Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Craft Sale update & a Pretty FREE Paper and Lace Christmas Tree Template

I’m SO GLAD to be back here and blogging, I’ve really missed sharing my little corner of the world with YOU! 

If you’re a regular visitor here then you know I’ve had my head in a creative cloud in preparation for the two craft sales I take part in here in beautiful Osoyoos BC.  How I wish you could all get sucked through the airwaves to visit my craft table this coming weekend, we would have a grand time talking about making lovely things and DIY. 

Before I go a step further, I have to stop and say how utterly blessed and grateful I feel to be able to use my talents and gifts to bring joy to others (and a little additional income into our home) while doing something I’m passionate about. 

As I was working on some of my crafts, my thoughts were drawn to Irene, my friend (and church family with me from Osoyoos Christian Centre)  who is on a mission of her heart over in Africa near Kampala and is doing the very things I am doing and yet teaching marginalized women how to do this to earn a living.  Irene inspires me because she has health issues of her own to contend with, she often is not well at all - yet she felt called by God to meet this challenge. 

She is teaching women how to sew crafts.  This is an excerpt from her last communication:

“After the first week of being very ill, I am now working hard.  I have had to go around all over the place looking for supplies.  The traffic in Kampala is a grid lock nightmare.  What could take 15 minutes at one Rona store there can take all day long to get here.  Something as simple as sewing needles are hard to find. 

I finally got all the things we need and have started to work.  At the end of each session all the supplies are hidden so no one can steal it. 

I am so blessed by the mainly Christian population.  People are very friendly.  FRIENDS, not THINGS are the treasure people have here.  Even though most are so poor, people still take in those worse off than themselves and just pray and trust God to provide for them all. 

What you have here, you share.  For me, that means giving and giving and giving more.  God has given me grace and this is what a person in missions is called to do.  It is hard work but God is faithful to provide the grace.” 

So, as I host my own craft sales here, I’m donating a percentage of my profits to Irene’s missions and my Mr. is meeting my donation as well.   Can you please pray for Irene as she carries this good work on?

If you live anywhere nearby - the next craft sale is the Kiwanas at the Legion in Osoyoos BC - directly next to the Canada Post building.  The sale runs from 9 - 3.  A portion of the proceeds the Kiwanas charge for table space goes to the local food bank.  This sale coincides with the Osoyoos Festival Society’s Light Up - so lots going on.  You can click HERE to see the pdf poster about all the festivities!


photo (5)


The first craft sale took place this past Saturday at CASI (the local senior’s centre) here in Osoyoos. 

I’m going to share out photos over the coming days of some of the items I’ve made for the sales.  Today I am featuring my Christmas Tree Cone project which I’m providing as a FREE template so might make one too! 


Pretty Paper and Lace Christmas Tree



Designer Paper -

My Mind’s Eye -  Kraft Fun Day - Happy Days “Icing” Paper (stars and cone)

Trimcraft UK - Boho Chic by Kristin Cronin Barrow (trunk)

Glitter Paper - forevermore (stars)

vintage buttons


random ribbon

paper tube (could be paper towel, I used one from the vinyl I order)



I have supplied YOU the free file for the cut for this tree - also a printable one in pdf.  With the cut I’ve given for Cameo and Silhouette sd you will get a perfect size tree to perch on a regular paper towel roll - (cut down of course to the size of “trunk” you desire”  If you use the pdf printable one then you will have to trim out your tree first and then see how big of a trunk you desire and go accordingly. 

I ♥ the designer papers I used here.  The My Mind’s Eye Kraft papers are very toothy and vintage look and perfect to make new projects yet appear vintage.  I cut the tree shape and then thats when the fun starts.  I chose to SEW my lace right onto the cone shape, its easy to put it where I want it.  You could also hot glue the lace on too, I suppose.  My auntie gave me a BIG BIN of lace and I dive into it without having to wonder! 


Paper Cone 2_Barb Derksen


After sewing, I folded the cone and glued it into shape.  Next I added the thinner ribbon on, here and there using a hot glue gun.  Next, and again with glue gun, affixed the vintage buttons and the little stars which I had punched out of glitter paper.  I cut a larger star from the My Minds Eye paper, added a small glitter star in the middle for a tree topper.  I did doubles of it, glued them back to back with a stick pin inside and then pushed that through the top with a dash of glue at the bottom to anchor it. 

Paper Cone 3_Barb Derksen

Lastly, once my tree was trimmed, I eye measured the trunk and used my rotary cutter (you could use a ruler and exacto) to cover the trunk with paper.  I was SO EXCITED to use some of my dear friend Kristin’s REAL paper - like printed out designer paper, from her Boho Chic line.  I have an entire pad, I’ve already completed another upcycle DIY item I created in the near future.  This wood grain look was ideal, ya think?


So, without further ado - here is this oh so fun Christmas Tree project FOR YOU!  Go forth and make trees.  I’d ♥ to see what your trees turn out like! 





svg, pdf, png & .studio files

personal use

Blogger Labels: Craft,Sale,FREE,Paper,Lace,Christmas,Tree,Template,GLAD,world,visitor,preparation,Osoyoos,gifts,income,Irene,friend,church,Christian,Centre,mission,heart,Africa,Kampala,health,excerpt,communication,traffic,grid,Rona,session,population,People,FRIENDS,person,host,percentage,donation,CASI,items,Supplies,Designer,Mind,Kraft,Trimcraft,Boho,Chic,Kristin,Cronin,trunk,Glitter,ribbon,tube,vinyl,Method,Cameo,Silhouette,size,papers,bottom,cutter,ruler,REAL,item,trees,DOWNLOAD,studio,files,sales,talents,missions,photos,women,printable


  1. Wow, your tree is looking wonderful and festive. Thanks for you elaborate instructions and cutting file. Now I need to go shopping for some lovely lace...
    I'm very impressed with the work your friend Irene is doing. Makes me realise once more how fortunate and blessed I am to be able to live the life I live and order the supplies I 'need' over the Internet. I wish her well and I hope your craft sales will go well too.

  2. your table looks amazing! You are so very creative and it is so wonderful to see you using your gifts to help others! <3 thank you for sharing!!

  3. sounds like you had lots of fun ...and everyone that bought something ...will treasure. Love your tree...your friend in Africa makes me realize how blessed I am. Gee just might have to go for a Saturday drive...would love to see the crafts in your area. Have a great week love and miss you lots.


  4. Sorry I haven't visited your blog for a while. I love your lace tree! Such fun projects, and I hope your craft sale did well. (And your pictures are half the treat of visiting your blog. So pretty!)


Your comments are a blessing to me!

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