Monday, July 18, 2011

Wedding Weekend

My photos here are not great quality because someone (silly ME) captured most photos on my "real" camera with no computer to transfer etc to. Besides, I'd look pretty funny trying to use both iPhone and the camera at the same time - I had to choose one or the other. So what you will see here are photos of the screen of my "real" camera, taken with my iPhone and then enhanced as best I could. Little snippets that hopefully still share the essence.

In an architecturally eye pleasing building downtown Vancouver we has the pleasure of attending the wedding of our family, Kyle and Denise.

A romantic collision of Italian marries Chinese it was a cultural mashup - throw in friends from all over the world and even the couple's dog and it made for an eclectic and happy celebration.

If we can define it further in a culinary sense might we say bruschetta meets dim sum?

The banquet was held the previous evening in a five star Chinese restaurant and consisted of an eight course meal and included such delicacies as sea cucumber (pictured above). My usually squeamish Mr outdid me in adventurousness by eating a good portion of this dish - I just couldn't quite make it there.

We met relatives we haven't had the opportunity to until now - it's amazing and wonderful, like adding new leaves on our family tree!

Though it rained softly off and on the venue location featured a 'waterfall' theme.

Fortunately the interior of the building was light and bright and inviting.

And, this lovely event, anticipated for long was over all too quickly.

Congratulations Kyle and Denise!


  1. Congrats to the couple ...sounds like it was avery interesting menu...awww neat that Miles try something new. Bet it was a beautiful wedding. Glad to hear yiou are getting in some family time. Say Hi to all for us.

    chat to you when you get home ....

  2. Good afternoon Barb:)
    What a COOL way to get pics from your regular camera onto the blog. I hadn't thought of that way before.:)
    It looks and sounds like it was a BEAUTIFUL wedding.Congratulations to the lovely couple!!:)

    Huge hugs and LOTS of love,

  3. Can't wait to see the proper photos!!! I am sure you will have managed to capture all the magic of the celebrations.

    Bonjour from France :)

  4. Hi Barb
    I am so glade that two had
    a great time the pics are very
    lovely Barb. WHAT happen to
    Mileshe is the one how does not
    different types of food Did he have
    a brain terantplaint for the wedding or
    what hehe , but
    Tall him I'm proud of him for trying
    defferent food good for him.

    Love you chat with you soon
    Mel. O.


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