Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pretty Kits, My Outdoor Treadmill, and a Painting

I have two KB's in my life. They are both talented designers - Kristin Cronin-Barrow and KimB. Now that I've finally finished my big project I'm finding a wee bit of time to actually play with some of their AMAZING products. So the next week will be Show and Tell of my friend's kits - I'm going to PLAY!

But, I think I will start today with my friend Kristin's kit, and then I will brag on KimB in the coming week. BUT - don't let that stop you from shopping at KimB's for she has some INCREDIBLE commercial use items up for grabs and I am having a little bird whisper in my ear that she might have a VERY amazing kit launching next week. Oooolala! Can't hardly wait! Click on the graphic of Kim's Commercial use graphic and you will be zoomed to her blog where you can see all the fun she's been up to and order yourself up some of her goodies! Her Anniversary grab bag is only on sale for one more day! You can also click HERE to be taken directly to the DSO store and buy instantly (instant gratification LOL!)


So, Kristin and I were talking about Spring (and her lack of it in her ccccold, freezing little corner of the world) and we got onto the idea of Gardening and then next thing ... she's created an AMAZING new kit! Its simply adorable, perfect for your green thumbed friends or children too. Its chock full of veggies and flowers and all the tools you need to grow some smiles with the layouts you'll create with her Happy Garden kit. The textures are so rich you'll find yourself reaching out to touch them!


You'll find yourself wanting to "plant" a ton of wonderful digi-scrapping and hybrid projects using this colourful and fun kit, in fact... if you buy before the end of this week, you will also receive a FREE printable seed packet - and a template!


Just click on the graphics to be taken right to the Sweet Shoppe where you can buy these lovely items... with spring happening you'll be set to capture those gardening layouts!


In fact I decided to plant these two little lovelies in a layout right away. These are my friends Amy and Amber who visited recently.



And speaking of spring - and gardens - and ... orchards - I've turned to the orchard as my outdoor treadmill. With being inside so much these past months due to the project and icky weather, its a pleasure to be out of doors. I don't particularly enjoy going to the gym, and don't so much like walking on the hard pavement due to it being hard on my knees, so the orchard is a wonderful solution. I load up a podcast or two on my ipod and away I go, up and down the rows, like laps! Its a wonderful, relaxing time that takes a few hours and gets me in shape and outdoor!



And now my project is complete... my friend Rose came over and spent an ENTIRE day with me, yesterday. We cracked out the art supplies and there was paint (and sugar - but that's another story altogether) splashing everywhere. I'd begun this painting of a rooster a month ago, but I was NOT happy with it. In fact, when Rose arrived I'd plans to rip the rooster out from it's background and glue it onto another paper and start again... but Rose convinced me to keep pressing on. And so I did. I don't LOVE it, but I can live with it. It's a watercolour with pen and ink.


And on the subject of paintings, I was visiting my friend Cicero yesterday on her blog and she's got a LOVELY painting posted - and SHE'S in it! Its very beautiful!

Well, its off to the orchard for me - I hope you all have a great week. Stay tuned here for some layouts made with Kim's (bird whispering in my ear) kit very soon!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good News, Good Deed and Blossoms

Besides having my nose stuck here in the computer all week (FINALLY coming to an end of the BIG project, really!) - I've not too much else to tell. We had our first nice and sunny day on Friday; so nice that we had dinner out on the patio - without having to bundle up. Then today was a bit of both, warm then cold and windy. I think Spring is slowly winning over though.

The GOOD NEWS is that my friend JanMary has been PUBLISHED - her second time. Why, I'm so proud I could burst! She's even receiving money for this... is this the beginning of a lucrative career, my friend? Her digital layouts are simply lovely - no wonder they attracted attention. To find out more, just click HERE.

The good deed is not my own, but one that I read the other day on the internet. It moved me to tears! This young lady actually raised money and BOUGHT an orphanage that she had worked at. Wow - that's love in action. You can read about it HERE.

And lastly, here's a little something to brighten up your spring layouts or projects. Its a pretty simple element but you might find it useful. Just click on the graphic to download. Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Happy (blog) Anniversary to you my dear friend,
I personally hope your blog never has an end,
For its a place of encouragement, freindship and fun,
For entertaining stories you can't be outdone,
You're always giving - yes giving away,
I'm sure you'll give your underwear one day
To you, Kim, my blog-bud, I give you a bow,
I can't imagine it being better than now,
I'll continue to visit, to come and have tea,
Just me and my computer and my friend KIM BEE!

Congrats Kim!

Kim's celebrating by giving YOU something purdy to look at today - so Kim-like! Just click HERE to be swooped over to her place!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Eats and Bubbly Giveaway!

Thanks to all of you who visited me while I was enjoying some CFT - well not exactly ENJOYING, but taking advantage of the opportunity to 'push on through' with a few projects.

A note, if you view my blog on mobile device its going to be messed up. My wonderful and talented Mr. will do his magic there too when he's able.

Even though Easter is over I want to share a cute little gif that Bonnie made for me, using my Glitter Eggs - THANKS Bonnie, erm... sorry I'm not linking to you here, I need your blog address please? So sorry!


We had some friends come visit us recently. They attend the school where my Mr. teaches. The school enjoys people from all over the world - and so whenever there is a Pot Luck lunch its like going to a food court in a mall (only MUCH BETTER), for there is food from the four corners of the earth!

So, when Eduardo and Martha, who came to Canada from Mexico, came to visit they brought along supplies to make a small lunch for us! I don't know the official name for this dish but it was certainly delicious! Martha taught me to make these, which Mr. Miles loves because the Sopi base is very much like the coating on a tamale.




In the last few weeks we've been treated to genuine ethnic food of Italy, Argentina and Mexico!

I've posted a new entry on my OCC Women's Online blog if you would like to be inspired as well!

Well, this ends my post for today - I hope you enjoy these bubbles. They are fine for all uses - please just credit me. I left one bubble without the drop shadow. I see Valinda has a sweet music QP posted on her blog and KimB has a beautiful QP also, made by Ruth for you. Lucky You today! Just click right on the graphic to download.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Thank GOODNESS for my husband! I made me a new look for my bloggie but for the LIFE of me could not get it to work. Once again he saved my bacon. I will have to spoil him rotten - which I do everyday I hope, but more intensely, no? Don't ask me how he did it 'cause I don't know. Just like how they get the caramel in the caramilk bar, I'm content to let it remain a happy mystery.

So... stick around, there might be some bubbles happening here for a giveaway, just like the ones in my new look!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

An Easter Recipe, Another Bird Sighting and Gramma's Violets Freebie!

I'm going to take a week of CFT. Ok, its my own phrase I've coined so I'll explain. Its Computer Free Time. I believe its wise to want to slip away at this time, to free up time so that I can ponder the message of Easter. I find that if I don't MAKE some time it will be swept away, like a leaf which falls into a river, I'm pulled away without even being aware of it, so I'm making the decision while I'm conscious that I need this. Even Jesus made sure to take himself away at times, and encouraged his apostles to do the same.

Mark 6:30-32

30The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

32So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

I hope you all have a time away during the Easter Break - I wish you quality time with your friends and family... and some time to reflect on the sacrifice and the rising of our Lord and what hope it brings in this broken world.



This is a picture of Luisa, Mother to my blog friend Lucy who lives right here in the same area as me. Luisa passed away November 29, 2008 - so recently - and she is dearly missed. Lucy does not HAVE a blog, but she is a loyal visitor to mine and I would like to honor her today!

Lucy's family is Portuguese and the Portuguese have a history here in the Okanagan. Originally these people came in the 1950's when there was a shortage of labour to help with the fruit crops. Three ships from Portugal arrived between 1953 to 1955 which began the flow of migrants to this area.

If you would like to learn more about the history of the Portuguese people's history in this area you can find more in formation HERE. Its truly worth the read. What conditions they had to struggle through!

They were hard workers and many have prospered so that today they've established roots here forever and are well-respected in the communities.

Fortunately they also brought some wonderful traditions along with them. Lucy's Mother, for example brought her gift for cooking their own ethnic dishes - a gift she's passed along to Lucy, who in turn will pass it along to her own family. What a beautiful way for future generations to remember Luisa.


Lucy has allowed me to share her recipe for Massa or Massa Sovada (which is normally baked for Easter with and egg inside the dough), is a light airy desert bread, a yummy breakfast treat. I like to toast mine, some people spread jellies or butter on it but it is so good by itself.

There is a good recipe at Rosa's Yummy Yums - the one done from scratch, which you can find HERE. But Lucy's evolved her Mother's own recipe for us which can be made in a bread machine.

In Lucy's own words:

My Mom, adapted an easier recipe which is not as airy or as sweet as the one at Rosa's Yummy Yums, but still delicious.

Mom's recipe is as follows:

13 cups white flour in avery large bowl,

6 eggs mixed in a smaller bowl with 3 1/2 cups of sugar,

1 1/4 tsp salt

1 pkg lemon instant pudding (this pudding is more for color than flavour, Massa is a very yellow bread and the store bought eggs tend to be colorless),

2 pkg of yeast in 1 cup of warm water,

1 cup butter melted,

1/2 cup tenderflake melted,

2 1/2 cups of milk.

bake at 320 to 300 f, for about 1 hour.

And Lucy's own verision - updated for the bread machine:

1 cup milk
1 egg plus one egg yolk
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbsp lemon instant pudding pwd
3 cups flour
3 tsp bread machine yeast

set machine for sweet bread mode for light bread crust; makes a 2 pound loaf.This recipe turned out with the same flavour and texture that I remember as a child.

Thank you Lucy, for sharing your Easter Recipe and memory of your Mother - I'm sure this will be a difficult first Easter without her. Perhaps she will live on through her wonderful recipe.


I was on a walk yesterday when I heard a loud rappedy-rapping happening in a tree... kind of an avian hip hop beat going on, so I looked up (like the Friendly Giant - look up, WAAYYYY up! OH HOW I LOVED the friendly giant as a kid!) and finally pinpointed the bird.

Wow! For all that noise it was just a little feller!


Turns out this is a Downy Woodpecker - the smallest Woodpecker in North America. Only the males have a red spot on the back of their heads. I found this bit of information interesting ... and sort of funny - A group of woodpeckers has many collective nouns, including a "descent", "drumming", and "gatling" of woodpeckers.


If you have another small moment (BEAMING AUNTIE MOMENT HERE) I'd love it if you would take a moment to visit my niece Samantha's blog to see pics of my new nephew Ethan - and a slideshow (put together by my SIL Judy) of the babyshower!

Lastly, but not leastly, I'm leaving you with a little prezzie before I take myself off for the next week. These are NOT - I repeat NOT perfect - there will be a bit of work for you to do cleaning up edges etc if you choose to use them, but hay!

I picked and scanned these violets. They always remind me of my Gramma who's been gone several years now. They used to sprout up each year all over her lawn and I'd pick them and make teensy eensy little fragrant bouquets in teacups. This is a way for me to share a bit of my family memories with you.

fine for personal, commercial and scrap-for-hire


Monday, April 06, 2009

A Font, Making Candles,a Bird,Chicken & a Bunny!



I looked after these two sweet girls for a friend on Saturday afternoon. I'm not used to having young children about the house and was thinking I might find it hard to keep them entertained. Luckily, my dear friend Melanie came to the rescue. We'd talked about setting up a candle making day a few weeks ago, after the girls had admired all the CANDLES Melanie has made for me. I have a display of them in our non-functioning fireplace, and its always an attraction when they come to visit.

I took a chance and called Melanie and she agreed to come. A good time was had by all. These girls made candles for four hours straight! They made cookie cutter ones in the shapes of butterflies and mittens and stars... and then they made rolled pillar ones that they decorated too.

The afternoon whizzed by in a flash - in no time Mommy was here to scoop them home ... with instructions, more wax and wick - and Mommy's assured me they want to make more MORE!

Thank you for the fun afternoon Melanie!


Onto the CHICKEN. We recently bought some very nice chickens - big roasting ones. I decided to cook one up for dinner yesterday. Our daughter and her boyfriend came for a visit and it was timed perfectly that the chicken was ready right when they arrived.

I'd taken such care with it - followed a nice slow baked recipe which called to baste it with a mixture of fresh basil, lemon juice and olive oil. I stuffed it with a bread stuffing and grated carrots, peppers and pine nuts.

When we ate, I carved the meat off the top of the bird and plated it. I was not entirely impressed with the amount of meat which resulted, but what there was of it was simply divine!

(Our visit with our daughter was wonderful)

Later, after they left, Mr. Miles offered to cut the meat off the carcass so we could make some soup (his favourite!) I was QUITE chagrined when we discovered all the meat UNDERNEATH the chicken... LOL! I had roasted it upside down! Oh MY!

Well I KNOW that some chefs actually do this because it causes the breast to be nice and moist... but it certainly was not intended and I'm sure I'll not live this down for a long time. I feel like I ripped our guests off of some of their dinner.

Do YOU have a funny cooking moment like this to share so I don't feel so all alone?


Now, about the BIRD. Our friends called us yesterday and we went to their house to find a small hawk had struck a window and found itself trapped on the glass encased patio. We managed to get several photos - we heard later that it flew away after about 1/2 hour. I believe this is a Cooper's Hawk.

hawk (2)


hawk (5)

hawk (4)


Ok, I mentioned a FONT. I have found a very cool site which allows you to make your very own font - for FREE!


These are my own three fonts that I made. They only took a short time to make up, and each time it got easier. I especially like type 2 and type 3 - the first one was my attempt at handwriting, but I'd need practice to make the letters join together properly. You can make your own by visiting the Your Fonts Website. Just click HERE.


Finally, I talked about a BUNNY - and here you are, a sweet little Easter Bunny for personal use! There's one filled version and one line art.


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Haute Couture in the Desert



What's new in 'Desert Wear'.  Hope y'all are having a good Sunday!  Makes me think of the old country song my folks used to listen to "I'm just a tumbliin' tumbleweed".

Friday, April 03, 2009

Show & Tell - Friendship Plaque and a Freebie!


I'm joining in the fun of Kelli's Show and Tell Friday once again. Perhaps you have something that special to you that you would like to talk about too. If so, you still have plenty of time! Just hop on over to Kelli's to add your name to the links list.




I found this plaque a few weeks ago at the local thrift store. Its NICE but not so nice to me - and the instant I it I knew I could easily repurpose this for a project I'd dreamed up in my head. I sort of feel bad that I would cover up someone else's artwork,, but then I got over it LOL!



I used Kristin Cronin-Barrow's 'Lil Sailor Kit - which you can find HERE. Her kit is so inspiring and easy to work with!


I found a string of pearls last week too - how timely! At first I thought they were REAL, for they were so full of lustre, they were heavy, cold to the touch, string knotted between each bead, scraped against my teeth just right, had an old fashioned hook clasp etc - all the things that pointed toward them being the genuine item and I was SO excited... but then, while cleaning them up the rope broke... and I could then see that they were filled with glass inside. Sigh.

I made up the friendship sentiment myself - one night at 3 in the morning when I was cooking up my craft idea.


The ones I thought were real are the bottom ones - you can see the difference between those and the ones on the top in a cheap broach setting. The lustre is incomparable!


The light on the lighthouse is a jewel salvaged from a piece of broken cosmetic jewelery.


And the final touch to make it my own was to build a little nameplate for myself and glue it on!

I'm working on a few more cool hybrid projects using kits from two of my favourite designers - KristinCB and KimB, be sure to check out their HIGH QUALITY products!


I received my Irish baking cookbook in the mail yesterday from my dear friend JanMary, who is also taking part in this Show and Tell and who's made some crafty items herself! Thank you JM - I've already pored and salivated over the pages. Click HERE to visit JanMary too!


There are LOVELY photos of my new sweet nephew Ethan and all the family both at my Sister-In-Law Judy's blog and also proud Mamma Samantha's blog too. *beaming!* Get your cute baby fix today!


Lastly but not leastly - I've made you a giveaway for today. Its fine for all uses - just credit me please and I'd LOVE to see how you use this! Just email me a jpg and I'll feature you here on the blog. I can especially see this a wonderful element for a Church Easter overhead graphic!


This is a card I made using my embossed version of the element - I also used some papers from KimB's Camping Kit.

This element is about 10 inches tall. Its NOT perfect, though almost - there may be a small area you would have to erase out along the stem at the bottom.



Wednesday, April 01, 2009

He's no FOOL - He's my Brother!


Here I am awishin'

To a guy who loves his fishin'

A very special kinda celebratory day today,

May your year be filled with trolling,

And fishing, NOT lawn-bowling,

Cause you're not THAT old, hay?

I wish you all your own teeth,

And all the parts that live 'neath,

That brain thats still as smart as a whip,

May your casting arm remain supple,

You and Neti fish as a couple,

And life be one everlasting fishing trip!

May you ever seek the BIG ONE,

May your fishing always BE FUN,

May you always find some time TO PLAY,

May you're lure's always STAY ON,

On your door a sign that says "FISHIN' - GONE!"

And may the BIG ONE not always GET AWAY!

Happy Birthday to my BIGGEST (speaking age wise, haha) brother. You have to settle for this hastily scrawled poem Bro, for the online card I was building 'GOT AWAY'... it really was the nicest card... I lost over 1 hour of work but ah well. Wishing you the best year of your life. We know Neti will spoil you rotten!


This is a card I made for Dave, using Kristin CB's Man About the House Kit. You can find Kristin's kits by clicking HERE.

There are more tributes to Dave can be found at my sister Nina's blog and at my Sister in Law Judy's blog too! What a talented family I am blessed with!

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