them using the Holy Word as my template. It does not make it easier – in fact, sometimes its a lot harder because I can't just say “thats the way it is” and so forth... because I know that God knows my heart and He's expecting me to do what's honoring to Him.

This makes things tricky at times as the old self would have just said “Get over it” or “thats Your problem” or just ignored things altogether, but when I died to self in the name of my King I recieved in my heart some sort of Spiritual Warning System which doesn't allow me to just brush life's situations off, like a pesky housefly. I know that ALL struggles put in my path are knowingly allowed by my Father – and He's counting on me dealing with them in the correct way, that's pleasing to Him. His Word tells me He allows just what I am able to handle, so I must walk in confidence of this. I need to turn the seemingly impossible situations into His hand, and listen for His counsel. And I may not always like where that leads me, but I must trust the outcome is for my own good. How much less work to trust in His plan for me, than the huge amount of energy I used up when I struggled along in my own way... plus, I almost always inevevitably wound up making a bigger mess!

The bible tells us that we must 'suffer a little' to get to there – to the place with Him. And we all know there is no 'free ride' in life. Theres no real life like the song I once heard of 'No Consequences' Trust me, my friend, there are ALWAYS consequences, and I would far rather put my trust and hope in the consequences of doing what is right in the sight of my Lord. As I do this I find He trusts me with more. I used to get quite angry – to the point of physically throwing things in the heat of anger, but today – I can't think of when I last felt the urge to do this. In fact – it sort of all seems like a bad memory, like it happened to another person. If you struggle in this way – I can assure you from personal experience that the Lord can remove it right from your life, if you ask Him to!

But lately I was tortured with all sorts of yicky, icky 'human feelings' – the big E (envy) and A (anger) and I (impatience) Oh how silly I have been, to allow myself to even let my heart be so blind. How the enemy can use me so easily in these very times – fill me up with myself and my own needs. Its only now, with introspect on it all that I can see that by not trusting in the Lord, I was robbed of opportunities to actually have compassion to the very people I chose to be upset with in my heart! In the instances, upon looking back and consider, I have missed opportunities to witness and bring comfort. I really did not understand that there was pain in the lives of the people I was upset with.

And so, God has allowed me to 'stew in my own juices' for a bit, until I was obedient to His word, and now that I've given it all over, I can see the folly of my ways. I had to suffer to learn the lesson. And His word tells us we will suffer, if we choose His way. Only, this suffering will have a far far far more precious outcome. Won't you turn your troubles and problems and anger etc over to the One who can really help?

1 Peter 1:6

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.

1 Peter 5:10

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

Psalm 57:2

I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.

Are you standing at “Wits End Corner,”
Christian, with a troubled brow?
Are you thinking of what is before you,
And all you are bearing now?
Does all the world seem against you,
and you in the battle alone?
Remember – at “Wits End Corner”
Is just where God's power is shown.

Are you standing at “Wits End Corner”
Blinded with wearying pain,
Feeling you cannot endure it,
You cannot bear the strain,
Bruised through the constant suffering,
Dizzy, dazed, and numb?
Remember – at “Wits End Corner”
Is where Jesus loves to come.

Are you standing at “Wits End Corner”
Your work before you spread,
All lying begun, unfinished,
And pressing on heart and head,
Longing for strength to do it,
Stretching out trembling hands?
Remember - at “Wits End Corner”
The Burden Bearer stands.

Are you standing on “Wits End Corner”
Then you're in the very spot
To learn the wondrous resources
Of Him who faileth not;
No doubt to a brighter pathway
Your footsteps will soon be moved,
But only at “Wits End Corner”
Is the “God who is able” proved.

- Antoinette Wilson

I'm going to leave you today, with a video which was shared with me by my close friend K. - amazing how she sent the link to me just as I was preparing to publish the previous poem and journalling. I think you will agree its so fitting. So, without further ado, I leave you with this powerful portrayal of how God is always longing and waiting for us to turn to HIM.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Howdy there folks! I'm praying this day finds you well. It seems so strange to wake up and it's still pitch dark outside my window – the time has not changed yet, its coming later than usual this year. I think thats messing some peoples clocks up – my body and mind are ready but it is just not the day yet. How bout you? Do you like it when the time goes forward or back, or does it throw you off?

I've a few more rope elements to share in the next several days, so be sure to check back. Is there anything you would like to see in rope? Just leave me a comment ON MY BLOG ONLY and I'll do my bestest!


Woo Woo! Bingo - Amy's having BIN-GO neener neener. I think its non-smoking, though when she's thinking real hard I can smell smoke emenating from my screen... at any rate, you have a date for Friday night. I don't know ALL the details, but you can get them by visiting Amy's Blog and she'll fill you in on the details... here's what she has to say:

Friday is a big day for our Week of Madness! The challenges begin, some great designer grab bags go into the shop for just $2 (but worth so much more!) and most importantly my Fall Madness Bingo chat is happening!!! Make sure you swing by and grab a bingo card from the forum and fill it out prior to chat.

My sister sent me a cool email a while ago, which I fully intended on blogging, but it got lost along the way. My last blog entry brought it to mind when I wrote about decorating a pie crust. It was the phrase 'upper crust' which brought it to mind. Well, you'll see as follows:

The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500's:

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in
May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were
starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the
body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the
house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other
sons and men, then the women and finally the children Last of all the
babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone
in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood
underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the
cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it
rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and off
the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings
could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a
sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds
came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt.
Hence the saying "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would
get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on
floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more
thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping
outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway. Hence the saying
a "thresh hold."

(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that
always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added
things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat.
They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get
cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food
in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, "Peas
porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special.
When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off It
was a sign of wealth that a man could "bring home the bacon." They would
cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew
the fat."

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid
content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead
poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next
400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of
the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would
sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking
along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.
They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the
family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they
would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that
always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added
things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat.
They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get
cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food
in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, "Peas
porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special.
When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off It
was a sign of wealth that a man could "bring home the bacon." They would
cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew
the fat."

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid
content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead
poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next
400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of
the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would
sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking
along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.
They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the
family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they
would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of
places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the
bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these
coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the
inside and they realized they had been burying people alive So they
would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the
coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would
have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to
listen for the bell; thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was
considered a "dead ringer."

And that's the truth... Now, whoever said that History was boring!!!!

Thanks for this so interesting story Sis – it certainly brings home how we take our comforts for granted!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Enjoy my ready-made half-blossom png – or cut out your own using the template included. If you are using Photoshop, you can easily recolor the center circle in two ways. First, you select the center circle layer, then go up to layer, adjustments, then choose hue/saturation. Once this dialogue box opens then 'tick' the box which says colorize. Once you've done this, play around with the sliders until you get the exact color and shade you desire. Alternately, you could, making sure you have the circle layer selected, look down on the bottom of your layers pallette, and choose fx (the letter f in a little black circle) Choose 'color overlay' and click in the red color which will be the default. Find the color you are looking for, then pull the opacity slider over until you have the circle looking the way you desire! Feel free to ask me questions if my instructions are not clear!

Welcome to a brand new week!

Barb's Accident Scene

(click to view larger!)

I've woken up bright and refreshed and looking forward to being victorious over Blogger today. I'm determined to share my tales with you and won't be taking no for an answer! Firstly, I'm going to share an amazing tale with you. A while ago, in the summer – just after my sister Nina's visit, in fact, I wrote about an accident which happened just outside Keremeos. We'd just had lunch and were about to head home when we heard emergency sirens and I asked Miles if we might investigate – perhaps there might be a news story in the making. We followed the sirens out of town – quite a ways out of town, in fact. It was a miserable day – the kind I'm sure had my sister questioning if she were home on the rainy coast. After driving for a good 15 minutes we arrived at the scene of the accident. It was a grim site – a vehicle had gone right over a HUGE embankment, all the way down to the the river bottom, landing in a pool. It looked impossible that anyone could have survived. In the cold, wet, driving rain the emergency response workers worked cautiously and calmly to do a check of the vehicle to check for people and to begin the process of retrieving it.

Honestly, I felt so odd taking the photos – I'd never want to profit on someone's tragedy, but at the same time I felt the photos would be newsworthy. I was unaware if the driver or passengers had survived this horrific accident and I prayed I was not documenting a fatality. It wasn't until later that I, thankfully, learned on the news segment on the local station, that the driver (the only person in the car that day) was OK. She'd suffered injuries, but she was (miraculously) OK.

So why am I reviving this story? I'm telling it to you again because an awesome thing has happened. This blog happened. I've been amazed at how the Lord has used my blog to do some incredible things – and this is one of them.

Amazing she walked away alive!

(click to view larger)

It turns out that Barb (really – same name as me!) who was the driver of that vehicle that fateful day, was searching the internet recently - and 'happened' upon my blog. I can only imagine what would have gone through her mind when she discovered that not only had I witnessed her accident, but that I also had taken the news photos of it. Apparently she'd contacted the local tv station, but they did not have the photos to give her, so it was unbelievable that she found me! Here's the good news. Barb is OK. In her own words (and with her permission)

“Thank you for the pictures. It really was amazing for me to see the accident from that point of view. I knew it was bad, but didn't realize how incredibly lucky I was. I mean, I know I was lucky, but this put a whole new perspective on it. I was beginning to feel as if I had maybe imagines the seriousness of it, and thought I should be over this by now, but seeing the pictures made me realize I have every right to work through this traumatic experience on my own time. The pictures do help though. Gives me clarity and somehow closure too. There were so many wonderful people who helped me and who I have found again to thank personally, and now I thank you too.”

“ I really was fortunate to basically 'walk' away with only a compound fracture of my left wrist and head trauma. This past week I just underwent surgery for my left thumb. They had to replace the tendon which had ruptured in the accident. So now I sit again with a cast for 6 weeks. But if that's all that I have to deal with physically, then I thank God every day for saving me and giving me this chance to continue my life and be there for my kids, my boyfriend and his daughter. It's what I live for. They are who I live for.”

Thank you for allowing me to share your story, Barb. I'm praying for healing for you – both in your heart and in your body. I've been blogging recently about being thankful for things in my life – I'm so thankful that I was able to be of help for you in this situation. I can't imagine how the photos make you feel – but I'm betting your current days are certainly more precious in their 'normalness'... excitement like this must give an entire different perspective on life. I'm counting my readers might pray for you and your family too.

So – since I'm on the subject of vehicles, travel etc... I'll continue on and share the story I was TRYING to publish the other day when Blogger robbed me.

When we went to the coast for Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to take Highway 20 in Washington State for a nice change of scenery. We left plenty early in the morning somewhere edging towards 9, hoping to arrive at Mom's in the mid afternoon, figuring we would stop along the way to eat and take lots of photos. Well, it was a comedy of errors from the getgo. Firstly, we travelled all the way down the highway to Brewster where we gassed up before turning off to head west – when we could have turned off several miles back. Then, we drove over to Winthrop – a quaint western-themed town. We stopped a mile or so out, then reconsidered and turned back to the town to eat, figuring it would be too far to the next town and we would be too hungry and mess up our having dinner with the folks (they had promised to keep it for us)

So, we got back to Winthrop with the intent to eat there when I discovered that we'd forgotten the gas cap – yep, waaayyyyyyy back at Brewster. This has happened to us before on vacations. (hold your advice please – we've been here before and KNOW better LOL!) In the past we have always been fortunate enough to get our original cap back, but one time we did try to stick a 'generic' cap on in place to make do until we got our own. Well, they just don't fit. So, we knew we HAD to head back to Brewster, or worry constantly for the coming days while we ran around with an open tank. We could have phoned them back and had them hold it for us, but hey, we figured it was our consequence so we headed back. We took a wrong turn on the way back. The turn we should have been on in the first place, on our way here. Sigh. It took a few miles to realize we were not seeing any familiar landmarks, in fact I'm SURE we didn't see that pyramid shaped glass greenhouse on the first time thru. Oh MY. Add an extra 4 hours onto our trip – had us arrive at the folks at 8 pm. Thank goodness we at least got a few good pics! Plus, we had a pretty good meal at a Mexican restaurant in Brewster...

But we made it safe and sound – and had a wonderful time with family – so I'm thankful for this too.

I meant to share this idea with you all a while ago – but things kept getting in the way... so today's the day. When the apples were being picked locally, I got the hankering to make a big fat pie. We had guests coming for dinner and I'd planned a simple meal – homemade soup, bread and a pie. Comfort food. Well, my artistic side took over in the midst of the upper crust and I wound up getting creative on it. You may be wondering how I achieved this look? Its simple – just use jelly powder! Mine is not so neat and tidy because of being a first attempt, but it still looks pretty? I would suggest if you're to try this that you would make a stencil first (out of paper or cardboard) – or better yet, use a cookie cutter. Place the cookie cutter over the area you want to color, then sprinkle the powder over it. I would love to see what you do with this idea!

I declare this “Grumpy, Frowny People won't get to me Week! Right, Cis? We can't change those 'ol grumpusses, but we can make our own place a nicer one! Your blog is making me HUNGRY, Cis - thats a mighty good looking home-bakery item you've got yourself there - along WITH THE RECIPE .... mmmmm

Laugh a little – sing a little
As you go on your way!
Work a little – play a little,
Do this every day!

Give a little – take a little
Never mind a frown -
Make your smile a welcomed thing
All around the town!

Laugh a little – love a little,
Skies are always blue!
Every cloud has its silver linings,
But it's up to you!

Today in History:

1581 - Commissioned by Catherine De Medici, the "Ballet Comique de la Reine" was staged in Paris. A spectacle of dancing, this is often considered to be the first major ballet.

1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte landed on the Island of St. Helena, where he had been sent into exile by the British after his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

1860 - Grace Bedell, age 11, wrote to Abraham Lincoln with a request, grow a beard and she would try to get her four brothers to vote for him as president. In November, Lincoln won the election, then he grew a beard.

1892 - The United States government made the Crow Indians relinquish 1.8 million acres of their reservation for 50 cents per acre. A presidential proclamation, opened the land in the mountain area of western Montana to settlers.

1901 - In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the first fishing magazine in the United States was published. It was called "American Angler".

1905 - Joining the other United States citizens that didn't want women to vote, President Grover Cleveland wrote an article for "Ladies Home Journal". The president said, "We all know how much further women go than men in their social rivalries and jealousies... sensible and responsible women do not want to vote." Cleveland wins our vote for the dumbest man to ever be president of the United States, he is also one of least remembered men to hold the office.

1931 - In New York, the production of "Cat and the Fiddle" opened for the first of its 395 performances.

1932 - The War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, California became the first municipally-owned opera palace. The first opera performed there was "Tosca".

1951 - The immensely-popular comedy series, I Love Lucy, starring husband-and-wife team Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, aired for the first time on national television on CBS.

1964 - At age 73, Cole Porter, renowned lyricist and composer, died. Porter was responsible for classics like "I’ve Got You Under My Skin" and hundreds of others that crossed all musical style and format boundaries.

1984 - If you had a credit card, you could use the first public telephones on airplanes. Twenty flights offered phone service fort the low cost of $7.50 for a three-minute call, $1.25 for each additional minute anywhere in the United States.

1987 - Queen Elizabeth accepted the end of more than a century of British sovereignty over Fiji, expressing sadness at the military takeover of power in the South Pacific nation.

1993 - African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela and South African President F.W. de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to end apartheid and lay the foundations for a democratic South Africa.

Barb's Handy Tip #312
I am WOMAN - I can D.I.Y!

Geared towards empowering women to do-it-yourself,
this website is chock-full of great advice!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ok... TWICE now, I had entire blogs done. Ready to go. On the last few words. And twice it's been snatched out of thin air by blogger. I'm not up to this fight. So, this will be short and sweet. Here's a kiss for you. Ressurected from last years elements. I can't remember all I was going to tell you, only it was really really really good. Trust me.


(our beautiful niece)


Locket QP by Jill (its FREE) - leave some love too!

Bow by Olivia Dorazio

Hope your day was extra special Samantha. Hope you don't mind I found a nice castle for your background... your dress was too elegant for anyting else! Love from us!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Well, that Olivia, she's just the designing-est little thing - and she's having the blessing of having Amy W. to throw some goodies together for ya to jazz up your spooky layouts. I'm thinking there's at least one more tag to come - one with a string even... so be checking back in a few days. If you like the kit then you're going to want to visit and seek out Olivia Dorazio to find more of her good 'stuff'. She's in good company with the many other talented designers there - you better pour a coffee as you will be there for a while, I'm betting!

We had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving weekend - spent it with family which is always good for the soul. More to follow, but you know what its like, first day back, unpacking etc... plus I have school tonight so I have to get working on my lessons. I will be back a bit later in the week, with some photos etc. You have a good week too!

Love me, Love my Family layout - by ME! :)


All papers and elements from Amy Watson's SOFTNESS KIT

(click on either link to find her kit!)

I did manage to find a quiet hour to make this layout while on holiday this weekend. I loved using Amy's kit - it really complemented the photo - and you truly have to see this kit full-size to appreciate the velvety textures!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

My friend Olivia, since she does not have a blog started yet – asked me to host her give-away here on my blog for you! She's promising a few more to come, in celebration of her Spooky Kit add-on at the Shoppe. In case you haven't been to visit her at the shoppe, you can find her HERE. Her full name is Olivia Dorazio – check out her wonderful designs while you're browsing, as well as the other talented artists! Its an exciting time for Olivia and she could use your support. Truly, you GOTTA see the other cute/ugly critters she's got in her add-on which will debut Monday. I've got her second give-away all queued up for Monday! Click
HERE to go to the Shoppe!

It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, this weekend... so I'm taking some down-days. I will rest up for to be good for you all next week. Wishing you all some Blessed time with family and friends. For you folks in the USA – I understand its Columbus Day, and though I haven't delved into the full meaning of your day (course I get the gist of it) I hear many of you have at least a day off from work. I hope you enjoy! KimB – if you're reading this, when are the big holidays in good 'ol South Africa?

I got an awaaaarrddd neener, neener, neeeeener. My Amy alternately emotionally beats on me (well, I BEG for it) and then rewards me with nice stuff. Whew, what an exhausting friendship we have! Thanks Amy, sames for you as me. Soooooooooooooo... I will put my thinker to work over this weekend to consider who I'm going to 'pay forward' this great honour to.

Amy Watson's SOFTNESS Kit

Even though I spend countless hours trying to get Amy 'off track'... she still manages to design some killer kits. Like for 'zample, she put together amazing kit while I was chatting her lil ear off! You could be the almost first person to buy it if you hurry! She's got a zillion other beautiful items for sale there too... you'll be thanking me for sending you to her shop. Just click HERE to be instantly transported!

Lately, it's been so very busy and I've found a day can fly by without me taking any quiet time out at all. This is not good, because I've personally found that God speaks to me in the quiet times – or perhaps thats mostly just when I actually HEAR His voice. I came across this poem which is a good reminder of this very fact, so I'm going to share it with you.

“STAND STILL” my soul, for so thy Lord commands:
E'en when thy way seems blocked, leave it in His wise hands;
His arm is mighty to divide the wave.
“Stand still” my soul, “stand still” and thou shalt see
How God can work the “impossible” for thee,
For with a great deliverence He doth save.

Be not impatient, but in stillness stand,
Even when compassed 'round on every hand,
In ways thy spirit does not comprehend.
God cannot clear thy way till thou art still,
That He may work in thee His blessed will,
And all they heart and will to Him do bend.

“BE STILL” my soul, for just as thou art still,
Can God reveal Himself to thee; until
Through thee His love and light and life can freely flow;
In stillness God can work through thee and reach
the souls around thee. He then through thee can teach
His lessons, and His power in weakness show.

“BE STILL” - a deeper step in faith and rest.
“Be still and know” they Father knoweth best
The way to lead His child to that fair land,
A “summer” land, where quiet waters flow;
Where longing souls are satisfied, and “know
Their God” and praise for all that He has planned.

~author unknown

I hope you can find a quiet time in your day. Whether you have Faith in God, or not, if you're seeking Him, He is often found in those peaceful, reflective moments. Won't you open your heart to hear His voice? He's waiting to hear from you...

mmm.... grasshopper is to mantis as steak is to humans...

These two pictures were ones I took recently

on a walk through a local nature preserve.

I recieved a link for the following two videos in an email recently, and I think they are done very well. I have a very tender spot for our young women of today... of how much pressure they recieve to 'look' a certain way. There's such a huge amount of pressure for them to live up to impossible standards, thanks in a great part to all the media which bombards them daily. Just thought I would share them with you. Unfortunatly, the second movie has no embed link, but I'm providing an url... so you can click to watch. Its worth it!

Video 2 Link

I also saw the SWEETEST video of this little walking atlas-gurl... she knows more, at the age of 2, than I know today!

Today in History

1535 - The first complete English translation of the Bible was printed in Zurich, Switzerland.

1582 - Today was the last day of the Julian Calendar in the Papal states, Spain and Portugal. Pope Gregory's Gregorian calendar took effect the next day, which became 15 October to allow for the 10-day error which the Julian system had accumulated.

1824 - The republic of Mexico was proclaimed.

1854 - Abraham Lincoln made his first political speech while at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield.

1878 - The first Chinese embassy opened in the United States when Chen Lan-Pin presented his papers as envoy to President Hayes.

1881 - Edward H. Leveaux of Surrey, England received a United States patent for his completely automatic player piano.

1895 - The first United States Open golf tournament was held at the Newport Country Club in Rhode Island.

1931 - The "Dick Tracy" comic strip, created by Chester Gould, made its first appearence in the Detroit Mirror. The strip originally was called "Plainclothes Tracy".

1939 - With the Ted Weems Orchestra, a barber from Canonsburg (near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), recorded "That Old Gang of Mine". The singing barber was the feature of the Weems band for years before going solo on radio, television and stage. Today he is known as Perry Como, and his hits for RCA Victor span four decades.

1952 - The first pacemaker to control the body's heartbeat, developed by Dr. Paul Zoll of Harvard University, was fitted externally to David Schwartz.

1957 - On ABC-TV, "Leave It to Beaver" premiered. Jerry Mathers played the Beaver, Hugh Beaumont played patriarch Ward Cleaver, Tony Dow was big brother Wally, and Barbara Billingsley was mopther June Cleaver. The Cleavers lived the Hollywood verision of American life with June doing housework in three strands of pearls, fashion plate dresses, makeup and heels.

1958 - The first trans-Atlantic passenger jetliner service was begun by British Overseas Airways Corporation with flights between London and New York.

1978 - Tammy Wynette, popular country music singer, was abducted, beaten and held in her car for two hours by a kidnapper wearing a ski mask. He held a gun on her and forced her to drive 90 miles from Nashville, Tennessee. She was later released, and the kidnapper escaped.

1986 - In New York City, Dan Rather of "The CBS Evening News", was mugged by two men.

1989 - Secretariat, the first Triple Crown winner since Citation in 1948, died on this date at the age of 19. He won the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes in 1973, was voted Horse of the Year in 1972 and 1973, and was widely acknowledged as the greatest racehorse of the last 40 years.

1994 - South African President Nelson Mandela was welcomed to the White House by United States President Bill Clinton.

Barb's Handy Tip #311
Cookin' Videos Up... theirs and YOURS!

Cook It
Prepare your favorite meals and have fun doing it!

Film It
Become a star and record yourself cooking your masterpeice!

Share It
Easily share your videos with everyone, public or private

This site is a way-cool idea... I hope I see some of YOUR videos here in the future, be sure to send me an email so I can watch! I do have to tell you the FUNNIEST one here I think is one done by Actor Christopher Walken making his own version of chicken and pears. Really, he's so down to earth, not one of these fancy-scmancy videos despite being famous.

To see the Cooking Video with Christopher Walken HERE


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