Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Trying a "365" Card Challenge and some new FREEBIES available in "The Vault"

I am trying to work my way through a pile of cards I need to make so I'm trying to accomplish at least one a day, more if I am able, so I have decided to check out and accomplish a challenge or two.  Sometimes they give me just the inspiration or push that I need.  Today I'm going to do Monday's challenge for 365 Cards.  Their challenge is to use 1/2 polka dots and one half plain, decorating it any way I liked.  Here's my take on that idea and also some info on 'making' your own lace... from discarded doilies!

I know I know, its not just polka dots but I could not resist the combo of this paper with the red top!  The scallop was cut with my Silhouette SD, using a template I created myself, just cutting it narrower than I'd designed it for.  The "charm" is actually an earring - a lot of my charms are "harvested" from discarded jewelry.

Even my Mr has started collecting for me - he found this discarded bracelet in a parking lot - the clasp was broken and some pieces crushed.  He brought it home for me (this deserves me spoiling him by baking him something nice, methinks!)  

And so I used a pair of jewelry pliers to snip it into some little sections and some single charms!

Here's the story on the "lace".  It's actually just part of a doily.  Thrift stores are full of doilies, they are available for pennies at yard sales.  I take them and do all sorts of beautiful things with them.

This is the doily that I cut this "lace" out of - as you can see there is so much usable and interesting bits to it. Am I inspiring you, giving you new ideas?  I'm a frugal girl and love to upcycle used items.  

All in all this card cost next to nothing to make and yet is a unique little work of art.

What sort of items do YOU re-use to make your cards?

On another note, I added 5 more "Freebies" into the Vault (Tab Uptop of blog page)  I tried to organize them into categories as I post eg: the cross element is sort of in a "spiritual" section, the Ice Fishin' Kit in with the winter/Christmas stuff at the end etc.  They are as follows: 

  • Bill and Barry's Ice Fishin' Kit
  • John 3:16 Cross
  • Pink Lemonade Tapes
  • Love Hearts and Charms
  • Love Stamps
In case you are a die-hard "Carder" or "Stamper" and have just stumbled upon my blog, and are wondering what all these things are in my Vault, they are digital scrap-booking elements and kits.  These are all jpg (for the papers) and PNG (for the "elements' - buttons, flowers, brads etc) files, the PNG on transparent backgrounds.  I'm sure many of the PNG elements could be imported into your cutting machines to make custom elements for your cards.  I hope you enjoy them - all I ask is that you respect whether they are labeled "personal" use or "commercial" if it states, though I am open to allowing some use if you ask me permission.  The other thing would be a link to my blog and a credit.  You can credit me as Barb Derksen or Mrs Miles.  



  1. wow look at you go...another awesome card, way to girl. And here I sit trying to get one done ...


  2. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment it was lovely to read and has made my day. Thank you.

    I really love how you recycle different things to add on your cards. The disused jewellery is a brillant idea and looks fantastic.

    I will also be following your blog.

  3. Your post includes great tips and you managed to keep it simple and understandable.
    Thumbs up and Thanks.

  4. That is superb and mind blowing dresses.Thanks for sharing..


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