Friday, December 14, 2007



Its snowin' outside - so I decided to revive this popular mini from last year. Let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!

*** I just uploaded to 4shared and they are experiencing technical difficulties. This kit will remain up there, and I will monitor the 4shared site. If the problem does not resolve by dinnertime I will load the kit at an alternative site! Thus, Amy's card may not be available online either at the moment. Please be patient!

And while we may be trapped inside due to icy roads etc, I HIGHLY recommend stopping over at Amy W's bloggie to pick up a FREE BINGO card - and mark one hour off for YOURSELF tomorrow and join us in some good, clean fun! It's real easy - the hour flies by - and there is an AWESOME goodie giveaway (neener-neener I've seen it!) I look forward to partying with you-all tomorrow!


  1. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. HI, I was interested to read your blog, one thing surprises me. You hang up your stockings carefully? would they be Christmas Stockings, or XMAS stockings? This removal of Christ from Christmas is how the disintegration of the true meaning of Christmas is probagated. I didn't expect to see this on a christian blog.

  3. Hi Gayle!

    I would like to thank you for pointing this out! It honestly never occured to me - thanks for the reminder, I will have to find a way to correct that stocking! I appreciate you letting me know - I always want to be accountable and when I err, to be reminded. I don't think I will REMOVE the stocking photo, but I will address this issue in my next post.

    Thanks again,
    Barb (Mrs. Miles)

  4. I am so glad that the snow you're getting made you decided to re-post this awesome snowflake overlay. It is so beautiful. I totally love it!! Thank you & Merry Christmas to you & yours.

  5. Thanks so much! I especially love the realistic snowflake overlay!

  6. Love the color of the paper, so rich! Thanks!

  7. This is lovely. Thank you very much :)

  8. I know this is going to sound like a corny rap song from the 90's (80's?), but: Nice Ice, Baby!

    Seriously, thank you so much for the freebie. Blessings to you this holiday season.

  9. wow nice!!! this is awesome thank you!

  10. BEE YOU TEE FULLL!!! :D Thank you so very much for sharing this BEAUTY!! Stay warm & dry! Have a GREAT DAY! HUGS

  11. Oh, that ice overlay is absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much Barb! God bless.

  12. Very pretty, thank you!


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