Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Coming!

It's coming....

Yes, Christmas IS coming too, but what I'm talking about is this amazing collaboration kit called ONE NIGHT IN BETHLEHEM - a shared work of well over a dozen talented and generous designers.

This kit will come available for FREE download over the first part of December. Please share the good news with all your scrapping friends - its going to be well worth it. Keep your eyes tuned right here to see a list of all the creators of this magical - spiritual themed kit!

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  1. Wonderful to see a digi kit with some nativity themed elements. Looking forward to it. George back at the vets - photos on my blog.

  2. love that preview. will definately be watching.


  3. WOOHOOO! Thanks so much for the information!! i will be looking forwardd to this! again... WOOHOO! lol Have a WONDERFUL day! hugs!

  4. thanks for the info..I will be watching ....


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