Tuesday, June 17, 2014

BEAUTIFUL Music - and a sweet FREE Cutting file!

If you’ve followed my blog in this past year you may be aware that my life has been all tangled up with that of a special young lady and her family for an incredible journey and wonderful project.  Her name is Kayla Dawn and she’s a lovely and unique person who has had one of her fondest dreams come true over this time. 

Kayla Launch invite

Kayla is 18 years old and lives in Osoyoos BC.  She is graduating high school at the end of this month and is looking forward to a future in the music industry - her desire will be to become a music therapist.  She is a very motivated individual who also has a big heart in that she not only wants her music to bless you, but to also inspire.  Her own life’s experiences have given her insight and empathy for those who face challenges and she’s poured that very compassion into her songs.  I encourage you to read her biography which you can find through the links for her media which I will provide at the end of this post.


Kayla Dawn at her CD Launch event

A brief history of our relationship is that my Mr. met Kayla at YouLearn.ca where he is an instructor and after a period of time working with her on a digital music course found out that she writes her own original music.  After hearing her own “flavor” of music recognized raw talent and invited her to join in with a community event we put on called “All Bout Love”.  At this point of working together Miles felt positive he could help Kayla get her first album “out there”. 

Kayla’s family is incredibly supportive and we all sat down and worked out the details of what it would take (reminds me totally of Kayla’s song “Never Give Up”)  to bring this enterprise into fruition.  After we worked all the details out we all launched out on an incredible expedition which would lead to this happy day when I can be here telling you about it all.  I’ve come to love Kayla and her family as my own. She is a young woman of character and I’m proud to be in her life. I just know that one day I’ll be saying “I knew her when…”


CD Cover for Kayla Dawn’s first album

This was Miles first producing venture - he had an incredible amount to learn.  He’s a super-star though with meeting any challenge and pulling it off.  Not only this, he makes it appear easy.  I’m in awe (but don’t tell him I said that coz I don’t want it to go to his head too much *wink*)

With this said, I hope you will check out the following articles and sites to get to know Kayla Dawn and her music and how you can purchase! Be sure to click on all of the links at these sites - they lead to more media!  First of all you will want to check out:


Kayla Dawn’s Personal Website

I have to brag again that my husband created Kayla’s entire website as well.  

Kayla Reverbnation

Kayla Dawn’s REVERBNATION page

(notice she’s at #1 for Canada!!!)

I hope you enjoy Kayla’s music and it encourages and uplifts your life as well.  We want to give you an opportunity to WIN A COPY of Kayla Dawn’s CD.  All you have to do is to visit her Reverbnation page to listen to her music.  (by the way, you may listen to the full album streaming from Reverbnation for the next few weeks but the list will be reduced to a smaller selection of songs at that time) - so listen up, choose a favorite song and leave a comment here on this post telling which it is and why you like it.  You also get an entry if you “like” Kayla-Dawn on Facebook or Tweet her on her Twitter account.  Leave the link for us to see on a comment in this blog post and you will be put in for a chance to win! 

Will you please consider using YOUR social media to give Kayla some exposure for her very first album, please, by linking to this post today?  Thank you so much - each bit helps. 


A Card and FREE Cutting File:


I built this card quite some time ago and now I finally have a chance to post it.  I don’t know the details on the supplies and stamps I used here.


But this little “shelf” and is included in my download.


and these quaint children silhouettes which I traced from a vintage book.  I hope you enjoy! (PS - I’d ♥ to see how you use these files, would you consider sending me a link to your creation and I’ll share from my blog too?)


1 comment:

  1. A lovely card, Barb. Your choice of paper works so well too.
    Tine :)


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