Monday, April 06, 2009

A Font, Making Candles,a Bird,Chicken & a Bunny!



I looked after these two sweet girls for a friend on Saturday afternoon. I'm not used to having young children about the house and was thinking I might find it hard to keep them entertained. Luckily, my dear friend Melanie came to the rescue. We'd talked about setting up a candle making day a few weeks ago, after the girls had admired all the CANDLES Melanie has made for me. I have a display of them in our non-functioning fireplace, and its always an attraction when they come to visit.

I took a chance and called Melanie and she agreed to come. A good time was had by all. These girls made candles for four hours straight! They made cookie cutter ones in the shapes of butterflies and mittens and stars... and then they made rolled pillar ones that they decorated too.

The afternoon whizzed by in a flash - in no time Mommy was here to scoop them home ... with instructions, more wax and wick - and Mommy's assured me they want to make more MORE!

Thank you for the fun afternoon Melanie!


Onto the CHICKEN. We recently bought some very nice chickens - big roasting ones. I decided to cook one up for dinner yesterday. Our daughter and her boyfriend came for a visit and it was timed perfectly that the chicken was ready right when they arrived.

I'd taken such care with it - followed a nice slow baked recipe which called to baste it with a mixture of fresh basil, lemon juice and olive oil. I stuffed it with a bread stuffing and grated carrots, peppers and pine nuts.

When we ate, I carved the meat off the top of the bird and plated it. I was not entirely impressed with the amount of meat which resulted, but what there was of it was simply divine!

(Our visit with our daughter was wonderful)

Later, after they left, Mr. Miles offered to cut the meat off the carcass so we could make some soup (his favourite!) I was QUITE chagrined when we discovered all the meat UNDERNEATH the chicken... LOL! I had roasted it upside down! Oh MY!

Well I KNOW that some chefs actually do this because it causes the breast to be nice and moist... but it certainly was not intended and I'm sure I'll not live this down for a long time. I feel like I ripped our guests off of some of their dinner.

Do YOU have a funny cooking moment like this to share so I don't feel so all alone?


Now, about the BIRD. Our friends called us yesterday and we went to their house to find a small hawk had struck a window and found itself trapped on the glass encased patio. We managed to get several photos - we heard later that it flew away after about 1/2 hour. I believe this is a Cooper's Hawk.

hawk (2)


hawk (5)

hawk (4)


Ok, I mentioned a FONT. I have found a very cool site which allows you to make your very own font - for FREE!


These are my own three fonts that I made. They only took a short time to make up, and each time it got easier. I especially like type 2 and type 3 - the first one was my attempt at handwriting, but I'd need practice to make the letters join together properly. You can make your own by visiting the Your Fonts Website. Just click HERE.


Finally, I talked about a BUNNY - and here you are, a sweet little Easter Bunny for personal use! There's one filled version and one line art.



  1. Darling little bunny and you did excellent work on the fonts. I wish we could chat again, Illustrator is kicking my behind!

  2. Love the bunny.

    Can I fly my kids over for some candle making child care? And can I come too - looks fun :)

    So funny about the upside down chicken - maybe it was an australian chicken!!!

  3. Hiya Barbs!!

    I havent had free range chickens in forever but they are simply teh best roasting birds ever...tons of lovely meat and the juices FILL the roast pan for tons of gravy!!! I usually always forget to remove the bag of parts though from inside the cavity before I stuff it so it usually comes flying out when I'm digging for stuffing before serving. LOL. My FIL gives me grief every year and calls me the day before each major holiday to remind me to take the bag of giblets out. Haha

  4. Oh crap and I also forgotted to tell you that candle making is one of my favoritest things to do to relax. When I went to visit my mom I taught her how to make the beeswax pillars for her Menorah at Seder and she ended up making over 4 dozen. LOL!!! The beeswax sheets is hard to come by now.

  5. You are so creative! Love the bunny´s.
    About that funny cooking story....I tried to make artisan bread and that was funny, because it ended up in the garbage... :)
    It went like this. I looked up a recipe on the internet, watched that You tube movie you mentioned and went for it. I mixed the ingredients and put it in the fridge for a few days. Then when I took it out, I cut off a small piece of dough made a round loaf and "let it rise". But it didn´t rise! Maybe I used the wrong yeast, or it was old, I don´t know. Anyway I still thought it would rise in the oven, so I baked it. Well you can imagine, what happened. It turned all nice and brown on top and when I thought it was done, I took it out only to see that underneath it was still raw dough.... This is what happens when I bake bread. Every time!! :) I just laughed.
    I´ll be signing off for the next week, so I wanted to wish you a happy Easter! Hope you get to spend time with your daughters! Mine is coming home Wednesday and I want to spend time with her, so I´ll be commenting less.
    Hugs, from Betty

  6. These are so cute. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. The candle making sounds like fun! I bet the girls had a great time. I'm going to have to check out the font website. Oh and as for funny cooking stories, you actually have to cook in order to have one :o)

  8. sounds like you and mel had a ball making candles with the girls...way to go ..I know I love the ones Mel mde me. I bet themeat was awesome and moist was nice you and mel got visited in..nice ..well maybe see you tonight

  9. What a fun babysitter you are ... when can I come and get babysat?

    We had a great chuckle about the chicken!

    That font maker looks like fun. I may give that a whirl.

  10. What a wonderful project for the 2 girls - and LOVE the fonts you made. Thank you so much for the adorable bunnies!

  11. Many thanks for the darling bunnies and for the great laugh!

  12. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 06 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 07 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  13. Barb, the fonts are sweet! I think I'm going to try it too.

    Candle making is a great idea I'll have to give it a try with my two young ones.

    Dinner tragedies is my middle name didn't you know, thats why I have a bread

    Loved your post today, think it's time for a book and bed.



  14. That's cool, make your own font, i am going to have a go for sure.
    Isn't it great to do something creative with kids. When mine were small, my friend and I always had a day together each week with our children to make something.. my kitchen table was scarred for many years with paint!
    your bunnies are so cute too!

  15. LOL!! Love your cooking story, that chicken must have tasted out of this world, stomach growling again hahaha!! Bet MR Miles was delighted to have so much left over! Your bunny's are to stunning. I now know where to send Caden for some creative time, you seem to bring out the best for everyone! Hope you have a stunning day

  16. Good Morning Barb:)
    Oh how fun!! I wanna make candles too!!!:)Bet I know what they want to do the next time you babysit.hehe
    What a gorgeous bird.Cool pics!!
    Too funny about your upside down chicken!!hehe.Bet your soup turns/turned out yummy.LOL I remember my very first turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.I was only seventeen and My Mom told me to roast it slowly in the oven over night.I don't know what I did wrong..but it was turkey jerky when I pulled it out the next day for dinner.LOL Thanks for the memory!!hehe
    I will have to check out that font site..sounds like fun.:)
    Thank you for the sweet bunny.Wonderful work!!:)
    Thanks for stopping by again!!!!:)

    Love and hugs,

  17. Hi Barb,

    What a delightful read today! I have been collecting assorted crafting accessories, fun books, and children's toys of late, as we will be hosting 2 of our grand daughters for a whole week this summer... and I am looking to keep TV and video games off the menu (so to speak). We have this great playground, and I wish for them to use it. A tree fell a few years ago, but the roots sill held in the ground... it is a perfect teeter totter. the girls love it... and I assume this is the last year for it, as it will soon be necessary to turn it into firewood (it is going to be rotten). I too, am not used to young ones around very often... but am SOOOO looking forward to it. I am pretty sure a shopping trip, and lunch in town will be in order. I do not get to see them often enough to spoil them.

    On the chicken note. Yes, your story made me chuckle. I am sure I have on of those blunder in the kitchen stories, but cannot think of it off hand... I am, however, one of those cooks that makes her birds upside down - especially turkey. I flip it for the last 1/3 of the time s it can baste properly. I have been doing them this way for nearly 20 years. Hubby thought I was nuts our first Thanksgiving... but is now a firm believer. The white meat melts in your mouth. I so hope you took a bite of the breast meat before you turned it into soup... LOL.

    Oh yes, and the font link - I cannot wait to try it... I want to write a personal letter in the book for my son, and it would be very cool if I had a font of my hand...
    Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed it - sorry for the long comment.



  18. i LOVE that you made candles with the girls! that is absolutely WONDERFUL for them to learn something so COOL! the hawk is AWESOME!!! LOVE the chicken story too! :) And somebunny LOVES you for sharing such SWEET bunnies! Thank you so much for ALL that you share!! Have a BEAUTIFUL day!! :)

  19. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Easter post on Apr. 07, 2009. Thanks again.

  20. So cute! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  21. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Do Not Show post on Apr. 16, 2009. Thanks again.


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