Thursday, March 14, 2013

DIY Revamped Coffee Mug



I like these ceramic coffee mugs with the nice soft rubber tops so when I espied one for 50 cents at the thrift I grabbed it right away.  I’ve been dying to try out the Martha Stewart All Surface Paints I purchased with my “fun money” which I got for Christmas.  I figured this would be the perfect item to try them out on.  These paints are supposed to work on a variety of surfaces, glass included. 

I had all sorts of pretty ideas in my head until my Mr noticed the cup and was oooh-la-ing over it.  I decided then and there I would make it over for HIM.  (I try to do one unique special thing for him every day) 


My man is musical so I chose this Electric Guitar file which I purchased from the Silhouette America Online Store. I cut the shape using Silhouette Vinyl.  I then transferred the bits I wanted to the cup and then painted the various layers in stages. 


One side has the guitar upside down…


The other opposite.  I also sprayed the OUTSIDE of the cup with Krylon Triple Thick Clear Glaze and it looks fantastic! 

Stay tuned for my next DIY!

Blogger Labels: Coffee,tops,thrift,Martha,Stewart,Surface,Paints,money,Christmas,item,glass,ideas,Electric,Guitar,Silhouette,America,Online,Vinyl,upside,OUTSIDE,Krylon,Triple,Thick,Clear,Glaze,Stay,layers


  1. That is SO cool! I'm sure your Mr. loved it. I wish I was creative like that. But I end up making messes instead of cute crafts ;)

    Hope all is well with you my friend! I've missed visiting with you lately. But hopefully I can get back into my online groove again. Big (((hugs))) to you!

  2. What a great creation
    hugs Linda

  3. What a wonderful gift! Lovely crafty way to say "I love you" to your guy! Nice job, Barb!

  4. Barb,What a nice re-vamp it is. I know a few fellows in this family who would really enjoy a coffee mug just like this one. Thank you for sharing your brilliant and creative ideas. Big hugs, Debbie

  5. Good morning Barb:)
    What a COOL idea! It looks GREAT and I bet Miles LOVES it too.:)


  6. Job well done Barb!!! I love it!!!Thank you for sharing!

  7. Very cool project Barb, I am sure that Miles loves it. You are just so darn crafty :).


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