Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Visit to Krause Berry Farm

I had the opportunity of an outing to the Krause Berry Farm in Langley the other day.  The day was absolutely PERFECT with a clear blue sky, a few puffy cotton candy clouds, a slight breeze and mild temperatures.  I was invited along with my Mother in Law by her friend Edith in the mid afternoon.

You can visit the Krause Berry Farm official website yourself if you like, to fill in the gaps from what I may not be able to share through my little picture ‘flip-book’ blog post.  I thought I’d just give you a feast for your eyes with the things that caught the eye of my camera lens:

1-June 2014 Krause Farms7

Of COURSE the first photo will be of these ripe, delicious berries which are outstanding in appearance and flavour.  These huge, sweet fruits are the perfect blend of soft enough for sinking your teeth into like sugary pillows, yet firm enough to have you dreaming up new dessert or jam recipes. 


When I walked inside my eyes didn’t know where to look first - to the right and at the many MANY unique varieties of delicious fudge…


Or to the roof where pie pans create a bright eye-catching pattern!

June 2014 Krause Farms11

More roof candy!

June 2014 Krause Farms6

And then on to the displays around - every nook and cranny greets with old and new, vintage and new and clever!  

June 2014 Krause Farms 4

Every conceivable gadget or gift item associated with berries of all kinds!  There are even banks of freezer units displaying tempting frozen items such as blueberry perogies - can you imagine?


A cool china pie topper so your pie always looks like its fresh baked and ready to eat - haha, nothing like putting the pressure on yourself, no?

1-June 2014 Krause Farms5

Of course the fake pie has nothing on their real pie…


June 2014 Krause Farms12

There’s even a tantalizing window where you can watch the staff assemble these delectibles!

June 2014 Krause Farms13

First comes the pastry, next the custard (oh yes CUSTARD) followed by a mountain of fresh berries and glaze.  Oh MY! 

June 2014 Krause Farms14

Here’s a toast to a successful small business gone GOOD!  I’m sure there is much pride of Langley to offer this fun place to visit.  I love places like this.  There is so much more which I am not able to mention here, so I hope you visit their website (if you’re not close enough to visit the farm!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow..what a FUN place to visit and I bet it smells so deliciously.:) How did I miss this post? I never miss dessert.LOL JK


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