Saturday, June 28, 2014

The SLOOOOOWW Days of Summer - FREE Snail Cutting file!

Summer has begun officially - and now I feel it in my heart and soul too.  You know how this is sometimes - this queuing of a particular season in your heart?  I don’t know what throws the switch internally, be it the weather?  Where I happen to be? (I’m visiting at the moment, so looking with fresh eyes?)  Could it be the visit in itself?  (the relaxation of a day’s schedule and ability to be prone to wander at whim?)  Perhaps its the allowing of meals to ‘unfold’ rather than plan everything down to a T.

At any rate, I'm here. 

Another thought, maybe its the fact one can pack everything up into one suitcase (or in my case a nice plastic tub (so much easier to get in and out of fast)   It seems funny to need only what one has brought… what do I need an entire house of 'stuff’ for - or at the very least how grateful for my stuff knowing I have it all, and now should appreciate it too. 

And what is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days
Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune,
And over it softly her warm ear lays.
Whether we look, or whether we listen,
We hear life murmur, or see it glisten.

Well, at any rate I’ve had some lovely walks these relaxing June days and enjoyed some sights I’ll share with you over the coming days.


On one of my ramblings here I noticed there are a lot of slugs and snails.  The slugs are quite monstrous beasts when viewed in macro mode of my camera.  I imagine myself towered over by huge versions of them in a good summer children’s story…about how they LOOK all mean and huge but they turn out to be gentle giants!


But the snails, they are adorable to me.  Perhaps they make me think a bit like they have their ‘suitcase’ of all they need upon their back - ready to travel at any time, with all they need right where they are.  How can one not like a snail?

So, I decided to draw a snail.  I did and it turned out fine so the creative side of me carried it even a step further to make a cutting file to share with YOU!


  I cut the body from brown kraft paper and added a couple of tiny gems for the antennae. the “shell” is composed of two cuts - a plain circle, then the spiral cut - so that the circle acts as a backdrop to the spiral.   I popped the shell up using some foam tape and then I embossed both parts of the snail because they are shiny when I see them in nature! 




Here is a card I made using my Snail file - isn’t it too cute for words?  I used a bit of designer paper for the shell, the possibilities are endless.


Today’s 1 Small Thing is a picture or two of something I observed on my walk the other day:

Background story - I was just beginning my walk when I could hear quite a ruckus from some birds.  They birds sounded strangely like a Catbird - a queer cackling and mewling, almost like a cat or kitten.  At any rate there were a few of them interacting.  looked down and saw a baby but it hopped off in a hurry before I could have my camera out.  I also espied:


This wee snake, trying to hide underneath a shrub.  Was it trying to get away from the birds - thinking it would wind up as “bird spaghetti” or something? 

The birds themselves proved to be very elusive and I had to really hunt to locate a glimpse and finally was rewarded with this picture:


Do YOU know what type of bird this is?  I’d love to know.

PS - In case I don’t get back here soon, HAPPY CANADA DAY weekend!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Visit to Krause Berry Farm

I had the opportunity of an outing to the Krause Berry Farm in Langley the other day.  The day was absolutely PERFECT with a clear blue sky, a few puffy cotton candy clouds, a slight breeze and mild temperatures.  I was invited along with my Mother in Law by her friend Edith in the mid afternoon.

You can visit the Krause Berry Farm official website yourself if you like, to fill in the gaps from what I may not be able to share through my little picture ‘flip-book’ blog post.  I thought I’d just give you a feast for your eyes with the things that caught the eye of my camera lens:

1-June 2014 Krause Farms7

Of COURSE the first photo will be of these ripe, delicious berries which are outstanding in appearance and flavour.  These huge, sweet fruits are the perfect blend of soft enough for sinking your teeth into like sugary pillows, yet firm enough to have you dreaming up new dessert or jam recipes. 


When I walked inside my eyes didn’t know where to look first - to the right and at the many MANY unique varieties of delicious fudge…


Or to the roof where pie pans create a bright eye-catching pattern!

June 2014 Krause Farms11

More roof candy!

June 2014 Krause Farms6

And then on to the displays around - every nook and cranny greets with old and new, vintage and new and clever!  

June 2014 Krause Farms 4

Every conceivable gadget or gift item associated with berries of all kinds!  There are even banks of freezer units displaying tempting frozen items such as blueberry perogies - can you imagine?


A cool china pie topper so your pie always looks like its fresh baked and ready to eat - haha, nothing like putting the pressure on yourself, no?

1-June 2014 Krause Farms5

Of course the fake pie has nothing on their real pie…


June 2014 Krause Farms12

There’s even a tantalizing window where you can watch the staff assemble these delectibles!

June 2014 Krause Farms13

First comes the pastry, next the custard (oh yes CUSTARD) followed by a mountain of fresh berries and glaze.  Oh MY! 

June 2014 Krause Farms14

Here’s a toast to a successful small business gone GOOD!  I’m sure there is much pride of Langley to offer this fun place to visit.  I love places like this.  There is so much more which I am not able to mention here, so I hope you visit their website (if you’re not close enough to visit the farm!)

Monday, June 23, 2014

ATCAS #41 Challenge Card and a FREE Cutting File for YOU!

I’m feeling rebellious this fine Monday Morning so I am going to post my finished card first then the challenge graphic.  Perhaps I will do this in the future too. Its my blog and I can do what I want ha-ha!  Oh my, aren't I a piece of work this morning. 


Awww - isn’t this feller so sweet?  OK, might be a girl sun, you COULD add some false eyelashes… This is my take on:

Addicted to CAS #41 SUN

I used paper I chanced upon at a garage sale this past weekend - the cardstock did not have any way of identifying it - but the argyle is from a Ki Paper Pad called… Argyle! 


I built this fun FREE smiling sun Cut  in two pieces so you can pop the face up a bit using foam tape.  I would normally use “googly eyes” - you know, the kind you buy in the crafts section… but I was not crafting at home and so had to be resourceful.  I used a couple of sequins that color - coordinated with the cardstock of the face of the card, then added two tiny black pearl gems for the eye”ball”s.  I rather like the effect.  You may notice, if you look closely at the “rays” cut - I made it so you could actually cut your background in a square or rectangle to line up with the actual “rays” on the left side (right down the middle of the face) so half the sun face would hang over onto the backdrop… I hope you know what I mean.  I may build an alternative version of this in the future.


Please enjoy my FREE Sunshine Smile .studio Cut for your personal or commercial use, but I ask simply you credit me when using and link to my blog.  Please do not directly share this download link but have others visit here to download.  Please consider “faming” my blog and FREEBIES on all and any social media, this helps me a lot and I appreciate it. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Seize the Sketch #22 Challenge Card

Sieze the Sketch #22 Challenge:

Fitting in a quick card challenge - I get edgy when I don’t create on a regular basis - how about you? I found this challenge while surfing and decided to “seize” the opportunity!


This fun card came together by itself due to the paper itself.  I merely had to do some fussy cutting and add a bit of bling in the way of gems.  Paper: Forever in Time - Road Trip


I used this no-u-turn sign as my shape, popping it up with foam tape.  Love the sparkles on the boat.

The sun’s out, birds are signing.  I’m actually awake and up and eager so I think I’ll get out there and wash the car! Whatever you are doing today, I wish you a splendid one!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

BEAUTIFUL Music - and a sweet FREE Cutting file!

If you’ve followed my blog in this past year you may be aware that my life has been all tangled up with that of a special young lady and her family for an incredible journey and wonderful project.  Her name is Kayla Dawn and she’s a lovely and unique person who has had one of her fondest dreams come true over this time. 

Kayla Launch invite

Kayla is 18 years old and lives in Osoyoos BC.  She is graduating high school at the end of this month and is looking forward to a future in the music industry - her desire will be to become a music therapist.  She is a very motivated individual who also has a big heart in that she not only wants her music to bless you, but to also inspire.  Her own life’s experiences have given her insight and empathy for those who face challenges and she’s poured that very compassion into her songs.  I encourage you to read her biography which you can find through the links for her media which I will provide at the end of this post.


Kayla Dawn at her CD Launch event

A brief history of our relationship is that my Mr. met Kayla at where he is an instructor and after a period of time working with her on a digital music course found out that she writes her own original music.  After hearing her own “flavor” of music recognized raw talent and invited her to join in with a community event we put on called “All Bout Love”.  At this point of working together Miles felt positive he could help Kayla get her first album “out there”. 

Kayla’s family is incredibly supportive and we all sat down and worked out the details of what it would take (reminds me totally of Kayla’s song “Never Give Up”)  to bring this enterprise into fruition.  After we worked all the details out we all launched out on an incredible expedition which would lead to this happy day when I can be here telling you about it all.  I’ve come to love Kayla and her family as my own. She is a young woman of character and I’m proud to be in her life. I just know that one day I’ll be saying “I knew her when…”


CD Cover for Kayla Dawn’s first album

This was Miles first producing venture - he had an incredible amount to learn.  He’s a super-star though with meeting any challenge and pulling it off.  Not only this, he makes it appear easy.  I’m in awe (but don’t tell him I said that coz I don’t want it to go to his head too much *wink*)

With this said, I hope you will check out the following articles and sites to get to know Kayla Dawn and her music and how you can purchase! Be sure to click on all of the links at these sites - they lead to more media!  First of all you will want to check out:

Kayla Dawn’s Personal Website

I have to brag again that my husband created Kayla’s entire website as well.  

Kayla Reverbnation

Kayla Dawn’s REVERBNATION page

(notice she’s at #1 for Canada!!!)

I hope you enjoy Kayla’s music and it encourages and uplifts your life as well.  We want to give you an opportunity to WIN A COPY of Kayla Dawn’s CD.  All you have to do is to visit her Reverbnation page to listen to her music.  (by the way, you may listen to the full album streaming from Reverbnation for the next few weeks but the list will be reduced to a smaller selection of songs at that time) - so listen up, choose a favorite song and leave a comment here on this post telling which it is and why you like it.  You also get an entry if you “like” Kayla-Dawn on Facebook or Tweet her on her Twitter account.  Leave the link for us to see on a comment in this blog post and you will be put in for a chance to win! 

Will you please consider using YOUR social media to give Kayla some exposure for her very first album, please, by linking to this post today?  Thank you so much - each bit helps. 


A Card and FREE Cutting File:


I built this card quite some time ago and now I finally have a chance to post it.  I don’t know the details on the supplies and stamps I used here.


But this little “shelf” and is included in my download.


and these quaint children silhouettes which I traced from a vintage book.  I hope you enjoy! (PS - I’d ♥ to see how you use these files, would you consider sending me a link to your creation and I’ll share from my blog too?)


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Family Challenge 12 - debossing!

It was time to toss out another family challenge with Nina and Judy and I thought the following technique might be fun:

Its called debossing and basically it means the opposite of EMbossing… so the idea is to create a card which has lines carved INTO the cardstock instead of having it ‘puff out’.  You will see watching the video.

Being as I don’t have dies, I used two alternates.  I used an embossing folder from the back side and I also used a small tool and carved around the heart on my card.


I used a shimmery piece of gold paper, embossed  it with a Cuttlebug “foulard’ pattern by Anna Griffin. Then I stamped and embossed the heart.


I embossed it with a gold, then used my tool to carve into the edges and then traced other areas with Wink of Stella in gold before adding some small gems, ribbons.  Voila!



Cheery Cherry

The cherries are READY! 

Sorry, I know that's painful to some of you haha!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Muse Challenge 70 - DRATS, I missed it!

And there you go… I got busy and missed the posting deadline by an hour - sigh sigh.  I coulda shoulda.  Oh well.  I’ll still post as I think my card turned out nicely and might give inspiration to someone else too! 

Muse Challenge 70:

This card by Vicki was a great jumping off point - I cobbled together the following:



The designer paper is Ki “Argyle” by Hampton Art.  I used paint chip samples for the stripes to match the colors in the background.  The lettering is a mix of vinyl cuts and cardstock.

Thanks for popping in!

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Always Playing with Paper Challenge #8

Wow, look at me GO!  Despite my head spinning around six hundred times with too much to do, I squeaked in yet another challenge card this week.  Amazing. 

Always Playing with Paper Challenge #8APWP 8 sketch

And I wound up with this creation:


I snagged that l♥vely couple shape from and based the rest of my card around them.  I just kept layering cream and black layers, breaking it up with a bit of a paint chip in red to pinks to make an effective background - and I tilted my rectangle the opposite way to the sketch because I’m a bit rebellious at times. Winking smile  I believe the designer paper was a recollections. 

Friday, June 06, 2014

Runway Inspired Card #61 and a FREE .studio Cutting File

Somewhere along my way of making comments on the previous cards I made over this past week, I stumbled upon this RIC challenge and, liking the theme, I decided to whip a card together while the inspiration was fresh in my head.

Runway Inspired Card #61- Delpozo


I had some supplies on hand I thought might work nicely, though I built the base to put it on (which I will leave as a download for YOU!)


Aren’t these just the sweetest little bug stickers? 




.studio file

I created this 3 bump embellishment - two layers, one with the Happy Birthday sentiment on it.  I used the Silhouette Sketch pens to draw the lettering but then I filled each letter in because it made it bolder.  I chose to do this instead of a print and cut even though that would have been a bit crisper.  I hope you can use this file for your own projects!


Foliage Hug

Today’s 1 small thing is a BIG foliage hug from Osoyoos BC.  This vine gone crazy is on a telephone pole at the head of Lake Osoyoos.  Perhaps it grew wild being next to them wine grapes - you know what I’m saying??

Monday, June 02, 2014

Casual Fridays Challenge 132 Card

Ha, the cards just keep coming!  If my legs would hold me up I think I’d stay up the entire night and build little creations but alas, my “dawgs” is tired.  Without further ado:

Casual Fridays Challenge 132:

CFC132:  What a Catch

Create a Guy card with the following can't use kraft as a color at all, AND you have to include some sort of ribbon.

*entries close at noon on June 20th*

So I made -


This is simple - well as simple as I can make things.  I tend to get all cluttery so this was a stretch.  Loved this paper - My Mind’s Eye from the “Dolled Up” 6 x 6 paper pad. Made it easy to do a masculine theme.  I mitred a little paper to make a “frame” and the tack holding the sentiment on is actually a blob of glitter glue from my glue gun.  It came together fast, I must admit.


Today’s 1 small thing IS really small…


I am constantly amazed at how wonderful my iphone takes pictures of the teensiest of subjects.  I caught this little lady(bug) dining out on tiny aphids. 

I like what this vintage book “Handbook of Nature Study” by Anna Botsford Comstock said about the Ladybird:

“The little black legs, while quite efficient because they can move so rapidly, are not the ladybird’s only means of locomotion; she is a good flier and has a long pair of dark wings which she folds crosswise under her wing covers.  It is comical to see her pull up her wings, as a lady tucks up a long petticoat; and sometimes ladybird is rather slovenly about it and runs around with the tips of her wings hanging out behind, quite untidily.”

Well said!

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