Saturday, December 01, 2007


download (my part - visit links for the rest!)

Finally - this wonderful kit is available to download. A group of us designers have put our heads together to bring together the spirit of the season in a lush, meaningful kit and to do what defines this very special season - a giving spirit. So, with our blessings, we hope you will spread your love around to the generous ant talented designers who have given their time to share with you! The kit is themed on the real reason for the season, the birth of our Lord and Savior! Enjoy, and spread the word. We'll be leaving this kit up for this week only! LEAVE SOME LOVE FOR THESE DESIGNERS, PLEASE - it makes them do a dork dance, trust me!

Quail peeking from a safe place!

We still have just a sprinkling of snow on the ground. The sky is soft gray and the temperature hovers just around the freezing mark. A few brave flakes dance down from overhead, intermittently. The lake is not frozen yet. The snow line keeps moving down the mountainsides. It makes me think of the following poem I'll share with you.

The cows are in the mountains,

The snowflakes fall,

They are leaving the pools and pebbled fountains;

Troubled, they bawl.

They are winding down the mountain's shoulders

Through the open pines,

Through wild rose thickets and the granite boulders

In broken lines.

Each calf trots close beside its mother

And so they go,

Bawling and calling to one another

About the snow.

Charles E. S. Wood

Who goes here?

We were in Penticton shopping yesterday with a friend. Pentiction is a small city, whereas our community is small. We don't get to the city often, and only go when we have to. Four hours there was enough for me - came away with sensory overload, a lighter wallet and no real inroad to any Christmas shopping. It just boggles me the commercialism. Do you know, yesterday I had a good laugh at an advert for Canadian Tire... there is a contraption called a digital boot dryer? You stick a hose kinda thing into the boot, turn it on, it dries the inside and shuts off when done. Oh my! There are machines for everything these days. And we wonder about energy consumption...

Sweet blackbird is silenced with chaffinch and thrush,

Only waistcoated robin still chirps in the bush:

Soft sun-loving swallows have mustered in force,

And winged to the spice-teeming southlands their course.

Plump housekeeper dormouse has tucked himself neat,

Just a brown ball in moss with a morsel to eat:

Armed hedgehog has huddled him into the hedge,

While frogs scarce miss freezing deep down in the sedge.

Sof swallows have left us alone in the lurch,

But robin sits whistling to us from his perch:

If I were red robin, I'd pipe you a tune

Woud make you despise all the beauties of June.

But since that cannot be, let us draw round the fire,

Munch chestnuts, tell stories, and stir the blaze higher.

Christina Rossetti

I will leave you with one last neat thing... if you have computer-savvy kids, and would like to expose them to a 'designing' program (well for sure if you are a scrapper, you've probably had your kids drooling to use your photoshop) - did you know theres a very cool FREE open source program out there just for them? I think its way cool, and so much fun - even has sounds! Its just been upgraded too. Its appropriate for kids ages 3 - 12. Its called Tux Paint and you can check it and download it HERE.


  1. Thanks for you part of this kit, and your photos are great!

  2. TY so very much for your contribution BARB!!!!!
    Funny you mentioning the boot dryer because I bought one for my oldest son for Christmas since he is a Firefighter & they get wet alot!!! LOL

  3. Thank you for your kit - I love the banner. And for the Tux Paint link. I am checking it out! Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you for your part of the kit. Love it.

  5. Yup! Totally doing the "dork dance!" ;)

  6. Thank you very much for your part in this wonderful kit!

  7. Thankyou for your part of this great kit

  8. Thank you Mrs M! Your guys are awesome. - Lori

  9. A great contribution to the kit. Thank you.

  10. Thank you so much.

    Lots of luv


  11. Love the quail photo & the footy-prints!

    Let It Snow!

  12. The photos are fantastic and so are the poems. :) I thought it might already being snowing there, it appears snow starts later in Canada or at least in the south of Canada, but by the photo of the fountain I'm sure it's awfully cold there. :)

    The collaboration kit, it's a great idea and a fantastic present for everyone. :) Many thanks for participating on this and many thanks for your part of it. :)

    Best wishes. :O)

  13. Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution to the mega kit!

  14. Finally getting the chance to download all the collab contributions now that it is the last day! Thanks so much for your part! Great job and Happy Holidays to you! :)


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