Sunday, January 30, 2011

Delish Onion & Cheese Loaf, New Vintage Love Kit and a Gift for YOU!


Artisan Cheese and Onion Loaf

Try this - put your nose right up close to your computer screen and inhale.  Draw in a deep, DEEP breath and imagine (because until technology advances to where we have 'smell-ology capability) that you can smell the bite of fresh green onion and the velvet creamyness of melty and hot cheddar cheese.  Yes, that would have put you at my house today at lunch. 

I've not blogged about it for a while but I am an "Artisan Breader" for the past few years, ever since I found out about Jeff and Zoe's Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day recipe.  It's DEAD SIMPLE!   Now if you have not ever heard of it before (I can't imagine!) then you can view the basic boule recipe here:

Jeff and Zoe also have a blog site dedicated to their bread, and they do have several cookbooks out now.  Now, my own little variation I am stuck on at the moment is to add the following ingredients into the bread dough to make a great onion cheese loaf   I add in 1 tbsp of red wine (I use non-alcoholic), 1 cup 1/2 inch cubes of cheddar cheese, 1 cup green onion, a teaspoon yellow mustard and a dash of worchestershire sauce.  I usually grind some fresh pepper in as well - I use pepper in everything.  After its risen, I cut the bucket of dough into 4 equal pieces, shaping each into a loaf.  I then bake it at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.  Thats it! 

I have a NEW KIT in the Scrapbook-Elements store today - it's called Vintage Love, just in time for Valentines but suitable for love all year long.  I have broken it up into two parts - the Elements Set which contains 36 beautiful digitally hand-painted (using a wacom tablet and software) elements. 

Each element is on the large side so you can scale each item to fit any project you like. 

Pair it up with the matching papers set too - and remember, if you shop early you will take advantage of the New Products discounted price so hurry over!  Just click HERE to shop for the Elements and HERE for the papers.

My friend Victoria made this pretty ATC using my kit:

And of course I'm always so tickled at finishing up a project and seeing it in the Scrapbook-Elements Store that I am inspired to make a small free gift for you.  This will go well with the vintage theme.  I'd love to know what you think or if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see me design next.

Comments very welcome and much appreciated!

Personal Use

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Valinda!

Happy Birthday Valinda!

Though we've not been "face to face"
You sure have a special place
In my life and in my heart
Though we live miles apart.

You are a good and constant friend
That if you lived close then we would spend
A great deal of time side by side
And I'd introduce you with great pride.

I hope today you're "severely blessed"
Celebrate - let the house stay messed
Hang out with your family and friends
And capture it all in your camera lens.

(waiting to see pics on your blog hehe!) 

In honour of my dear wonderful friend Valinda, who is the best blog hopping encourager (as many of you will agree) ... today is our chance to celebrate and spoil YOU!  I whipped up this little elements set so we can all share your joy around.  I love ya!  

personal use

Please leave Valinda some birthday love on her blog rather than comment here!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Multiple Mojos

Yes, once again I'm taking the Monday Mojo challenge - only it looks like I'm solo this time, don't see my Sister or my SIL ... YET.  I know they will come through if even a day or so later.

Now, I always figure if I have the supplies out to do one card then I may as do several.  Even though its a static template there are 100's of variations and interpretations on it.  Why, just look through the other linky cards at Mojo and you will see what I mean.  I wound up doing four cards.  I had a sheet of four Mary Engelbreit stickers which have been in the drawer for well over a year now so I decided instead of stamping that I would make myself incorporate them into my cards today. 

So here is the sketch - and following are my takes on it.

Supplies: Mary Engelbreit stickers
Various papers
Versamark Embossing Stamp
Embossing glitter

Supplies: Mary Engelbreit sticker
Various papers

Ok, I know you are wondering what the pretty, glittery looking tulle around the sticker is?  Believe it or not it is a cheesey scarf I picked up at a thrift store years back and just could not get rid of but could not figure out what to do with.  Have you ever considered using scarves from the thrift store?  There are so many of them which could be worked into all sorts of pretty accents for your cards! 

Supplies: Mary Engelbreit sticker
Various papers

This is a more masculine card, it was fun to make.

Supplies:  Mary Engelbreit sticker
Various Paper
That same old scarf - using the gold edging!

I had these four cards made before noon - with a one hour workout squished in between two of the cards, and then when I put my supplies away I decided to completely overhaul my little crafting area.  Ayep, eight hours later... but so worth it.  I manged to bake bread too.  Quite the Monday, I'd say.  I think I took extra pleasure in accomplishing all this when I looked out the window and saw it was drizzley and grey all the live long day. 

Hope you have a wonderful week!  Don't forget to check out my previous post for my latest products and a free gift for YOU! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Profile Pic, Ice Pics (pun intended - ice PICKs) New Product and a Free Gift!

Ok Valinda, you got your wish.  I decided to humour you with a photo of me in my new fuzzy hat. (thrift shop buy - last week!)   It sort of reminds me of the police because they have fuzzy hats like this too.  I confess the furry flaps that can be tied under your chin just cuddle the cheeks and keep you so warm! 

I have two "Jans" in my life who are fabulous with photography.  Of course many of you will have visited my friend JanMary who captures the magic and beauty of Ireland and who's blog I frequent because she's always got something wonderful to share.  And because ONE DAY, really one big fat fine day me and my Mr are going to visit there.  Will too!  You just wait and see. 

The other Jan is my friend Janice.  Janice and I have been friends for several years and have been on some fun photo-taking excursions together.  Unfortunately for Janice, she had her last home broken into and her camera and computer stole!  Being a single mom, stretching those dollars it was a true setback for her as she relied on freelance photography jobs to bring in income.  Happily she skrinched her pennies together at Christmas and bought herself another camera and is up and running, back in business again.  And... she's enrolled in a photography course and started her own blog, won't you take a few moments to visit her and say hi? 

I see that she is taking a photo "challenge" and was inspired by her ICE theme to go out yesterday morning and harvest some of the amazing ice photos along the edge of the lake.  I've posted a small photo slideshow in my sidebar but here are some of my favorites:

I love how the the edges of this are so "lacey" with tiny shards on the side. 

A decomposing salmon, covered in frost looks like some sort of a prehistoric creature.

A fragile "ribbon" of ice stands poised like some sort of translucent free-form sculpture.  Its a delicate balance when photographing the ice because you want enough light but you can't count on the sun - the moment the sun's warming rays hit then all the tiny formations melt in an instant.

And you have to love this - a squiggly arrow!  It's part of the adventure because you can never predict what you will find.  Each day brings an entirely new landscape. 

Micro-thin sheets of ice, like shattered glass or glassy puzzle pieces wash up along the shore.

Finally - even an icey "feather" - can you see it? 

And now, onto NEW PRODUCT!  Did you know that Sunday and Mondays are great days to shop at  This is because each Sunday and Monday when new products are uploaded they are 25% off!!! I have been drooling over some of the new products already - what a terrific line-up we have this week. 

My own contribution is my Classy-Clipons2

This second set of 40 fun and original "Clip-on" elements are sure to add that special touch to your projects. Each Clip-on measures about 2 inches. Clip-ons are metal shapes with small teeth which "clip on" to your projects in whatever way you might dream up they can be used. Each element is inlaid with a secondary glossy and beveled filling and each one is unique. Have fun anchoring things onto your layouts with these creative little objects. Classy Clip-ons 2 contains 10 flower clip-ons, 10 rectangle clip-ons, 10 bumpy clip-ons and 10 heart clip-ons.

So many FUN ways you can use these!  If you catch them during the sale they will only put you out $2.25.  If you have to wait then they go up to $3. 

And, as (almost) always, a personal-use gift for you for taking the time to visit my blog and peek in the store and (hopefully) take the 30 seconds to leave me a little `hello`in my comments box...

Measures about 8 inches tall!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Random Card, Thrift Shop Buys & Ladybug Update

I love how this simple card turned out.  I combined both digital and "hands-on" technique. 

Credits:  Word Art - TLC Creations
Botanicals Elements - Saxon Holt

I love Saxon's Botanicals elements.  They are digital elements - you can't see the little bits of "tape" at the top of each element becasue I covered them with pearls to match the pearls on the side of the card.  Saxon has a real gift for vintage items and you can find them here at the Scrapbook-Elements Store!

I have been busy going to school, designing like mad for Scrapbook-Elements and hanging out with the ladies from my church.  We have a close knit church family who love to get together.  Yesterday we were lavished on with a tea and fellowship at my friend Moira's.  Perhaps I'll post more on that soon... or post on our OCC Women's Blog.  I invite you to visit our women's blog if you are trying to get motivated to work out - I just posted about "getting fit".  I'd love your feedback.  I'm going to add to it next week, concentrating on the nutrition and food tracking side of things. 

Of course now and again I sneak into our local thrift store.  One of the projects I'm working on will be a designing project at Scrapbook-Elements and it will be in the theme of  Vintage/Fleamarket - right up my alley as I do a great deal of shopping there.  The ladies there are very used to me visiting with my camera in hand as its a fabulous place of inspiration.  I spent a good hour on a photo shoot there this week.  The ladies are so helpful.  I always draw curious stares though. 

Of course the danger is that I come home with something and this time was no exception.  I found these belts, THE hat (love it!) and these Gap jeans (very grateful as all my pants are drooping on me with my working out)  - all for a mere $6.  Wow!

Whenever I thrift shop I think of my friend Shirley.  Many of you know Shirley, she's been a long-time blogger and a thrift shopper extraordinaire.  Shirley has been a very very faithful blog visitor and encourager to me and many others in the past, though for the last year she has been without a computer to blog or visit ... good news?  Shirley is back blogging - why not visit her and make her feel welcome?   I love it when a "back-slidden blogger" comes back on board - its like a friend coming for tea when you have not seen them for a while.  Thats why I am also delighted to see my friend Becky back as well.  Won't you take a moment to pop in and see what's happening in her little corner of the world?

And an update on Lovey the ladybug.  For those of you who don't know about Lovey, she is a ladybug who decided to stay indoors and be our pet for the winter.  When I realized she was choosing to live indoors I did some research on how I might help her.  Whenever she decides to wander away from the little corner up by the roof where she spends most of her time, she will come and snack on the inside of a plump raisin.  Sometimes she'll flitter off to another room for a short time but always comes back to the kitchen.  Today I wondered if she might be thirsty and was wondering the best way to give her a drink because last attempt (putting her in a little dish with a puddle of water) I was afraid I might drown her.  So, as she was crawling up the side of a glass terrerium today, I flicked a handful of water drops at the glass.  She happily crawled around and hoovered up the drops. 

Hope you are having a wonderful week, but if not, it'll soon be over. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blue Monday - So I "Mojo-ed" It Away!

Did you know today is called "Blue Monday"?  Well, according to Wikepedia this trend was begun by the Sky Travel company - clever!  Apperently it is always the third week in January.  They even have a formula for it, which you can view if you click the live Wikepedia link above, and it breaks down like this:

where weather=W, debt=d, time since Christmas=T, time since failing our new year’s resolutions=Q, low motivational levels=M and the feeling of a need to take action=Na. 'D' is not defined in the release, nor are units.

For it certainly lived up to it's name today.  It was a mosh of all of these factors for me and I'm glad its over.  However, this said I know:

No day is too dark
And no burden too great
That God in His love
Cannot penetrate. 

I guess now I look backwards at my day He definately had purpose in keeping me home and so busy I did not have too much opportunity to lament the getting up in the dark and it being dark again and I believe there was a light period in between sometime. 

And the other thing which I for sure fit in even though I had not budgeted time for was my bible study in the book of Ruth with my friend Cicero.  (but oh how grateful I always am for my sweet fellowship with Cis and also for our visit via skype)  We always pick up some new thoughts while going through the lessons even though we don't get through many pages...  And I for sure found it hard to give up another full hour to spend on the elliptical machine.  (but I'm so glad I made myself do that)

And probably the most guilty of all is my secret little pleasure of joining in the fun of Mojo Mondays where I get to create a different card each week.  The reason I enjoy it is because my Sister and my Sister in Law both take part too - its sort of a long distance connection with family.   Its always a treat to see what we all come up with.  I justified my play time with designing all day on a new kit to go into the Scrapbook-Elements Store in the near future.  I was up at 1 a.m. and worked until 3 a.m. last night on it.  Though I had a rotten sleep I was so grateful  for the time to be productive.  Strange how there are no phone calls at that time of night!

And because it was a dark dreary day I decided to take some of the shockingly bright cardstock that keeps yelling at me from the shelf and turn it into something so fun that it banished the "blues" right out of my house.  I once again did a double take, making two cards at once seeing as I had to haul all the supplies out. 

Supplies: random and various
(I think some of the stickers are from Nina, Judy or Valinda?)
Word Art: TLC Creations

Supplies: random and various
(I think the ribbon was a gift from Judy)
Red Paper edge came from a Disney paper from Nina
Word Art: TLC Creations

I just went for everything that was bright and bold and cheerful.  I think I pulled it off, for they make me smile when I look at them. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Few Cards

Just a few cards I've been working on lately.  This is two versions of the same design. 

I made my own little tulle floret for this card - just cut circles out (two layers) and then poked the brad through the flower and then the tulle. 

The lace on this card is a bit of (failed, practice) tatting I attempted earlier.  Something I've not had time to do lately. 

Thanks for looking!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Managed a Mojo, New Product and a Freebie!

Ah yes, while some of you go to work at official "job" each workday, I on the other hand, sit down to design design design... for a while yes, but then I have a 'reward' system for myself.  Its a little thing that's play but useful too.  Mojo Mondays have come to bring me a sense of almost looking forward to the beginning of each week.  Ok, actually it does make me enjoy it.  I admit it, I've become a closet carder of sorts.  Knowing my Sister and my SIL join in the fun makes it especially fun.  How bout YOU? 

Well, I actually made THREE.  My friend Rose always used to do two of each painting she attacked and seemed to get a lot more accomplished than me.  Invariably one turns out better than the other too, bonus.  I will show you my first one.


Random stickers (dollar store - gifted to me)
Sparkly Ribbon
Stamps: Kimberly Polson

Monday is always a great day to visit SCRAPBOOK ELEMENTS store because new product is launched.  I have some fun and interesting new elements you might just want to take a peek at.  Here's a few previews. 


And here are some ways you might use these little wonders:

Your imagination is the limit!

You can find these items HERE!
(stay tuned for set # 2 next week)

And speaking of products, my Creative Team member Victoria made this adorable ATC (Artist Trading Card) using my Artistic Christmas Kit which you can find HERE

How FUN! 

And of course I rarely post a new product without making a little something for YOU, and it occured to me today to make you some of the glittery heart stickers like the sort I made my Mojo with!  These are for your personal use and puh-leeze, don't share the download link - rather point your friends in the direction of my blog where they might, if they are having a good day and can find it in their hearts... leave me a little comment-love in return.  It truly makes my day (besides a good strong coffee and chocolate) 

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Delicious Salad

My Mr asked me to have a good lunch and as I've been leaning to apple salads this is what I came up with.

I apple - diced
1 carrot - diced
1/2 cup shredded red cabbage
1/2 cup mixed pecans, almonds, coconut, dried cranberries
Dollop whipped topping (I used nutra whip)


-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, January 03, 2011

Back to Mojo-ing

Prompted by my Sister I'm ignoring my mile long to-do list and attempting today's Mojo Challenge. 

I'm going to be the first to admit to you that i am not completely enamored of my card - I just could not get into the sync of it this morning, probably the to-do nagging at me.  However, I did love to play with one of my favorite Christmas presents (thanks Sis!)... a heat embossing tool by Marvy.  That explains the possible over use of the black embossed areas.  A little extreme *snort*  I keep running my fingers over the embossing, its uber-cool.  Wish your computer screen was "bevel-enabled" so you could feel it too. 

Thanks for visiting today!  Don't forget to leave some love for others when you check out the other cards at Mojo - a small comment can make a person's day! 

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